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Design Thinking Comes of Age

Executive Summary In large organizations, design is moving closer to the center of the enterprise. This shift isn’t about aesthetics and product development, however. Design thinking is an essential tool for simplifying and humanizing. Creating a design-centric culture requires understanding that the returns on an investment in design are difficult to quantify, allowing people to take chances, and appreciating what design can and cannot achieve. HBR Reprint R1509D There’s a shift under way in large organizations, one that puts design much closer to the center of the enterprise. A version of this article appeared in the September 2015 issue (pp.66–71) of Harvard Business Review. Related:  Creativity & Service DesignSBM S2 2019

How to Apply Design Thinking in Class, Step By Step | MindShift | KQED News By Anne Stevens For educators ready to try the idea of design thinking, you’ll be glad to know it does not require extensive transformation of your classroom. That said, it can be a transformative experience for all involved. Here, we try to answer your questions about integrating different components of a design learning experience into familiar, pre-existing scenarios that play out in every school. Can my classroom become a space of possibility? For students, the best classroom experience is a space of possibility. It can be challenging to transition a traditional classroom into a space of possibility. But in a classroom that is a space of possibility, the students have agency, and the products and processes can be moving targets. Can I run a design thinking classroom on Tuesdays from 1-3pm? You can run a flexible studio space in your classroom for a certain part of the day. I am not a designer. The first place to seek the curriculum is in your classroom’s daily activities.

Why Human-Centered Design Matters In 1894, W.K. Kellogg made a discovery that would forever change what we eat in the morning. Seeking a more digestible breakfast alternative to baked bread for his brother’s hospital patients, the bespectacled former broom salesman accidentally left a pot of boiled wheat out overnight. The wheat became softened and when he rolled it out and baked it, each grain became a crispy flake. Kellogg tried the technique on corn. Over the course of several years, he perfected the tasty flakes by experimenting with different formulas and testing them with his brother’s patients. But Kellogg didn’t stop there. Kellogg’s genius came not just in his flair for food product invention, but also in his customer-centric approach, iterative prototyping process and careful consideration of the entire product experience — from the cereal itself to its packaging, marketing and distribution. Now I’m working with the team at Wanderful Media to re-invent the way people find great sales at nearby stores.

Brand purpose is dead Brand purpose is our raison d'être, our North Star, our rallying cry. It’s full of emotion, promise and potential, and that’s why we love it. However, the problem with purpose is that it has no teeth. It’s all talk, little action. Its original meaning has been diluted and discarded seemingly without a second thought. Short-sighted assumptions and excuses distract us, lowering the bar rather than testing our true measure. Sometimes old habits die hard. What we need is a reality check, and nobody prevails over the bullshit quite like young people today: "When I see a construct or context, immediately I wanna know what are you not supposed to do here and who are you gonna piss off? That spirit is reminiscent of the famous line in Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince, first published more than 75 years ago: "Grown-ups never understand anything by themselves, and it is tiresome for children to be always and forever explaining things to them." There’s no denying it: peak youth is here.

Årets finalister - offentligarummet Årets finalister är: Ersättningskollen, Försäkringskassan och försäkringsbolagen Ersättningskollen är en användarvänlig digital tjänst som ger människor en uppfattning om sitt totala försäkringsskydd om man skulle råka ut för en olycka eller bli sjuk. Tjänsten är ett exempel på ett modigt samarbete mellan privat och offentlig sektor, där brukarnyttan stått i fokus för samarbetet. Det här är också ett bra exempel på behovsdriven utveckling med en helt ny tjänst där besökarsiffrorna tydligt visar att detta är efterfrågat. Juryns motivering:Juryn är mycket imponerad av genomförandet som är smart, enkelt, begripligt och med stort brukarfokus Det är enkelt att se hur tjänsten skulle kunna ta flera steg framåt, t ex när man med hjälp av e-leg också kan få reda på exakt vilka försäkringar man egentligen har och därmed också få mer exakta siffror på samlade ersättningsnivåer och effekter av eventuella kompletteringar av försäkringsskyddet. Experio Lab, Landstinget i Värmland Semifinalisterna

100 User Experience Design & Evaluation Methods for Your Toolkit OK, we’re only at number 19 so far, there’s still a way to go. Still, what’s there so far suggests it’ll be an amazing series. As the site doesn’t make it easy to see all of the methods so far, here’s a list of what’s there to date: Each method comes with discussion of the strengths and weaknesses, as well as other resources. Vicky Teinaki An England-based Kiwi, Vicky is doing a PhD at Northumbria University into how designers can better talk about touch and products.

Can Design Thinking Help Schools Find New Solutions to Old Problems? Principal Kamar Samuels had a problem: how to reach the most disaffected students at Bronx Writing Academy, a middle school serving mostly low-income students. The usual discipline methods weren’t working and Samuels knew that if he could figure out how to engage his toughest students, he’d have a playbook to reach them all. So, he decided to make those students his focus group, asking them what they liked about school, and really listened to the answers. That technique is part of a user-centered design approach he’s trying out in order to tackle some of the age-old problems in education, like low achievement for Latino and African-American boys, with a new lens. “In education we do not typically engage our users — our students — to find what is causing them to be disengaged,” Samuels said. Instead, we often make the assumption that their disengagement means they don’t care about school or don’t have long term goals and dreams. “The technology ideas caught on the most,” Samuels said.

