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Better Check Boxes with jQuery and CSS

Better Check Boxes with jQuery and CSS
Martin Angelov In this short tutorial, we will be creating a replacement for the default browser checkboxes in the form of a simple jQuery plugin. It will progressively enhance your forms but at the same time fall back to the default controls if JavaScript is unavailable. The first step is to lay down the structure of the underlying HTML document. We will need a form with checkboxes which we will later be replacing with their enhanced jQuery versions. index.html <! The main container element – the #page div, holds our form. Notice the HTML5 data attributes, specified on some of the labels. And here is the markup of our replacement checkboxes: <span class="tzCheckBox checked"><span class="tzCBContent">ON</span><span class="tzCBPart"></span></span> When our plugin is called, it will loop through the checkboxes, and insert the HTML code you can see above after each one, while at the same time hiding the original. Checkbox Replacements Explained Now lets move on to the styling. jQuery Conclusion

50 plugins jQuery útiles para crear Formularios web | colorate colorate Blog de diseño, tecnología, programación, internet y curiosidades 50 plugins jQuery útiles para crear Formularios web 29nov2010Categoria: AJAX, DESARROLLO, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERYAutor: admin Si estas pensando crear un formulario y no te inspiras o bien no tienes muchos conocimientos de programación, este puede ser el enlace que estabas buscando. Desde noupe nos hacen una estupenda recopilación de 50 plugins jQuery útiles para mejorar los Formularios. Entre los tipos de formularios encontramos: Formularios de login Demo: Demo Formulario Login Tutorial: Formulario login Formularios de registro Enlace: Formulario de registro por pasos Formularios de contacto Enlace: Formulario de contacto Formularios de upload de archivos Enlace: Formulario updaload de archivos con jQuery Validación de formularios Demo: jQuery Form Validator Formularios filtrando caracteres Demo: Formulario con filtrado de texto Formularios autocompletar campos Demo: Autosuggest jquery plugin Posts Relacionados Deja una respuesta

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jQuery test // set constants var $pageheight = 189; // our single page height var $pagewidth = 146; // our single page width var $pageYpos = 0; // current Y position of our bg-image (in both pages) $(document).ready(function(){ // When the page is ready /* left page turner */ $("#leftpage").click( function() { $pageYpos = $pageYpos + $pageheight; // update Y postion $("#leftpage").css("background-position", "0px "+$pageYpos+"px");// move the background position setTimeout ('$("#flip").css("background-position", "top center");', 200); setTimeout ('$("#rightpage").css("background-position", "146px "+$pageYpos+"px");', 200); }); // close leftpage click function /* right page turner */ $("#rightpage").click( function() { $pageYpos = $pageYpos - $pageheight; // note: minus page height $("#rightpage") .css("background-position", "0px "+$pageYpos+"px"); }); // close rightpage click function }); // close doc ready

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Downloading jQuery - jQuery JavaScript Library Compressed and uncompressed copies of jQuery files are available. The uncompressed file is best used during development or debugging; the compressed file saves bandwidth and improves performance in production. You can also download a sourcemap file for use when debugging with a compressed file. To locally download these files, right-click the link and select "Save as..." from the menu. The jQuery 1.x line had major changes as of jQuery 1.9.0. Download the compressed, production jQuery 1.12.3 Download the uncompressed, development jQuery 1.12.3 Download the map file for jQuery 1.12.3 jQuery 1.12.3 release notes jQuery 2.x has the same API as jQuery 1.x, but does not support Internet Explorer 6, 7, or 8. Download the compressed, production jQuery 2.2.3 Download the uncompressed, development jQuery 2.2.3 Download the map file for jQuery 2.2.3 jQuery 2.2.3 release notes jQuery is registered as a package with Bower. Download the compressed, production jQuery Migrate 1.3.0
