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Related:  Participation et villes numériques

D-CENT Interactive 3D model of Solar System Planets and Night Sky Chuck Schumer, Lamar Alexander might have solution to fixing Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid (D-Nev.) is expected to cede control of the floor to the bill’s lead sponsors, Sens. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-Md.) and Richard Burr (R-N.C.), who will lead the debate and allow Democrats and Republicans to introduce amendments. More important — if it works — Reid is expected to permit more debate on other bipartisan measures on subjects ranging from sentencing overhauls to manufacturing and energy efficiency. Two people who get much of the credit for this development are Charles E. During several weeks in January and February, aides said, Schumer and Alexander quietly orchestrated what both described as a “modest experiment” based on a simple premise: Senators should be able to debate, amend and pass legislation supported by members of both parties. “I’ve only been here 14 years, and Alexander’s been there about 11,” Schumer said. In a separate interview, Alexander said that they are “trying to start a week focused on what you can do, not what you can’t do.”

Retours sur la Journée « Revendiquons l’expérimentation » 2015 | Tadaa Le vendredi 6 novembre 2015 à la MJC Jean Macé, au 38 Rue Camille Roy, 69007 Lyon L’occasion de se rencontrer, entre acteurs publics et privés de la participation, de la concertation et du design, pour tisser des ponts entre ces mondes qui ne se connaissent pas toujours si bien, et qui pourtant partagent beaucoup. Nous souhaitions vous proposer un moment convivial de découverte et d’échange avec des formes légères et collectives, sur les liens qui peuvent exister entre ces deux secteurs : designer la concertation, design participatif, co-design, concerter le design, … tout est possible et imaginable, dans des secteurs aussi variés que les services, l’information, l’action publique, la ville et plein d’autres ! Cette journée très dense a permis de nombreuses rencontres et a rencontré un certain succès, puisque parmi la petite moitié des participants qui ont répondu à un rapide questionnaire d’évaluation à froid, 100% sont intéressés par une deuxième édition ! en partenariat avec

31 Interesting Social Media Data Visualization Tools Tags: Digg, Facebook, Flickr, Google Maps,, Lists, Reddit, Twitter, YouTube Every day millions of people are tweeting, digging, voting up on reddit, IMing, texting, and uploading video content. Keeping track of everything on the Internet can be overwhelming. Visualizing some of this data can make things easier on our eyes. There are lots of tools out there that can help visualize and make sense of all of the user generated data. The purpose of this blog post is to raise the awareness of the tools available as of today. Digg 365 (Sponsored by McDonald’s) [Link] – Digg launched this service on the company’s 5 year anniversary of their launch.

Rep. Jeff Flake Spends a Week Alone on Deserted Island - Rep. Jeff Flake, serving his fifth term in Congress, is a fifth-generation Arizonan, raised on a ranch near the town of Snowflake. He served a Mormon mission in southern Africa, worked for a public affairs firm in Washington, and as director of the Foundation for Democracy, monitored Namibia's independence process. The dreams of island life started when I was a child, the fifth of 11, growing up on a dry, dusty ranch in northern Arizona. When it came time to leave home and go to college, I traded boots and Hank Williams for sandals and Jimmy Buffett, ending up on Hawaii's North Shore. Some dreams come true, others are deferred. So I decided to spend seven days in August, sandwiched between town halls and constituent meetings, on an uninhabited key in the Pacific's far-flung Marshall Islands. The common reaction from friends and colleagues was: "So tell me again why you're doing this?" But if I was really looking for physical exertion, I could have just trained for a marathon. Day 1

InstitutDeLaConcertation : CycleCN Activités / Chantiers / L'Institut de la concertation et le GIS Démocratie et Participation ont mis en place un "Cycle Concertation et Numérique". La prochaine séance a eu lieu le 22 mars à Marseille (de 14h à 17h30 au medialab Marseille, 18 rue Colbert 13001 Marseille), sur le thème de l’inclusion par le numérique dans les dispositifs participatifs. A l’heure où le recours au numérique semble se développer au sein de dispositifs de concertation (consultations sur les projets de loi sur la République Numérique et sur la biodiversité, budgets participatifs de Paris et de Grenoble, débats publics de la Commission Nationale du Débat Public, site de Madame la Maire de Paris…), la question de l’apport concret des outils numériques, dans leur grande hétérogénéité, se pose avec d’autant plus d’acuité. Cycle "Concertation et numérique" à Marseille-Intervention de Gilles Pradeau-22 mars 2016 from Institut de la concertation on Vimeo. RETOUR SUR LA PREMIÈRE SÉANCE (Compte-rendu plus bas) Documents 1 senator, 2 sons, 4 days, 1 deserted island: Jeff Flake escapes again to the North Pacific Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.), center, with his sons, Tanner, left, and Dallin, right, photographed last week by a camera with an automatic timer on Biggarenn, an unoccupied island in the South Pacific. (Photo courtesy of the Office of Sen. Jeff Flake.) He's done it again. Nearly four years after sneaking away to a deserted island in the North Pacific, Sen. But this time Flake took along his two youngest sons -- and didn't completely disconnect from the office. Flake, 50, spent six terms in the House before winning his Senate seat last November and quickly joined the "Gang of Eight" senators that spent months negotiating a bipartisan deal to overhaul the nation's immigration laws. As if being a freshman senator deeply involved in the contentious fight over immigration isn't enough for one guy, Flake, 50, and his wife, Cheryl, celebrated the marriage of their only daughter, Alexis, in early May. The Flakes have five children and one young grandson from his oldest son's marriage. Flake: No.
