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HOW TO: Use Facebook Social Plugins on Your Website

HOW TO: Use Facebook Social Plugins on Your Website
This post originally appeared on the American Express OPEN Forum, where Mashable regularly contributes articles about leveraging social media and technology in small business. While many companies' early social marketing efforts were limited to social media sites such as Facebook, most are now eager to build social capabilities into the rest of their marketing efforts and turn their customers into brand advocates at every touch point. One of the easiest ways to make your online presence more social is by adding Facebook social plugins to your website. There are many different Facebook social plugins to choose from — here are four of the top plugins for business and tips on how and when to use them. 1. Like Button The Facebook Like button lets users share pages from your site back to their Facebook profile with one click. You can include a Like button next to any piece of content on your site, from a product listing to an article to a video. 2. 3. 4.

10 Tips for Posting on Your Brand's Facebook Page Ekaterina Walter is a social media strategist at Intel. She is a part of Intel’s Social Media Center of Excellence and is responsible for company-wide social media enablement and corporate social networking strategy. Once your brand is on Facebook, the question becomes: How you engage those fans and sustain a meaningful online dialogue with your customers. Facebook fans will only want to engage with us if we serve up relevant content and truly participate. We also forget about EdgeRank — Facebook’s News Feed algorithm that helps display “relevant” stories. Let’s explore ways we can create updates that are optimized for the News Feed and engagement. 1. Don’t automatically feed your blog posts or your Twitter updates into your Page. Don’t share the exact same content across all networks (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.) in exactly the same format. 2. Thank your fans for their replies and for sharing their opinions with you. If you make a mistake — admit it. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Locals Online - For hosts of neighborhood e-lists, placeblogs, and community social nets Home: E Welcome to the Locals Online - For hosts of neighborhood e-lists, placeblogs, and community social networks. Join over 340 peers working to connect local people online. Read the Introductions and then add your own. Use this peer to peer online group to share your experience, advice, and exchange ideas. This online community includes "hosts" of neighborhood e-mail lists, place blogs, community web forums, building or block-level social networking groups, hyper-local online communities, and online journalism sites designed for active community participation. Our wiki directory on social media in local public life presents the field as does the Pew Internet and American Life Project's Neighbors Online study. Support for Locals Online provided by the Knight Foundation Through the end of 2014, this online community of practice will receive special online facilitation support from as part of the knowledge sharing strategy of their Inclusive Community Engagement Online initiative.

Search Engine Optimization - How Search Engine Optimization Works There are many ways to direct extra traffic to your web site, but search engine optimization may be the best. Unlike many traditional types of advertising, such as banner ads, this technique does not cast a wide net and hope for the best. Instead, it takes the opposite approach, simply making your site easier to find for people who are looking for a site that is similar to it. This is a much more reliable method of gaining additional viewers for your site, especially because it only targets people who are interested in you in the first place. Directing people to your web site is very important.

Facebook : 15 petites lignes du contrat... Bienvenue sur Facebook... Ça commence bien d'entrée. La toute première phrase du tout premier document indique que vous allez vous envoyer de longues pages écrites en tout petit, mais peut-être les lisez-vous pour rien. Car c'est la version américaine des contrats qui prévaut. Passé cet avertissement, on en reçoit tout de suite un second. Nous avons extrait 15 lignes qui nous ont tapé dans l'œil. Certaines surprennent (notamment celles que nous avons numérotées 3, 7 ! Ce grand principe de liberté doit aussi s'interpréter comme un rappel de votre responsabilité si vous avez diffusé des photos ou des textes. C'est le premier Principe édicté par Facebook. Vous avez le droit de diffuser des informations, mais aussi de les supprimer, et même d'annuler votre compte. En clair : vous êtes avertis que vos informations divulguées sur Facebook peuvent voyager bien au-delà, et que Facebook n'y peut rien. Aïe ! Premiers visés : les moteurs de recherche. Beaucoup trop de personnes "l'oublient".

The Implicit Social Graph John Battelle wrote a gushing post about Color and what it means for mobile/social/local/realtime, augmented reality, and more. There are most certainly some big ideas in the Color app. I've never put a mobile photo app on my phone but I put Color on it last night. I don't have any of my family on Color yet, but I hope to get them all on it today (I'm on spring break with my family and some of our kids' friends). Then we'll see what all the buzz is about. Regular vistors to AVC know that I am in the "many social graphs" camp and most certainly not in the "one graph to rule them all" camp. My first experience with this sort of implicit social graph came almost six years ago via my musical neighbors graph at uses my listening history to create an implicit social graph in real time. This is the next frontier in social networking for a bunch of reasons. So I don't know if Color will turn out to be a big deal or not. Social media marketing is changing the marketing landscape so fast that companies are struggling to adapt their strategies and tactics. What worked in 2001 or even last year is becoming less and less effective. Planning to publish a PR article in six months with traditional print media could mean completely missing the marketing window of opportunity. Booking bus or outdoor advertising takes time you might not have and not be able to measure. So what are some key elements you need to keep in mind to market on a social web? 1. Think sharing. 2. Social media marketing involves publishing in real time, not next week or next month and topical posts and tweets will help you catch the trend and viral wave. 3. People no longer want to be “sold to”. 4. We live in an information age that discards the bland and embraces the “WOW”. 5. Mono channel is not enough these days, whether that be email marketing or niche magazine advertiseming. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Is there anything else I have missed?

