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How To Make Electronic Music

How To Make Electronic Music

- Tracking : Resources and Information Look here for articles on applied recording techniques and mic placement. It all starts here! Acoustic Guitar Tracking the acoustic guitar is a huge subject, because so much contributes to the final sound—player, instrument, room acoustics, mic choice and placement, effects, and more. Electric Guitar The electric guitar is the central sound of rock music, and has influenced everything from blues and country to electronica. Bass Recording the bass can be as straightforward as a simple DI to the console or as complex as multiple mics on an acoustic bass fiddle or giant amp stack. Other Guitars The archtop, the dobro, the parlor guitar, the pedal steel—scary to the newcomer, each with its own challenges. Drums & Percussion Miking drums is an art form. Vocals The human voice is the most recognizable sound to the human brain. Horns & Woodwinds Whether you're recording jazz, jump blues, R&B, or whatever, a clear and present woodwind track or a slamming horn section can make your arrangement fly.

Le Blog de PV Nova Producción Avanzada de Música Electrónica Previous Próximo Nou curs de DJ i Creació Musical per a joves Microfusa acaba de crear un curs dirigit a joves d'entre 12 i 16 anys. El curs es realitzará a les instal·lacions de Mic... Leer Más microFusa formació i scannerfm en el dia de la minimúsica MicroFusa formació impartirà junt amb Scanner FM el taller "mini DJs" en l'entorn del "dia de la minimúsica". microFusa y la música electrónica en Cau d'Orella 2014 microFusa apuesta una vez más por la música electrónica en Cau d'Orella 2014 microFusa estará de nuevo presente en e... Taller FOUND SOUND con DEADBEAT Entrada libre con inscripción Fechas: 6 y 7 Marzo'14 Lugar: Convent Sant Agusti (Sala Calidoscopi) - C/Comerç, 36 Horar... Videotutoriales LIVE 9 · 3ª parte Concluimos el tour por las novedades de la versión 9 de LIVE con dos videos centrados en las mejoras en la vista arreg... nuevo Master de Producción Musical · 2014 Estamos trabajando para renovar nuestro conocido Master. Conoce las escuelas Formación a medida

make music together let's get started making music... 1draw on the grid with your mouse to make a beatshow me2 save your track and share it with friends. show me3 out of ideas? roll the dice and start remixing. show me4 explore the beatlab community show me For more tips, tutorials vidoes, and FAQs, check out our community wiki. You can use the following keyboard shortcuts while composing a track. spacebar Press to start or stop playback. commandcontrol key Hold down the commandcontrol key while drawing notes to create "loud" notes. optionalt key Hold down the optionalt key while drawing notes to create "soft" notes. shift Hold down the shift key to select a region of notes. Playback starting point By default, playback always starts from the beginning of a track. You can change where playback begins by setting the playback start marker. Clicking on the arrow icon again will remove it. show me Column volume There is a speaker icon to the left of each row on the grid.

Music Machinery | a blog about music technology by Paul Lamere ¿Cómo componer una cancion a partir de una base o motivo musical? Valoración del Usuario: Detalles Categoría: Música Visitas: 21448 Hay canciones que giran en torno a una sola idea o base musical. En estas canciones, todo se construye en relación a esta base, la cual es el motivo principal de la canción. Este motivo se nos pega en la mente y en el oído, es los que nos gusta y nos hace querer volver a escuchar la canción una y otra vez. Billie jean de Michael Jackson, es el ejemplo perfecto de una canción que posee estas características. Es una canción que gira en torno a un motivo, es lo que Michael Jackson esta entrevista relata que quería lograr. Pasos e ideas para hacer una canción a partir de una base o un motivo 1) Motivo Musical Primero generar una idea melódica o base musical. Otro detalle a tener en cuenta, es que el motivo debe ser lo suficientemente atractivo para estar en primer plano como para pasar a segundo plano, en otras palabras que se le puedan sumar distintos elementos como otros instrumentos o que se le pueda cantar encima.

