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Design Charts for Better Typography and Color

Design Charts for Better Typography and Color
Mar 21 2011 We’re designers, so it makes sense that a lot of us are visual learners and do better looking at charts and graphs than reading an article or listening to a podcast. Typography and color are two great topics that are perfectly suited for infographics, charts, and other graphical learning tools. Below we’ve collected a good number of great infographics that will teach you how to use typefaces and colors effectively. Typography Dig into the history of typography and catch up on the typographic origins. So You Need a Typeface While at first this infographic appears to be a bit tongue-in-cheek, it’s actually quite useful. The Anatomy of Typography Understanding all the elements that make up a typeface is an important step in learning to expertly combine typefaces. Periodic Table of Typefaces The most popular fonts are graphically represented in the style of the periodic table of elements in this poster. Color Color science and theory is a remarkably complex field. (ik)

Great Infographics No.12 The RH Foundation Really nice interactive viz tracking various funds donated by the Rootstein Hopkins Foundation. A great example of essentially very dry data given life by visualization. Shame the bubbles are not scaled according to the size of the awards. But gorgeous design from your mobile phone is basically the ultimate tracking device German Green Party MP Malte Spitz sued Deutsche Telekom to release 6 months of mobile phone records. A scary viz of the results from Die Zeit.Flowering emotion A lovely redraw of Robert Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions. Not sure I agree with Plutchik’s structures (interest-anticipation-vigilance?)

Infographics for Web Designers: Information You Ought to Know Infographic is a great way to turn the most boring data into the most comforting graphic, which is much easier for reader to digest. As web designers have to deal with pixels and code almost everyday, it would be overwhelming to look at more data and references which are filled with hypnotic words and numbers. We understand how your eyes feel when they are suffering from sleep induction, and this leads us to compile 43 informative infographics that are relevant to web designers. Recommended Reading: More Infographic related posts. Hongkiat Exclusive Freelance to Freedom An epic infographic that applies well to both web designer and graphic designer. Colors Color is deadly essential to a website as it not only defines the focus of a web page but evokes the emotion of the site, and in most cases it even represents the branding of a company’s website. Color Theory Basic color theories summed up in 1 infographic, which can be a handy reference sheet. How Do Colors Affect Purchases? Decision Making

The anatomy of a WordPress theme index.php – home The index file controls what the homepage of your WordPress theme looks like. By default it is a loop that queries and then displays the most recent blog posts, with a link in the bottom to view previous posts. Alternately, you can specify in wp-admin -> settings -> reading to have the home page be a page you created yourself in WordPress. single.php – individual posts The display of individual posts in your WordPress theme is controlled by a little file called single.php. You can specify if you want sidebars (and which you want), if you want it to look different than the other pages on the site. page.php – individual pages Page.php controls what pages look like. WordPress also allows you to create different page templates within your WordPress theme for different types of pages. archive.php, category.php, tag.php – archives You can control the look and feel of different archives using template files also. The Loop Background files of a WordPress theme comments.php style.css

Communicating Through Infographics - Noupe Design Blog Mar 03 2011 With so many diverse infographics out there there’s always something aptly for everyone. A big shout out to all the artists, illustrators, designers, researchers and writers who made these educational wonderful infographics possible. Educational Infographics Social Media High School How the Internet Can Help Chronic Disease Sufferers How Internet Users Feel The Need To Belong How Android Is Taking Over The Future is Now The Journey of Amazon Social Media Brands The Jazzy Rise of WordPress Wikipedia Turns 10 — Happy Birthday! What’s Next for WikiLeaks? The Rise And Fall of Yahoo! The Venturesome History of Web Search Engines Media Wheel: Visualizing Daily Activities Europe Trails The US In Productivity When Social Goes Wrong How Coffee Affects The Global The Evolution of the Geek Everything You Need To Know About The iPad2 Fastest Ways to Lose Customers How Do Colors Affect Purchases? How Do Small Businesses Waste Money? The Vicious Cycle of Early Adoption The Future of NASA The History of Coupons

8 Free Tools to Visualize Information on Twitter There’s a lot of noise on Twitter. People use a variety of ways to filter through that noise, from following specific lists, finding like-minded people through third party sites, or using a variety of services and websites to find the information that matters to them on Twitter. Another interesting way to filter through what is being said on Twitter, and better yet, analyse it, is to visualize it. This is certainly not a new idea, and we’ve written about some services in the past that will allow you to do just that. Portwiture Portwiture is definitely one of the more unique visual Twitter apps that you’ll find. Portwiture matches the content of your tweets to photographs that have been uploaded to Flickr. is a Twitter search engine which delivers results as a tag cloud. Realtime results are constantly updated, with words associated with your search term, as well as Twitter usernames that are associated with the search term. Tori’s Eye TweetStats Trendistic TwitterMap