6 étapes pour trouver l'administrateur d'une Fan Page Cet article a été publié il y a 3 ans 7 mois 29 jours, il est possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour. Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. [quote]ATTENTION CET ARTICLE N’EST PLUS D’ACTUALITE DEPUIS LES DERNIERES MISES A JOUR DE FACEBOOK [/quote] L’objectif de cet article est tout simplement de vous permettre de retrouver l’administrateur d’une fan page. Bien entendu les nouveaux formats de page permettent (si l’admin le souhaite) de faire figurer le “propriétaire” de la page. Or il ne s’agit pas d’une pratique très répandue à l’heure actuelle et aucunes fonctions de base ne permettent de découvrir les mystérieux administrateurs qui se cachent derrière certaines fan page. Mais quel est l’intérêt de savoir qui est l’administrateur? Par expérience j’ai utilisé plusieurs fois cette technique dans le cadre professionnel. Quelles soient animées ou non, ces pages bénéficient d’une certaine expérience en terme de visibilité, d’interactions et surtout d’enregistrement de membres.

Open Source Social Networking Platform. Elgg 1.8.19 is the latest and recommended version of Elgg. Elgg is available under a dual license, GPL Version 2 and the MIT license. The plugins are only available in the GPL release and so have been removed from the MIT release. Download: 1.8.19 MIT version Elgg 1.7.22 includes an important security fix. If you are looking for somewhere to host your Elgg powered network, we are putting together a list of providers who have added Elgg hosting to their services.

The 3 Pillars of Social Media Readiness All businesses are being forced to go social. Are you facing internal conflict behind the firewall? This is not a post about social media marketing. I’m not here to give you hints on how to increase your friends, fans and followers. Nor will I say that it’s time for your business to “join the conversation” and I promise not to overuse the word transparency either. I believe that most brands (large and small) get it. Friends, fans and followers are important, yes. But there’s an underlying challenge that’s not being addressed as it should be. You see, years ago when Facebook and Twitter exploded and there was an expectation from the “social” community that brands should create blogs and communities; the brands listened. And what you’ll find today is that most brands are doing a really good job on these channels engaging with their customers. They’re listening to the conversation using social media monitoring tools such as Radian6 and Meltwater Buzz. The second pillar deals with governance.

Facebook : L'importance capitale de la ligne éditoriale C’est le fantasme du moment dans la communication web : monter une communauté autour de son entreprise. Liée à l’émergence des réseaux sociaux, cette lubie est d’autant plus présente que certaines marques communiquent fièrement sur leurs fans. Heineken, Porsche ou encore Oréo font les beaux jours des blogs consacrés au sujet. Un point commun se dessine dans ces différents exemples : le pouvoir des chiffres. On ne communique pas sur la qualité de ces échanges, le business généré par ces interactions ou la satisfaction client. Ce n’est pas pour cela que Facebook est forcément inutile pour les entreprises. Résultat ? Engager la conversation pour le plaisir d’avoir des retours est inutile. Dans ce cas, quelle doit être la ligne éditoriale d’une page fan Facebook ? persister : un rapport étroit avec votre secteur d’activité, votre entreprise, vos produits.

How To Build A Facebook Application The web professional's online magazine of choice. In: Articles By Gareth Rushgrove Published on January 22, 2008 Facebook, as you’ve probably noticed, is everywhere. Getting Started FBML is basically the HTML you know and love, so we’ll include a heading and a stylesheet. In order to install Facebook applications, or indeed to write your own, you need a Facebook account. The Facebook Platform Facebook have done a pretty good job of documenting the fundamental components of their platform over on their developer site. API – The API defines the various methods through which you can interact with Facebook. We’ll be stepping through the development of a simple application which will demonstrate usage of FBML and the API. As well as the core documentation, Facebook also makes available a set of useful tools and resources for developers. A typical page on Facebook is quite complicated, with lots of different elements on the page. Example Application: Birthdays Book Building The Application <? <?