Free Music Theory Worksheets! Material on this page is free.NEW! you can now consult an index of terms used in these worksheets.Also explore a page of worksheet extras: Worksheet Answers, Test Templates and Flash Presentations. Here are some testimonials from music teachers about these workbook chapters: I have been using your fantastic music theory sheets and PDF downloads to teach high school piano theory to 28 students per class, all of whom are at different levels of study and accomplishment. I am excited about the way my students have received this material. Joyce T. Hi, I am a High School teacher in California and I found your Theory Website. Material on this page is free.NEW! Here are some testimonials from music teachers about these workbook chapters: I have been using your fantastic music theory sheets and PDF downloads to teach high school piano theory to 28 students per class, all of whom are at different levels of study and accomplishment. Joyce T.

MusicTech - Tutorials and reviews for producers, engineers & recording musicians | MusicTech Los motivos para repetir Valoración del Usuario: Detalles Categoría: Música Visitas: 17509 Las más exitosas y las más recordadas canciones son aquellas que se graban en la cabeza de la gente, y se vuelven familiares. Sabemos que en principio se repiten las secciones, y por supuesto la melodía, los ganchos, los riff y/o melodías distintivos de cada canción. Sin embargo, hay algo más pequeño que aparece a lo largo de cada canción y se repite una y otra vez incansablemente: Los motivos ¿Qué es un motivo? Muchas veces, los motivos, se encuentran en la superficie llamándonos la atención. Hay que entender que un motivo es como un gancho, en el sentido que tiene la naturaleza de repetirse. Por último el motivo también es considerado la semilla de la música, y muchas veces es a partir del cual se desarrollan ideas más completas como vimos en este artículo: ¿Cómo crear riff y melodías? ¿Cómo sacarle el jugo a los motivos? El ejemplo más clásico de motivo es la Quinta Sinfonía de Beethoven.

Make acoustic panels for your recording studio or home theater Acoustic treatments are often used to help improve the acoustics of a room by taming "flutter echoes," "room modes," and other problems which arise from a room's dimensions and construction. Although a variety of treatments are available for commercial use, they tend to be quite expensive. After some research both online and in print, we came across several sources for DIY acoustic treatments using rigid fiberglass panels and simple frames. We can not take credit for this design, but have combined several people's ideas into a step-by-step guide. For more information, check out the good folks in the acoustics forum at

The Drone | Watching Music... Drum Tuning Tips From The Famous Drum Doctor If you’re doing a session in Los Angeles and you want your drums to instantly sound great, then your first call is to the Drum Doctors to either rent a fantastic sounding kit, or have your kit tuned. Ross Garfield is the “Drum Doctor” and you’ve heard his drum sounds on platinum recordings from Bruce Springsteen, Rod Stewart, Metallica, Dwight Yokum, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Lenny Kravitiz, Michael Jackson and many, many more. Ross was kind enough to sit down for an interview when I wrote The Recording Engineer’s Handbook, but I’ve featured some of his tips in other books as well including The Drum Recording Handbook, The Touring Musician’s Handbook, and The Music Producer’s Handbook. So, I like to think his tips are worth sharing! If the snares buzz when the toms are hit: • Check that the snares are straight. • Check to see if the snares are flat and centered on the drum. • Loosen the bottom head. • Retune the offending toms.

Le Canal Auditif: le blogue québécois des musiques indépendantes Lyric Writing Exercises: a 5-Day Workshop Guest post by Maria Rainier If you’re anything like most songwriters, you’re all too familiar with that frustrating sensation of being stuck in a rut. You know it’s important to write something – anything – every day, but there are times when that just seems impossible. Maybe you don’t have enough energy, you might be too critical of your first attempts, or you could be missing out on the muse. Day 1: Research Mix & Match The first step is to give yourself something interesting to work with. Day 2: Collaborative Brainstorming Contact a friend by chat or email. Day 3: Titles & Nuggets Using what you’ve written from the previous two exercises (or relying on your notebook), construct some potential song titles. Day 4: Songwriting Surgery Now, pick a popular song that appeals to you and completely rewrite the lyrics. Day 5: Open Season Using the lyrics you wrote for the popular song, create your own work of art. Related Articles Maria Rainier is a freelance writer and blog junkie.
