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Beatlab Otomata - Online Generative Musical Sequencer 16 Jul 2011 Click on the grid below to add cells, click on cells to change their direction, and press play to listen to your music. Update: Click here to get Otomata for your iPhone / iPod / iPad! Official facebook page: Also this reddit page has many examples: And there is a subreddit for Otomata: Otomata is a generative sequencer. Each alive cell has 4 states: Up, right, down, left. at each cycle, the cells move themselves in the direction of their internal states. This set of rules produces chaotic results in some settings, therefore you can end up with never repeating, gradually evolving sequences. If you encounter something you like, just press “Copy Piece Link” and save it somewhere, or better, share it! Here is something from me to start with: And here is an action video: Here are replies to some common questions: Q: MIDI Output?

deQuencher New version! Current Universal Binary package for Macs (docs included): dq_v0.2.1.dmg And here is the sources: dq_v0.2.1src.tar.gz The Documentation and tutorial is included in the dmg. The tutorial also has an accompanying video which can be downloaded/watched from here. Old, processing based version: I’m no longer hosting the old processing versions documentation here. However if you are interested, you can download the whole package for the old version which includes the docs from here. To see a video of deQuencher in action, you can look here: Embedded version: This performance was made with the old processing version of dQ so not all of the functionality of the current version is used there. What is new? The current version is a complete rewrite of the application with C++ using the great openframeworks library. But what exactly does it do? Simply put, deQuencher is a live sequencing tool. They are:

Circuli If you like Circuli, you might also like Otomata, click here! Circuli is a generative musical instrument conceptualized and developed by Batuhan Bozkurt. Circles grow at a constant rate. An action video: Audiotool Tout Google avec un seul compte Connectez-vous à votre compte Google. Localiser mon compte Mot de passe oublié ? Se connecter avec un autre compte Créer un compte Tout Google avec un seul compte
