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Trabajando con Three.js Introducción Con Three.js se puede crear cámaras, luces, materiales, objetos y muchas cosas más, lo mejor de todo es que puedes dibujar a placer en el lienzo de HTML5, WebGLo SVG, puesto que su código se encuentra abierto. Como todo, no significa que lo realizado valla a ser fácil de hacer, habrá ocasiones en que tendrás que resolver ciertas dificultades, por ello recomendamos ampliamente practiques con varios ejemplo dedicándoles tiempo a desarrollarlos y posteriormente perfeccionarlos. Empezando por lo básico Para entender lo que a continuación se explica debes tener conocimientos básicos de 3D y JavaScript, ya que podrías perderte durante el desarrollo del tema; te invitamos a que si no tienes éstos conocimientos básicos valdría la pena que aprendieras un poco más sobre el asunto antes de meterte a desarrollar el mismo. Bueno, comencemos… En nuestro lienzo 3D tendremos los siguientes objetos: Una escenaUn procesadorUna cámaraUno o dos Objetos con materiales Sugerencias

Simple CSS - Web Hosting Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a good way to specify the styles of fonts and other page elements on your sites. It makes it easier for you to update styles too, because when done right, you only need to make a single change to update the styles on multiple pages and elements. Another bonus is that your visitor's browser needs to load less data per page, helping you reduce your data transfer usage while serving the same information. To help you work with CSS, we've created a free tool called Simple CSS, which runs on Mac OS X and Windows. With Simple CSS, you can manage multiple CSS projects and import your existing style sheets.

Online JSON Viewer CSS3 Multi Column Layout Generator Dignissim tristique a, auctor massa in nascetur lundium, nascetur mid integer dis et egestas rhoncus ac aliquet turpis integer velit, est dolor porttitor auctor, elementum porta sit tristique urna ac proin odio, habitasse ridiculus, non nunc nisi ac integer ultricies vel ac, phasellus ac? Scelerisque, ac sagittis sociis vel dictumst! Ac odio, dis placerat mus platea odio a in arcu! Pie & Donut Chart Integrate pie charts into your web applications using the Wijmo Pie Chart widget (wijpiechart). The pie chart draws each series as a slice of data and includes rich customization and animation. HTML5 charts What makes these charts superior is that they’re powered by Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Donut charts Render the Wijmo Pie Chart as a donut chart by setting the InnerRadius property. Live data All Wijmo charts are optimized for streaming live data. Tooltips Associate tooltips and links with chart elements, so the chart responds to mouse events. Appearance Wijmo Pie Chart’s rich set of properties allow you to change the look and feel of your chart. Animation Add special effects to your Wijmo Pie Chart.

Color Hex - URL Decoder/Encoder URL Decoder/Encoder Input a string of text and encode or decode it as you like.Handy for turning encoded JavaScript URLs from complete gibberish into readable gibberish.If you'd like to have the URL Decoder/Encoder for offline use, just view source and save to your hard drive. The URL Decoder/Encoder is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 License. This tool is provided without warranty, guarantee, or much in the way of explanation.

CSS3 Box Shadow Generator - CSS3gen Use this CSS3 box shadow generator to quickly generate box shadow CSS for your project. Your browser does not support the CSS3 box-shadow property. You can still use this tool to generate the CSS3 rule, but you won't be able to see the results. <div class="error_msg">Please enable Javascript to use this page. Box Shadow Explained The CSS3 box-shadow property allows you to add depth to your website's design without the need for images or extra container elements. While the syntax is easy to understand, it is hard to visualise the style using just code. The box-shadow syntax works as follows: The first value defines the distance of the box shadow in the x (horizontal) direction and the second value defines the distance in the y (vertical) direction. Optionally you can include an additional parameter after the blur distance: This defines the spread distance of the shadow. Supporting Browsers

easily add prefixes to you CSS by jjsanto Sep 25
