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This Guy is Amazing

This Guy is Amazing
3D murals painted on the sides of buildings By Trompe Loeil (trick-of-the- eye) artist John Pugh Main Street, Los Gatos , California. Even the woman peering into the ruin is part of the mural. Taylor Hall, California State University, Chico , California . Honolulu, Hawaii. This mural at the Cafe Trompe Loeil, San Jose , California , is entitled Art Imitating Life Imitating Art Imitating Life. Twenty-nine Palms, California . Bay in a Bottle, Santa Cruz , California . Looks like a nice spot to rest your weary feet on a sidewalk in front of the Sarasota County Health Center, Florida.

Body Art - Hand Animals | Optical Illusions These have to be some of the best examples of hand art I’ve ever seen. Great fun to look at for the kids and a real example of how to disguise your hand as an elephant, eagle or tiger. Click the main post for the full set of pictures. Releaselog |

Hawaiian Angelfish And I found in my mail....a nice surprize - " Just wanted you let you know, in your article on angelfish in the odd-pics section, only the picture on the left is a female masked angelfish, Genicanthus personatus , the other two are different species. So where ever you took these pictures from has it wrong too. (Note..I took 'em down. As to why anyone would pay $5k for a fish ... well ... why would anyone pay a high price for an old chair, or a rare diamond? Anyway, the real importance of the press release was not that this fish is worth that much, but that it is the first rearing of this type of fish anywhere in the world. I've attached a pic of our little lady at 75 days old. Aloha from the home of the $5K fish! J.

アサメグラフ ポケモン百五十一鬼夜行絵巻 君はここに記された妖をすべて従え、魑魅魍魎の主となるのだ! ※全てクリックで原寸に拡大されます※ ポケモン百五十一鬼夜行絵巻① ポケモン百五十一鬼夜行絵巻② ジョウトポケモン百鬼夜行絵巻① ジョウトポケモン百鬼夜行絵巻② (ぽけもん 捕り申した) 例へ 火の中 水の中 草の中 森の中 土の中 雪の中 娘御の下履きの中 (あれえ) ※中々 中々 中々 中々 大変では御座るが 必ずや捕り申す ぽけもん捕り申す 南伝馬町に しからばこれにて 拙者はこの者と 旅に出る (ぴかちゆう!) 何時も何時でも 上手くいくなどという 保証は何処にも 有り申さぬ (それはそうである) 常住坐臥 本気で生きている この者たちがいる 嗚呼 憧れの ぽけもん無双に なりたし ならざるを得ず 絶対になり申す by nojoさん(pixiv) アサメグラフに戻る 10 Websites To Make You Think | The Online Learning Blog from Study2U Supposedly browsing the internet requires more brain power than watching television. Although judging from some of the websites we’ve come across that assumption is cast into doubt. Here’s some of the sites we like that might get your brain to sit up and listen. Ted A conference that started in 1984 bringing together experts in technology, entertainment and design quickly grew into so much more. New Scientist The New Scientist website carries new articles from the magazine as well as the NS archive of over 76,000 pieces. Big Think The Big Think website is a collection of ‘global thought leaders’ who offer their thoughts and analysis on world events and other important developments. Café Scientifque ‘for the price of a cup of coffee or a glass of wine, anyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology’ Breathing Earth This fantastic website by David Bleja demonstrates CO2 emissions and world population growth in real time on a global map. Arts & Letters Daily How Stuff Works

Blonde hedgehog This is Alfie, who is not an albino hedgehog but a rare blond. The young lady is Bryony, who rescued him from almost certain death and has a very cool name. Jeanette Evans, of the British Hedgehog Preservation Society said few blonde hedgehogs had ever been spotted on mainland Britain because their coloring led to very early death wither because of rejection by Mom or their high visibiliy to predators, who thought they were Vanilla. "Blonde hedgehogs are a genetic variant. They are found in abundance only on the Channel Island of Alderney, where a pair was introduced in the 1960s." Alfie has more than doubled his weight since being rescued and is living with Bryony's family in Tiverton Way, Cambridge.

How To Build A Fireball You Can Hold Video Ramsinks BackRex: Outlook Express and Outlook backup tool. Most features in the free version. Mozbackup: Simple utility for creating backups of Firefox, Thunderbird profiles. It allows you to backup and restore bookmarks, mail, contacts, history etc. IMAPSize: A great tool to transfer Thunderbird e-mail to Outlook/Outlook Express (not sure why you would - but it's here). NasBackup: Is a great backup solution. back to top An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy. "I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. "My passionate sense of social justice and social responsibility has always contrasted oddly with my pronounced lack of need for direct contact with other human beings and human communities. "My political ideal is democracy. "This topic brings me to that worst outcrop of herd life, the military system, which I abhor... "The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. See also Einstein's Third Paradise, an essay by Gerald Holton

15 Bizarre Buildings Architecture can amaze us in so many ways. There are structures that can make our jaw drop because of their beauty while others are so grandiose to look at. They are also usually those kind of buildings that convince us to take a double-take on our camera. They look strange, silly, weird, and sometimes, funny. These are the structures that challenge our vision and trick our mind, each time we take another look at them; it takes us back to the awe that architecture always manages to convey. Here are 15 buildings that will surely get a double-take once you get around them. 1. Image Image The Dancing House is found in Prague, Czech Republic. The unique design of a bent building was very nontraditional during their time and took a lot of criticism from the public. Its original name was supposed to be Fred and Ginger, after the famous dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. Source 2. Image Image The Crooked House is a very unusual house found in Sopot, Poland. Source 3. Image Image Source 4. Image 5.

The Ajanta Caves – Ancient Temples Carved from Rock Two thousand two hundred years ago work began on an extensive series of cave monuments in Maharashtra, India. Over a period of hundreds of years, thirty one monuments were hewn piece by piece from the rock face. Then, some speculate around the year 1000AD, they fell in to disuse. Dense jungle grew around, hiding the caves away from human eyes. They Ajanta caves lay undisturbed for hundreds of years. One can only imagine what went through Smith's head when he made his find. The nearest human habitation is Ajinṭhā, a tiny village a few miles away from the caves. The first caves were hewn from the bare rock at the time of The Sātavāhana Empire which started around 230BC. Although there is widespread debate about the time at which the second period of building took place most now agree that it was probably during the reign of Harishena, from 460AD and over a period of around twenty years. There are paintings everywhere – literally. They were created using an ancient method.
