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World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes

World Battleground, 1000 years of war in 5 minutes

Las otras caras de la “Marcha del progreso”; la evolución vista desde 99 diferentes perspectivas Las parodias están a la orden del día en nuestros días, la evolución no podía quedar al margen de estos guiños. “99 Steps of Progress” es un proyecto de parodias ilustradas, creadas por el colectivo de artistas parisinos conocidos como Maentis. Este grupo de franceses decidieron darle un giro a la afamada ilustración conocida precisamente como “La marcha del progreso” en la que, a manera de infografía se muestra la evolución del hombre desde sus incios hasta la aparición del Homo Sapiens. La “Marcha del progreso” es una de las más famosas e identificables ilustraciones científicas. en ella se condensan alrededor de 25 millones de años de evolución humana. sin embargo en esta versión alternativa, se tocan otros temas además de los meros cambios biologicos que nuestra especie ha sufrido a lo largo de las eras.

Big Bang According to the Big Bang model, the universe expanded from an extremely dense and hot state and continues to expand today. The graphic scheme above is an artist's concept illustrating the expansion of a portion of a flat universe. The Big Bang is the scientific theory that is most consistent with observations of the past and present states of the universe, and it is widely accepted within the scientific community. It offers a comprehensive explanation for a broad range of observed phenomena, including the abundance of light elements, the cosmic microwave background, large scale structure, and the Hubble diagram.[3] The core ideas of the Big Bang—the expansion, the early hot state, the formation of light elements, and the formation of galaxies—are derived from these and other observations. Overview Timeline of the Big Bang The earliest phases of the Big Bang are subject to much speculation. Underlying assumptions FLRW metric

Why the world is running out of helium - Science - News Scientists have warned that the world's most commonly used inert gas is being depleted at an astonishing rate because of a law passed in the United States in 1996 which has effectively made helium too cheap to recycle. The law stipulates that the US National Helium Reserve, which is kept in a disused underground gas field near Amarillo, Texas – by far the biggest store of helium in the world – must all be sold off by 2015, irrespective of the market price. The experts warn that the world could run out of helium within 25 to 30 years, potentially spelling disaster for hospitals, whose MRI scanners are cooled by the gas in liquid form, and anti-terrorist authorities who rely on helium for their radiation monitors, as well as the millions of children who love to watch their helium-filled balloons float into the sky. Liquid helium is critical for cooling cooling infrared detectors, nuclear reactors and the machinery of wind tunnels. What helium is used for *Airships *MRI scanners *Rockets *Dating

YouTube ATOMIUM 2013 INSPIRATION: SKETCHING (3/3)One of my favorite step of the creative process is to doodle for hours to understand the structure, shape and space I’m working with. In this case I drew the low poly planet several times using the stippling technique.This drawing was shown at an exhibition at Muriel Guépin gallery in NYC last April, and also Art Basel in June 2013, and the piece is available through the gallery. joanielemercier: New drawing: Stippling.Exhibition opens in 2 days. INSPIRATION: SKETCHING (2/3)One of my favorite step of the creative process is to doodle for hours to understand the structure, shape and space I’m working with. In this case I drew the low poly planet several times using the stippling technique. joanielemercier: Shading experiments using only dots. INSPIRATION: SKETCHING (1/3)One of my favorite step of the creative process is to doodle for hours to understand the structure, shape and space I’m working with. FULL MOON.

Alphabet The letters in the Greek alphabet presented below are used for printed Ancient Greek texts. The earliest Greek texts that have survived were written with a radically different script called Linear B. For a detailed and wonderfully well argued discussion of the origins of the Greek alphabet, see Roger D. Woodard’s book, Greek Writing from Knossos to Homer. You can find fonts for displaying or writing Greek text as well as utilities for converting older fonts to the new Unicode standarde on our fonts page. Three sets of pronunciation suggestions are given in the table below: first the pronunciation of each letter in Modern Greek, then the reconstructed Hellenistic Koine pronunciation, and finally the reconstructed pronunciation for the Classical period (before about 350 BCE). The Erasmian pronunciation used in many schools to teach Biblical Greek and sometimes even Classical Greek is not given on this page. Modern th as in then (but not thin. Modern th as in thin, but not in then. Roger D.