Best Urban Infographics Ever - Cities The inimitable Yuri Artibise who has devoted himself to the Herculean task of making one of the country's most unwalkable cities (Phoenix), walkable, offers up on his Yurbanism blog a selection of his favorite urban infographics. Artibise's top 5 include The Broad Street Cholera Outbreak of 1854(which was perhaps the first urban data visualization); Massimo Vignelli's iconic New York Subway Map (1972); Eric Fischer's Flickr-photo generated exploration of "Where Tourists Really Flock"; Wired's awesome "What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York" (hint: its residents are noise-averse and generally displeased with taxi cabs); and Thumb's vibrant "Ring Roads of the World" that renders ugly urban sprawl into something gorgeous. Artibise lists a few other favorites such as the National Building Museum's "Cost of Owning a Car."

图形化简历 信息的图形化是目前的热门方向,很多人都在研究。 有些设计师开始尝试"图形化简历"(Infographic Resume),即以图形为主、文字为辅表示个人的主要信息。下面就是一些代表作品。 程序员Christopher Perkins用5种颜色的直线,表示自己的5个主要方面(工作经历、教育背景、主要领域等)。 但是,5条时间线(timeline)会分散读者的注意力,因此更多的设计只采用一条时间线,突出最重要的一个方面。 时间线例一。 时间线例二。 时间线例三。 (点击看大图) 时间线例四。 此外,还可以采用地图、柱状图、图标等元素,突出重点内容。 下面是另一个运用了多种图形的例子。 还有一些更复杂的设计,就纯粹是探索性作品了。 "图形化简历"的特点,就是图形本身代表了简历的内容。 另一个"美术化简历"的例子:护照式简历。 不管是"图形化简历",还是"美术化简历",它们的目的都是一样的,就是让简历变得更醒目美观,更易阅读。 因此,上面这些作品并不仅仅只是实验,还包含了很多实用性很强的元素和思想。 附录 为了方便大家做出漂亮的简历,我转贴Vizual Resume网站提供的10个免费简历模板,欢迎下载。 下载PDF文件(4871KB) 下载模板文件(4934KB) (完) 40 Super-Cool Infographics You Absolutely Have To See Infographics can be a great source for learning new facts and getting design inspiration. I even know several web designers who frequently make infographics to practice some skills. In this article we’ll be having a look at a great collection of these that you definitely should see! Here’s something for everyone. Design can be complicated and design can be simple. Have a look at how the information has been set up. We hope these can inspire and teach you a new thing or two. Make sure to click the images to go see the full-sized ones. Enjoy! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Those were our picks of 40 really cool infograhics. Which one did you like the best? If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it's free).

Creative Examples Of Infographics - Noupe Design Blog Sep 29 2010 Today we have an exciting and enticing post which covers handy and innovative infographics. Infographics is basically derived from two words: ‘information’ and ‘graphics’, and it stands for the graphical representation of data and information. Data visualization techniques have been often used in modern maps to incorporate variety of information, for instance for network designs, destination points, and local landmarks. Let’s take a look at some creative examples of beautiful infographics. Stunningly Creative Infographics The Most Dangerous Cities for Walking What People are Doing Online Glass Half Empty: The Coming Water Wars Which Countries Have the Most Vacation? Bank Infographic Where Will the Next Volcano Erupt? On Driving: Automobile History The Current State of Twitter Software Wars Who Has Given the Most to Haiti The Social Media Effect An Infographic Guide to Buying Your Own Island SSSMOKIN! The Most Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs The Rise of Walking and Biking Resume Infographic