Rolls Royce Bespoke: designing for a luxury brand | Design Week When Rolls Royce recently launched a Champagne Chest as part of its Accessories Collection, the move heralded a big departure for the luxury brand as this was the first product from the company not designed to be used exclusively with a Rolls Royce car. The luxury Champagne serving set was conceived and designed by Rolls Royce Bespoke, a team of 25 designers usually responsible for giving Rolls Royce customers a level of car customisation which is truly one off. There are some fairly out there examples of what this service extends to, such as a “Gallery” instead of a dashboard, containing a commission by a leading artist – including an opulent example by designer Thorsten Franck – but more commonly it means that colour and trim options are almost limitless on its vehicles. There are 44,000 Rolls Royce paint options for example and if you don’t like those you can have your own swatch colour matched. The Champagne Chest is unsurprisingly a feet of engineering, craftsmanship and opulence.

Stage-Gate and Design Thinking – BFF’s or Frenemies? | Community MBA The Stage-Gate process and Design Thinking process are two very different ways to approach innovation and many people subscribe to either one process or the other. They are matched up and pitted against each other in a cordial way. In other words, they become frenemies. But like most things in life it’s not so much and “either/or” decision, but a “both/and” decision. Stage-Gate is a wonderfully linear process and works just like it sounds – there are stages followed by gates where progress is assessed before moving on. The Design Thinking process is much different. Let’s start with Design Thinking. Stage-Gate is best to use when trying to achieve incremental innovation; you’re not trying to invent the next big market, but simply trying to get some more mileage out of your current portfolio (think line extensions). Stage-Gate can make a nice follow-up to Design Thinking. Like this: Like Loading...

6 pasos para resolver problemas en el aula con la metodología Design Thinking Cuando hablamos de “Design Thinking” nos referimos a un proceso que busca la innovación en cualquier proceso (ya sea en el marco de una empresa, de un colegio, o en cualquier otro entorno), cuya finalidad es responder a las necesidades de las personas que conviven en ese entorno y que utiliza la tecnología y el diseño como base para conseguir lograr sus objetivos. Para ponerlo en práctica podemos identificar en él seis pasos fundamentales. Son los siguientes: Observación. Comprensión. Definición. Ideación. Prototipación. Probar. El Design Thinking implica una serie de valores que a su vez tienen un gran valor dentro de la escuela. Ser visual frente a ser teórico. y además hacerlo con una mayor intensidad y motivación, frente a la simple presentación de un texto escrito. Iterar. Ser multidisciplinar. Por último, el proceso de comunicación y discusión basado en la lluvia de ideas se debe desarrollar bajo las siguientes prerrogativas: Aplaza las decisiones críticas. Visualiza las ideas.

Loop’s launch brings reusable packaging to the world’s biggest brands A new initiative by a small company has compelled more than two dozen of the world’s biggest brands to begin testing reusable packaging. Loop, launched today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, has amassed a blue-chip roster of companies, all of which are piloting a new system of high-quality packaging that can be returned and refilled again and again. In essence, it changes the ownership model of packaging from consumer to producer. The big question is, will consumers buy into it? Today’s launch is the product of more than a year’s work by TerraCycle, the Trenton, New Jersey-based company that made a name for itself by turning hard-to-recycle waste (think juice boxes, coffee capsules, plastic gloves and cigarette filters) into new products. Along the way, the company, founded in 2001, has partnered with major consumer brands, retailers, manufacturers, municipalities and small businesses in more than 20 countries. The reality is somewhat more complex. Scratching a niche

Our Process Told as our Team's Timeline **As of 2/7/2012 9:30 PM this our process.. Agile Discovers a Solution Lean Startup Discovers a Problem Design Thinking Discovers Customers Lean Discovers Efficiency At first we were an Agile Software Development team that used Lean Software Development management principles. We would come up with ideas and iterate towards a working prototype with minimal waste. However, after some failures we realized that we were often iterating to nowhere. We were pushing ideas out that nobody cared to receive. We began designing and building experiments that were Minimum Viable Products to subjectively measure and learn about our ideas and the problems we were attempting to solve. For months we successfully conducted focused experiments in coordination with other teams, and when we found a success the other team would pull it into their delivery pipeline. Now we gain empathy for our customers to discover who they truly are, what their lives are like, and what their biggest problems are.

Técnicas de Design Thinking en español para educadores y Caja de herramientas 1) En Design Thinking en español nos ofrecen amplia información sobre este estilo de pensar y destaca sobre todo, las técnicas para su desarrollo que presentan. Si quieres profundizar en estas técnicas o en le proceso, accede a su web. 2) Complemento la información, con un slide de PROQUAME que puedes descarar: Design thinking para educadores (al final) El kit de herramientas contiene: Una visión general del proceso de Design ThinkingLos métodos y las instrucciones que te ayudarán a aplicar el Design ThinkingY el libro de trabajo del Diseñador para apoyar tus retos de diseño. El Design Thinking es una metodología para generar ideas innovadoras que centra su eficacia en entender y dar solución a las necesidades reales de los usuarios. Se empezó a desarrollar de forma teórica en la Universidad de Stanford en California (EEUU). Al ser un gran generador de innovación, se puede aplicar a cualquier campo. Para comenzar a utilizar la metodología debemos preparar estos cuatro puntos:
