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ESL Kids Lessons, ESL Children Lessons, Beginners Online Video Lessons

ESL Kids Lessons, ESL Children Lessons, Beginners Online Video Lessons
ESL Kids Lessons - The Online Classroom Learn to Read: Online Phonics Video Lessons, Phonics Games Online at- - You've gotta see this! Phonics Games and Videos Online ESL Fun Games - Practice Grammar, Vocabulary Online These free courses are divided into course levels. Aim: Teach letters of the alphabet Unit 1 – Greetings - Hello Aim: Teach basic greetings – Hello, Hi, Goodbye. Unit 2 – What’s your name? Aim: To teach kids how to say their names. Unit 3 – How old are you? Aim: Teach kids how to say their age and learn numbers 1 to 5. Unit 4 – Numbers – How many? Aim: Teach kids how to count from 1 to 10. Unit 5 A – Colours – What colour is it? Aim: Teach kids how to describe things through colours. Unit 5 B - Colours Vocabulary Aim: Teach colours vocabulary Unit 5 C - Green Monster Colours Lesson Aim: Teach colours through a colours songs Unit 6 – Fruits – I like apples. Aim: Teach kids names of fruits and how to express likes. Unit 7 – Body – I have a head. Unit 8– Actions – I can, I can’t. Related:  Resources for Teachers

Free Printable Children's Books. contributed by Leanne Guenther Make these free printable children's books to encourage your kids to read. There are a variety of themes to choose from -- the majority of the books target younger readers (preschool, kindergarten and early grade school) although a few of the books are a bit more challenging. The "custom stories" and holidays themed stories are especially popular! The printable books come with suggestions for complimentary activities and/or worksheets to reinforce the stories. Alphabet Stories: Here's a suggestion from JoAnna: "I was trying to keep my 5-year-old busy the other day and came up with a fun craft reading project. Here is a suggestion from Carlene and Paris: "Being an avid quilter, I came up with my own way of putting the mini books together. Here is a suggestion from Carol: "If printer resolution is high enough, the mini book pages can be reduced to 70%-75% before printing each page. For more reading reinforcement, also check out:

Lesson 1 - Introduction Part 1. INTRODUCTION Temas de esta lección Lectura y análisisEn esta unidad el tema consiste en presentarse, es decir, darnos a conocer diciendo nuestro nombre, de dónde somos y a qué nos dedicamos. Cómo presentarse ante otras personasEs un tema fundamental a la hora de aprender cualquier idioma. Realizar preguntas y responderAquí daremos los primeros pasos en el manejo del idioma. ProfesionesAprenderás cómo se dicen en inglés las profesiones más comunes. Los númerosEn esta primera etapa conoceremos los números del 1 al 20. Los coloresVerás cómo se dicen los colores en inglés, algo fundamental para poder describir e identificar las cosas que nos rodean. La oraciónIntroducción a la composición de la oración básica en inglés y sus componentes. El sujetoVeremos cuáles son los pronombres personales que funcionan como sujeto de la oración. El verboEl uso correcto de los verbos es muy importante. Los artículosAprenderás a identificar y utilizar los artículos indefinidos y definidos. Comenzar

DOWNLOAD BUKU KURIKULUM 2013 SD KELAS 1 EDISI REVISI TERBARU 2014 UNTUK PEGANGAN GURU DAN PEMBELAJARAN SISWA | Dadang Juara Setyo Nugroho Links Download Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013 Kelas I SD Edisi Revisi 2014: 7. Buku Guru Kurikulum 2013 SD Kelas 1 Tema 1. Diriku 8. 9. 10. 11. Links Download Buku Siswa Kurikulum 2013 Kelas I SD Edisi Revisi 2014: English Listening Lesson Library Online Conversation Questions for the ESL/EFL Classroom If this is your first time here, then read the Teacher's Guide to Using These PagesIf you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Home | Articles | Lessons | Techniques | Questions | Games | Jokes | Things for Teachers | Links | Activities for ESL Students Would you like to help? If you can think of a good question for any list, please send it to us. Copyright © 1997-2010 by The Internet TESL Journal Pages from this site should not be put online elsewhere.Permission is not required to link directly to any page on our site as long as you do not trap the page inside a frame.

Pronunciation and Phonetics Materials for ESL Teachers, Page One | ESL Lounge Please see our "Pronunciation: Introduction" page for some information about doing pronunciation work in the ESL classroom. IPA Phonetic Alphabet Technical International Phonetic Alphabet Here are the 44 phonemes of Standard English. The English Consonants - Articulation Chart This is a Word document (14k) showing the place and manner of articulation of the 24 consonants that make up Standard English. Come and join esl-lounge Premium. High quality PDF lesson plans. Premium Home Page | Free Samples | Why Join | FAQ | Sign Up! ★ Summer Coupon Discount★$8 off Lifetime Membership. Vowels Students look at an image of a phoneme and then try to find the same phoneme in one of the following words. Find The Vowel Phoneme, Worksheet 1Answer Sheet Practice of vowel phonemes. Find The Vowel Phoneme, Worksheet 2Answer Sheet Practice of vowel phonemes. Find The Vowel Phoneme, Worksheet 3Answer Sheet Practice of vowel phonemes. Find The Vowel Phoneme, Worksheet 4Answer Sheet Practice of vowel phonemes.

Complete List of Contents There are two ways to navigate this site: This Complete List of Contents is updated every time a new article is added. Use it if you're looking for something specific, or if you just want to see all the articles the site contains. Clicking on the title of the article will take you directly to it. To find a term in the ELT Glossary, click on the heading in the top menu and then on the section for the term you want. Alternatively, The Labels section of the sidebar is useful if you are researching one specific aspect of ELT. Lesson Planning - General The Balanced LessonSetting Objectives : Part OneSetting Objectives : Part TwoUsing Repetition DrillsDrill bits (by Lee Shutler)Receptive Exposure ActivitiesMaking the Most of Your CoursebookMy Favourite EFL Classroom Warmers (by Nadia Zehni)Teaching Mixed Ability Groups : A SolutionThe Final Five Minutes (by Chris Cotter)ESL Activities with little Preparation (by Keith Taylor) Understanding and Teaching Structure and Function Teaching Skills

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