CDC Blog » 浅啖图表参数化设计 信息图表设计(Infographic Design),是信息设计(Information Design)学科的一个分支,它兴起于20世纪末信息技术介入到多样化的平面设计的过程中,是一种新型的视觉设计。 Infographic是一个可读可视化的复合体系,由图像、文字和数字结合而成使信息更高效地得以交流。它帮助人们更好地通过特定文本内容的视觉元素系统,显著、鲜明、简单、直接、连贯和全面地转化字里行间的可视化元素,并建立关联,使信息得到再一次呈现。关于信息图表相信大家已有接触,就不赘述了,在此要阐明两点: 首先,根据道格·纽瑟姆2004年定义,从表现形式的角度,“信息图表”作为视觉工具应包括:图表(charts),图解(diagrams),图形(graphs),表格(tables),地图(maps),名单(list)六类。 图(1) 列表式的图表说明马里奥遇到不同对象后发生的相应变化,实际上是简单的线性结构 其次,信息图表的分类方法有很多,从图形、文字、数据系统组织模式的角度,信息图表设计可以分为: 1 时序性图表 以时间信息为基础,描述空间或事件在空间中的先后流动变化,以时间轴图为代表。 图(2) 《汽车乐土》巧妙地利用大富翁棋盘解释了汽车的发展史.这个案例还说明时间轴并不一定是直线,有可能只是一条符合人们习惯或视线流的路径。 2 空间关系性图表 将空间位置的距离、高度、面积、区域按照一定比例高度抽象化的空间组织模式图。 图(3) 物化图,德国golden section邮轮结构。 3 推导性图表 描述整体事件的因果关系及逻辑变化情况图,常见流程图。 图(4) 用权威严谨的流程图表明饮水处理系统的安全可靠性 4 系统组织性图表 组织图是描述信息参数间整体与部分或上级与下级的从属关系图。 图(5) 图表广告设计,为对比出女性穿衣打扮搭配繁琐而设计的图表,简单而有效的表示类属关系的方法用在这却别具揶揄的意味。 5 关联性图表 描述在某一种特定关系下信息参数之间的联系图。 图(6) 《杀死比尔人物剧情介绍》叙事性图表。 通常的Infographic设计流程如下: 1 确立类型:空间类、时间类、定量类或三者综合。 一个表意清晰明确的图表往往离不开参数之间的比较,抛开花样繁多的表现形式和视觉效果,我们进入信息图表设计的基础——参数设计。 图(7) 日本设计师佐藤雅彦在《F通过》一书中的参数设计示意 1 差额关系图

10 Things Your Doctor (Probably) Hasn’t Told You From the real risks of smoking to managing stress, high blood pressure and diet, get the health facts that could help you live longer and happier. For better or for worse, your doctor doesn’t always tell you everything, and what you are told isn’t always presented with complete objectivity. In most cases, this is done to prevent you from worrying too much, or to deter harmful activities you might be indulging in. In other cases it’s simply because they’re trying to solve your issue as efficiently as possible, without discussing other potential problem areas or making things overly complicated. To help you get started with your list of things to discuss with your doctor, our friends at the Term Life Insurance Blog have come up with the following infographic, which hopefully may make the process a little easier, and make things more clear. Click on the image for full-sized version Via: Term Life Insurance Blog Bonus: This is what happens when I tell people I’m colorblind

30 Beautiful Infographics for your Inspiration Infographics are graphic representation of wide variety of information. Now a days designers have taken infographics to a new level representing various information visually in such a manner that it is easy to understand as well as appealing to eyes. Infographic design has evolved as a new field, where data visualization is done creatively & neatly. Information like facts & figures represented using infographics are much easier to understand. Here I have showcased some of the best infographics which are not just visually appealing but also provides some great knowledge & information. 1. 2. 3. iPad Data Visualized 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 100 Pixar Characters 27. 28. 29. 30. Tell us which of these you like the most if you some other interesting infographics to share do mention them in comments. If you enjoyed this article, get email updates (it's free).

50 Informative and Well-Designed Infographics It’s impossible to comprehend complex data or analyze large amounts of information, if we only use words or texts. Information graphics or better known as infographics are visual explanation of data, information or knowledge. These graphics are excellent visual tools for explaining huge amounts of information where complex data needs to be explained immediately and clearly. Let me show you how Rick Mans explain how infographics ease the process of communicating conceptual information Image credit. Infographic is one of the most challenging types of graphic design because the creation process alone is pretty intensive. We are truly delighted to show you these brilliant and informative infographics created by various talented individuals. Recommended Reading: More Infographic related posts. 50 Years of Space Exploration. Disney vs Marvel. Grand Mosque. High Rise. Relief Wells & Subsea Containment. Prism Social Media 2010. Genes and Society: Cloning. Flickr User Model. Crude Awakening.

Design Charts for Better Typography and Color by agnesdelmotte Mar 22
