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Lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), shrug face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, look of disapproval ಠ_ಠ and more.

Lenny face ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), shrug face ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, look of disapproval ಠ_ಠ and more.
Related:  Informatique - Veille technologiqueMedia

Two Factor Auth List Overview After many high-profile and widespread major data breaches – which have compromised millions of people – many people have come to understand more about password security and the fact that a simple password can’t keep their online profiles safe. That has led to the rise in the popularity of two-factor authentication, an additional layer of security that can keep online accounts secure. Factors of Authentication An authentication factor is a category of security credential used to verify a user's identity and authorization before allowing that user to gain access to their account, send communications, or request data from a secured network, system, or application. There are three common factors of authentication: something you are, something you know, and something you have. Something you are. What Is Two-Factor Authentication? That extra layer of security means that even if an attacker knows a user's password, they won't be allowed access to their online account or mobile device.

Mycoted ekit, phonecards, prepaid sim cards and international cell phones for international travelers When traveling, you need an international mobile phone that works on the GSM frequency bands used in the countries you are visiting. An international phone, often described as a global phone, travel mobile, travel phone, world phone or tri-band phone is simply a GSM phone that operates on three GSM frequency bands. Already have an international phone? You need to ensure your international phone is unlocked. If your phone is locked to your current mobile provider, it will not work with any SIM card service from another provider. Are you from the United States? Mobile phones from the US generally don't won't work outside of the US. Types of GSM phones The type of GSM phone (dual-band, tri-band or quad-band) you need for your trip depends on where are traveling to. ekit offers a range of dual-band, tri-band and quad band phones to suit any budget. Dual band phones are the cheapest because they don't work in as many countries. What is a SIM card? Local, regional and global SIM cards

De-google-ify Internet - List of services - Framasoft Framalink Raccourcir et/ou personnaliser une adresse web (URL) en deux clics, et sans pister quiconque (alternative à ou Framindmap Concevoir, publier et partager des cartes mentales simplement, seul ou en collaborant chacun son tour (alternative à MyFrama Trier et conserver ses adresses web (dont les liens vers ses Frama-services) dans un classeur numérique (alternative à Framadate Déterminer collaborativement la meilleure date et heure d’une réunion, ou créer un mini-sondage très simplement (alternative à Doodle). Framadrive Obtenir un espace de stockage en ligne pour y héberger, synchroniser (voire partager) ses fichiers (alternative à Dropbox, Google Drive). Framanotes Synchroniser ses notes, images et liens favoris entre ses appareils avec la sécurité qu’offre le chiffrement (alternative à Evernote). Framasphère Partager sur un réseau social éthique et décentralisé, sans voir son profil exploité à des fins publicitaires (alternative à Facebook). Framagit

Dream Moods A-Z Dream Dictionary Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about. Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analyzing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself. To guide you with your dreams interpretations, we have interpreted over 5900 keywords and symbols and over 20,000 different meanings in our ever expanding dream dictionary. Every detail, even the most minute element in your dream is important and must be considered when analyzing your dreams.

French Revolution Digital Archive TECH 24 Bienvenue ! {* welcomeName *} {* loginWidget *} Bienvenue ! {* #signInForm *} {* signInEmailAddress *} {* currentPassword *} {* /signInForm *} Votre compte a été désactivé Vous devez vérifier votre adresse email pour finaliser votre inscription. {* #resendVerificationForm *} {* signInEmailAddress *}{* /resendVerificationForm *} Merci de confirmer les informations ci-dessous avant de vous connecter {* #socialRegistrationForm *} {* firstName *} {* lastName *} {* emailAddress *} {* displayName *} {* phone *} {* addressCity *} {* addressCountry *} En cliquant sur "Créer un compte", vous confirmez que vous acceptez nos conditions générales et que vous avez lu et approuvé la politique de protection de données personnelles.{* /socialRegistrationForm *} Merci de confirmer les informations ci-dessous avant de vous connecter Nous vous avons envoyé un email de confirmation à l'adresse suivante {* emailAddressData *}. Nous vous enverrons un lien pour créer un nouveau mot de passe {| moreInfoText |}

Learn typing at the speed of thought! Typing lessons that work. Take typing speed test, practice your touch typing skills, learn to type faster and with fewer errors with this free online typing tutor. What Is Touch Typing? Touch typing is the ability to use muscle memory to find keys fast, without using the sense of sight, and with all the available fingers, just like piano players do. That is why we created, a free online typing tutorial, to give you the most advanced learning experience and let you develop your typing skills faster. How Does This Typing Tutor Work? There are several features in that set it apart from most of the typing practice software out there. First, it does not force you to repeat the same characters over and over again; that is simply slow, boring and contributes very little to your learning. Instead, generates random, but readable and pronounceable words using the phonetic rules of your native language. Is It Really Effective?

Les Nuits révolutionnaires Pour me soulager, je m'enfonçai dans la suite des siècles : je vis les hommes de 1992, lire notre histoire ; je m'efforçai de les entendre, et je les entendis. La sévérité de leur jugement m'effraya ! Il me sembla que les uns nous reprochaient d'avoir manqué d'humanité, tandis que les extrêmes, tels qu'il en est aujourd'hui, nous approuvaient. + Lire la suite

IRL Podcast: Online Life is Real Life
