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Archaeology & the Bible

Archaeology & the Bible

OrthodoxWiki Orthodox Christianity is the life in faith of the Orthodox Church, inseparable from that concrete, historic community and encompassing its entire way of life. The Orthodox Christian faith is that faith "handed once to the saints" (Jude 3), passed on in Holy Tradition to the apostles by Jesus Christ, and then handed down from one generation to the next, without addition or subtraction. The sole purpose of Orthodox Christianity is the salvation of every human person, uniting him to Christ in the Church, transforming him in holiness, and imparting eternal life. This is the Gospel, the good news, that Jesus is the Messiah, that he rose from the dead, and that we may be saved as a result. God Main article: Holy Trinity Orthodox Christians worship the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—the Holy Trinity, the one God. God is not an impersonal essence or mere "higher power," but rather each of the divine persons relates to mankind personally. Christology Main articles: Jesus Christ, Christology Tradition

Complete Bible Genealogy - Jesus family tree - Kings of Judah and Israel Douglas Jacoby - International Teaching Ministry - Bible study, Apologetics, and Christian Living Biblical Archeology Sojourn Music The Breaking Of The 7 Seals (Before It's News) Hidden Secrets Of The Elite Revealed The Secret Behind Whitney Houstons Death Clinton Admits To Satan Worship At Bohemian Grove? 10 People Whose Warnings Went Unheeded "Funny" Bill Clinton Parody – I Whip It Out, Video by Brandy Do you know what time it is? First let me say that I am NOT a Bible scholar and I will NEVER make claim to have all the answers. Let’s dive right in to this “lesson” of uncovering some of what was revealed to John. The book of Revelation starts out speaking of the 7 churches of the world. REVELATION 5 immediately starts out speaking of a single scroll being held by God (in His right hand) that has writing inside and on the back, and it is sealed with seven seals. An angel asks “Who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll?” Jesus then goes to God and takes the scroll from Him. THE FIRST SEAL What I find interesting is that there are 4 “living creatures” mentioned over and over. Let’s get on with the seals:

Early Christian Writings: New Testament, Apocrypha, Gnostics, Church Fathers Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Indelible Grace Music Creation Science - young earth rebuttals Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History Ancient Lives | Transcribe Close This is a piece of text discovered in Egypt, written over 1000 years ago. We'd like you to help us to read it. Images may not be copied or offloaded, and the images and their texts may not be published. BackNext You can drag the piece around to inspect it, or click the map to navigate to a specific region. You may need to zoom to get a better look at the specimen. Click on a character's center point to mark the location. Don't worry about completely covering the character, we only need its center point. BackNextPlay example When changes have been made to the fragment, the save status will change. You can click it to save immediately, or let the document automatically save every 20 seconds. With characters marked, we now need to match them to Greek on the keyboard. Click on one of your highlighted characters to select it, then hover over the keyboard to make a match. Use toggle to show and hide characters you've marked. Playing Example
