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Soulwire › Art + Technology

Soulwire › Art + Technology

Interface Between Two Files Using the LocalConnection Class In this tutorial we will use the AS3 LocalConnection class to send and receive data between two different SWF files. Today we will use this to detect mouse movement in one SWF and mirror it in another. Final Result Preview Let's take a look at the final result we will be working towards. This tutorial is split into two sections. Section 1: Sending Information Step 1: Sending New Flash Document Firstly, create a new ActionScript 3.0 file. Then, resize the file to 600px × 250px. Step 2: Sending Add a Background This step is not necessary for functionality, but more for aesthetics. Step 3: Sending Create Document Class Save your FLA as Sending.fla and then create a blank AS file. Then go back and link the document class to the FLA. Step 4: Sending Set Up Document Class Add a blank package, class and constructor function to your AS file. Step 5: Sending Import Classes The first thing we need to do in our document class is to import all the classes which we will need in the future. Conclusion

prefuse | interactive information visualization toolkit build flash online “wonderfl build flash online” is a online Flash IDE and community. The 3 major features are: “Build from scratch”, starting to write Action Script3. To create a new Flash using wonderfl, click the “build from scratch” button on top of the page. ActionScript posted to wonderfl is open source. If an ActionScript catches your eye on wonderfl, *Fork it first. On wonderfl, users can collaborate their individual works to make something that couldn’t have been made by one person. *Fork ・・・・Copy the original program and add features or fix bugs. Using minimum dot pattern... FORK-a Making "the space invaders". FORK-b Or creating a 3D city made of black and white dots. Flash creators from all over the world come together at wonderfl. How to ask a question. Write code in wonderfl, and add a “question” tag. Take the above procedures mark a code as a question. How to finish your question If you get a response you’re looking for, change the “question” tag to “question-closed” to close the question.
