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A new way to play

vincent vrints i-famille - Bienvenue 65 Open Source Downloads That Could Change Your Life — 1. RSS Owl You have no excuse for not keeping up with the news when you have a tool like RSS Owl. 2. If you need to read a lot of pdf files, for example technical or scientific papers, Skim makes it easier to read and take notes digitally instead of printing out pages and making notes by hand. Improve Your Mind 3. Give "Dual N-Back" memory exercises a try with Brain Workshop. 4. 5. Like Genius, The Mnemosyne Project can help you learn almost anything using a flashcard-type interface. 6. This program from the KDE Education Project can be used to learn any material, but many pre-made card sets are available. 7. Pauker aims to strengthen your ultra-short-term, short-term, and long-term memory as you learn facts in a flashcard-like fashion. 8. Many universities have "open-sourced" the content of their classes. Become More Spiritual 9. Available in several different languages, Zekr aims to make it easy to read and study the Qu'ran. 10. 11. Give Open Source a Try 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

les éditions volumiques Parents 3.0 - Chroniques de la vie de famille numérique 100 Inspiring, Educational Videos for Writers Being a writer can be an enlightening, wonderful experience when you’re creating work that you love, but it can also be incredibly frustrating when you get writer’s block or are struggling to find inspiration. There are plenty of places on the web, however, where you can find inspiration and instruction to help you overcome your biggest obstacles or help you to see writing in a new light. Here are 100 videos just for writers, many from well-known authors offering their help and guidance. Fiction Author Talks These videos can inspire you through the work of other authors who’ve been through the same process you’re going through now to create their masterworks. Non-Fiction Author Talks If non-fiction is more your style, then you can find some inspiration in these talks given by non-fiction authors about their work and their motivation for creating it. Journalism and Media If you are hoping to make a break into journalism, try watching these videos for motivation. Poetry Screenplays and Drama

Internet - Information Internet - Enfant & protection internet - Questions de parents Les dix derniers sujets publiés Dans quelle pièce installer l’ordinateur familial ? Salon ou chambre ? Bureau ou cuisine ? Vous ne savez pas où installer votre ordinateur… Tout dépend de l'âge de vos enfants, de leur besoin d’autonomie et de la disposition des pièces de votre habitation. Lire l'article Comment aider ses enfants à bien chercher sur Internet ? Votre enfant, pour son travail scolaire ou ses loisirs, a besoin de consulter des moteurs de recherche. Lire l'article Site de traduction : comment le choisir ? Pour faire ses devoirs en langue, votre enfant utilise bien plus souvent Internet qu’un classique dictionnaire… Mais tous les sites de traduction gratuits ne se valent pas ! Lire l'article Les élèves à l'école du numérique Tablettes numériques, compte Twitter en classe, tablettes tactiles, tableau interactif, iPod… de plus en plus de classes expérimentent les outils numériques. Lire l'article Des sites Web pour préparer Pâques avec les enfants C’est bientôt Pâques ! Lire l'article

Charge 3D printed titanium dropouts being made Charge Bikes EADS dropout printing - finished dropouts had an exclusive first look the 3D printing process being used by Charge Bikes in this video last summer, and today Charge have edited their own video showing how EADS Innovation Works, the corporate research centre for the EADS group, produce the dropouts from a pile of titanium dust. It's fascinating stuff. In this video, it's Charge'sNick Larsen, takes us around the facility, and chats to Andy Hawkins from EADS about the process and the benefits over traditional fabrication methods. The dropouts in question are being used in Charge's latest titanium cyclo-cross frame , and because of the high cost of the dropouts it's a very limited run, just 50 being initially produced. 3D printing, or additive layer manufacturing to give it the proper name, starts out with a fine layer of titanium powder, on which a precision laser draws an outline, melting the layer.
