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The eltpics ideas site for teachers

The eltpics ideas site for teachers
Related:  nanou563Speaking

All at C | Video Lesson Plans for Teachers 2 Superb Activities with Posters to Review Topics before Oral Exams I love working with posters and these two activities combine some of the elements that guarantee a successful lesson: movement, interaction, visuals and fun. It is great if you need to revise a number of topics before an oral exam. Aim: to revise several conversation topics integrating grammar, speaking and writing. Level: B1 (intermediate and above) Time: 50 minutes or more Materials: post-it notes (alternatively, you can use pieces of paper+ Sellotape/blu-tack). Task. Preparation: Create as many posters as topics you want to revise and display them on the walls on the class. In class This activity is divided into two stages Stage 1. Direct students’ attention to the walls of the class and read the different topics to be revised.Ask students to work in pairs or small groups.Spin the wheel. For example: the wheel displays How?. Spin the wheel again and repeat procedure as many times as you want. Stage 2 Ask the groups to stand up and stand next to a topic. Time: 30 minutes or more Task.

Luke’s ENGLISH Podcast | Learn British English with Luke Thompson Une méthode en 6 points pour favoriser l'engagement de vos apprenants après chaque module de formation Favoriser l’engagement des participants en formation constitue l’un des défis majeurs pour la majorité des formateurs. Cependant, à force de se concentrer sur les moyens à mettre en oeuvre pour favoriser l’engagement durant la formation, on oublie parfois un élément essentiel : si on ne met pas en place les conditions pour que cet engagement s’inscrive dans la durée, les bénéfices d’apprentissage pour les participants risquent fortement d’en pâtir. Dans l’article de ce lundi, je prenais l’exemple de ces formations et séminaires desquels on ressort gonflé «à bloc», plein de bonnes idées et de bonnes intentions. Une manière possible d’éviter ce scénario consiste à favoriser l’engagement des apprenants AUSSI après la formation elle-même. Je vous propose de découvrir ci-dessous une méthode en 6 points, qui va permettre à vos participants de se fixer des objectifs personnels et rester engagés après coup : Cet engagement doit répondre aux critères suivants : 1.

Some Priceless Topic-Based Videos to Help Students Prepare for the Speaking Test Hi, hey! How are things? Have you read my last post?? It’s all about first-day activities to get to know my new students. Are you going to be one of them? For each topic I will show you: • From my own website: some questions you could be asked • From Marek Connell ‘s website, his own videos showing how a native speaker (himself) would answer some of these questions. So, pen and paper at the ready? ♥Questions about Friendship, ♥Questions about your dream partner ♥ Vocabulary and Questions ♥ Questions about the weather ♥Questions about the environment ♥Vocabulary and Questions about Education ♥Questions about Fashion and Trends ♥Questions about Going Shopping ♥Questions about Money 1 ♥Questions about Money 2 ♥ Questions about Pets ♥Questions about Sports ♥Questions about Violent Sports ♥ Lesson Plan about National Stereotypes with Vocabulary and Questions You’ll find more topic -based questions on my website Blog de Cristina.

Parallel Universe: 3rd Conditional Conversation Practice | Tim's Free English Lesson Plans Just a quick note… Before you use these materials… We’ve created a new podcast aimed at B2+ level English students and teachers alike. You can listen for free at our SoundCloud page below. Parallel Universe: 3rd Conditional Conversation Practice Introduction This is a class for higher levels (B2+) to help students feel more comfortable and stumble less over complex past conditionals. Here is a link to the printable handout: As the title suggests the focus is on using the conditionals in conversation so start out by telling the class that you don’t want them to write anything down except the bare conditional structure for reference. Tell them they are going to explore parallel universes in which they made different choices in their lives. The exercise presents the students with different topics designed to generate past conditional sentences but also conversation. Example: Note on pronunciation

LES TECHNIQUES PEDAGOGIQUES Monitoring speaking However, in my experience this tends to take place either when students are speaking in open class – when all other students can hear them and they are under enormous performance pressure – or on a personal, one-to-one level, which naturally excludes other students in the class. Aiding real communication Problems with monitoring student speech The practicalities of effective monitoring Conclusion Student speech in group or pair work, although not a perfect recreation of real-life communicative situations, does provide us with a better model of the English students use outside the classroom. It therefore follows that this is the language production they need and want us to correct as teachers. Aiding real communication One negative consequence of the Communicative Approach, which has taken an ever stronger hold over English language teaching over the last two decades, is the increased neglect of language in the language classroom. I can't get near enough to my students to hear them.

this blog contains ideas for how you can use photos by charquis May 13