Things I Won't Work With: Dioxygen Difluoride The heater was warmed to approximately 700C. The heater block glowed a dull red color, observable with room lights turned off. The ballast tank was filled to 300 torr with oxygen, and fluorine was added until the total pressure was 901 torr. . . And yes, what happens next is just what you think happens: you run a mixture of oxygen and fluorine through a 700-degree-heating block. Well, "often" is sort of a relative term. And a hard core it is! FOOF is only stable at low temperatures; you'll never get close to RT with the stuff without it tearing itself to pieces. "Being a high energy oxidizer, dioxygen difluoride reacted vigorously with organic compounds, even at temperatures close to its melting point. And he's just getting warmed up, if that's the right phrase to use for something that detonates things at -180C (that's -300 Fahrenheit, if you only have a kitchen thermometer). Even Streng had to give up on some of the planned experiments, though (bonus dormitat Strengus?).

MOTORSPORT NOVA ROADRAGE Lucen fotografías de danza en ventanales del CECUT * Como un recordatorio al público de que Cuerpos en Tránsito 2013 está cerca, la fotógrafa colombiana Natalia Vargas Trujillo transmite en imágenes la pasión por la danza. Tijuana, B.C.- Fotografías en gran formato de la autoría de Natalia Vargas Trujillo lucen en los amplios ventanales del Centro Cultural Tijuana, como anticipo de la XV Muestra Internacional de Danza Contemporánea Cuerpos en Tránsito 2013 que tendrá lugar la última semana de este mes de abril. De origen colombiano, Natalia Vargas Trujillo no escatimó encuadres para presentar en imágenes fijas un arte que se expresa por medio del movimiento de los cuerpos, lo que de suyo entraña un desafío para quien se propone transmitir el dinamismo de la danza a través de imágenes que, en sentido opuesto a lo que buscan capturar, congelan el movimiento. Cada año Cuerpos en Tránsito invita a un fotógrafo y a un grupo de bailarines a desarrollar una propuesta que coincida con la línea estética o conceptual del festival. Tijuana, B. C.

History of the alphabet The history of alphabetic writing goes back to the consonantal writing system used for Semitic languages in the Levant in the 2nd millennium B.C. Most or nearly all alphabetic scripts used throughout the world today ultimately go back to this Semitic proto-alphabet.[1] Its first origins can be traced back to a Proto-Sinaitic script developed in Ancient Egypt to represent the language of Semitic-speaking workers in Egypt. This script was partly influenced by the older Egyptian hieratic, a cursive script related to Egyptian hieroglyphs.[2][3] Mainly through Phoenician and Aramaic, two closely related members of the Semitic family of scripts that were in use during the early first millennium BC, the Semitic alphabet became the ancestor of multiple writing systems across the Middle East, Europe, northern Africa and South Asia. Pre-history[edit] Two scripts are well attested from before the end of the fourth millennium BCE: Mesopotamian cuneiform and Egyptian hieroglyphs. Predecessors[edit]

PRISM vs Tor By now, just about everybody has heard about the PRISM surveillance program, and many are beginning to speculate on its impact on Tor. Unfortunately, there still are a lot of gaps to fill in terms of understanding what is really going on, especially in the face of conflicting information between the primary source material and Google, Facebook, and Apple's claims of non-involvement. This apparent conflict means that it is still hard to pin down exactly how the program impacts Tor, and is leading many to assume worst-case scenarios. For example, some of the worst-case scenarios include the NSA using weaponized exploits to compromise datacenter equipment at these firms. Less severe, but still extremely worrying possibilities include issuing gag orders to mid or low-level datacenter staff to install backdoors or monitoring equipment without any interaction what-so-ever with the legal and executive staff of the firms themselves.
