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Ultimate++ is a C++ cross-platform rapid application development framework :: Ultimate++ busted : Elegant Lua unit testing, by Olivine-Labs What's busted, precious? busted is a unit testing framework with a focus on being easy to use. busted works with lua >= 5.1, moonscript, terra, and LuaJIT >= 2.0.0. busted test specs read naturally without being too verbose. An extensible assert library allows you to extend and craft your own assert functions specific to your case with method chaining. busted test.lua Usage Installation Install busted through Luarocks. You can also install the latest or a branch by cloning the busted repository, and running luarocks make from the directory. CLI: Running Busted Usage: busted [OPTIONS] [--] [ROOT-1 [ROOT-2 [...]]] Predefined Busted Tasks Busted 1.6 added a concept of "tasks", or predefined busted configuration options. return { _all = { coverage = true }, default = { verbose = true }, apiUnit = { tags = "api", ROOT = {"spec/unit"}, verbose = true } } This allows you to run busted --run=apiUnit, which will run the equivalent of busted --coverage --tags=api --verbose spec/unit. Standalone Pending

Pencil Drawings - Realistic Portrait Art - Sketches and Colored Pencil - Grand Rapids Artist XD++ MFC The XD++ C++ Class Library is a set of classes built on the Microsoft Foundation Classes. XD++ was designed from the start to be a reusable class library. Full edition of XD++ ships with its full C++ Source Code. Figure 1: XD++ supports Documents, Views, and Graphical Objects such as rectangles, ellipses, polygons, metafiles, text, bitmaps, and lines. Figure 2:The XD++ View object supports mouse-based object ipulation, including selection, resize, moving, alignment, orderment, and "active" dragging (moving a visual image, not just an outline). Figure 3:The XD++ Document object supports MFC archiving, making it easy to save and restore graphical objects, visual layout, and application-related data. Figure 4:XD++ provides support for composing and manipulating graphs (node & arc diagrams). Figure 5:The XD++ Class Library is designed to be flexible and extensible. Figure 6:XD++ provides a Form Editor that can be placed in any window of an MFC application. Major Features: New features: top

Boost C++ Libraries Lua 5.1 Reference Manual by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo, Waldemar Celes Copyright © 2006–2012, PUC-Rio. Freely available under the terms of the Lua license. contents · index · other versions · english · português · español Lua is an extension programming language designed to support general procedural programming with data description facilities. Being an extension language, Lua has no notion of a "main" program: it only works embedded in a host client, called the embedding program or simply the host. Lua is free software, and is provided as usual with no guarantees, as stated in its license. Like any other reference manual, this document is dry in places. This section describes the lexis, the syntax, and the semantics of Lua. The language constructs will be explained using the usual extended BNF notation, in which {a} means 0 or more a's, and [a] means an optional a. 2.1 – Lexical Conventions The following keywords are reserved and cannot be used as names: 2.2 – Values and Types

C++ Language Tutorial This website uses cookies. By continuing, you give permission to deploy cookies, as detailed in our privacy policy. ok Search: Not logged in C++ Language These tutorials explain the C++ language from its basics up to the newest features introduced by C++11. Introduction Compilers Basics of C++ Program structure Compound data types Classes Other language features C++ Standard Library Input/Output with files Tutorials C++ LanguageAscii CodesBoolean OperationsNumerical Bases C++ Language Introduction:CompilersBasics of C++:Program structure:Compound data types:Classes:Other language features:Standard library:Input/output with files 深入Lua-based GUI系統架構與實做細節 >> 猴子靈藥 在前篇「使用Lua實做GUI系統的遊戲實例」中介紹了 Lua 於 GUI 系統的基本用法後,本文開始進入 GUI 的核心功能層面。 一般來說,有數種不同的架構方式能夠結合 Lua 與 C++ 實做 GUI 系統。其一是將 Lua Script 當作純粹資料描述用的程式碼,僅儲存 UI Layout 相關的資料(如前篇文章所示),而由 C++ Code 掌控核心功能並且讀取 Lua Script 進行資料的處理。其二則是於 C++ 端實做出一組完整的 UI Widget 類別,然後再將這組 Widget 的所有函式、甚至所有類別,註冊給 Lua 端自行呼叫使用。 另一種方法則是在 Lua Script 中包含資料描述以及核心功能,將 GUI 系統的全部相關功能全權交由 Lua 端處理。 使用上述的架構,在 C++ 端只需要實現唯一一個類別:GuiManager,做為 Facade 介面與遊戲引擎的其他系統溝通。 對整個 Lua-based GUI 系統的架構有了基礎的概念,並且瞭解 GUI 系統的 C++ 端如何運作之後,接著先看看在遊戲中使用 GUI Script 的實例: Frame { name = "ingame", x = 0, y = 0, width = 20, height = 20, backdrop = "Image/bk.png", Button { name = "ingame_main", x = 0, y = 0, width = 15, height = 20, graphics = StandardButtonGraphics, mouse_up = function() Gui.ShowFrame("main_menu"); Core.SetGameState(GAME_PAUSE); end, }; } 上述這段程式碼,定義了一個名稱為 in_game 的 Frame 元件,位於螢幕座標 (0, 0) 的位置,長度與寬度的大小都是 20 個像素,背景圖片使用 Image/bk.png。 在 Button() 函式中,先利用 Lua 的物件導向設計能力,具現化出一個 ButtonData 物件。 在遊戲主迴圈進行繪圖程序時,由 C++ 端的 GuiManager 物件呼叫 Lua 端的 GuiRender() 函式:

GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection Coxpcall - Coroutine Safe xpcall and pcall LuaFileSystem Overview LuaFileSystem is a Lua library developed to complement the set of functions related to file systems offered by the standard Lua distribution. LuaFileSystem offers a portable way to access the underlying directory structure and file attributes. LuaFileSystem is free software and uses the same license as Lua 5.x (MIT). Status Current version is 1.7.0. Download LuaFileSystem can be installed using LuaRocks: $ luarocks install luafilesystem Its source can be found at its Github page. History Version 1.7.0 [15/Sep/2017] symlinkattributes function now provides 'target' field, containing name of the file that the symlink points to. attributes, symlinkattributes, touch, mkdir, and rmdir functions now return system-dependent error code as the third value on error. Version 1.6.3 [15/Jan/2015] Lua 5.3 support. Version 1.6.2 [?? Full Lua 5.2 compatibility (with Lua 5.1 fallbacks) Version 1.6.1 [01/Oct/2012] fix build for Lua 5.2 Version 1.6.0 [26/Sep/2012] Version 1.5.0 [20/Oct/2009] Credits

LuaDoc: Documentation Generator Tool for the Lua language Overview LuaDoc is a documentation generator tool for Lua source code. It parses the declarations and documentation comments in a set of Lua source files and produces a set of XHTML pages describing the commented declarations and functions. The output is not limited to XHTML. LuaDoc is free software and uses the same license as Lua. Status Current version is 3.0.1. Download LuaDoc can be downloaded from its Lua Forge page. Dependencies LuaDoc depends on two external packages: History Version 3.0.1 [17/Feb/2008] added support to @usage tags (thanks to Rafael Sabbagh Armony) makefile improved to follow kepler standards lualogging dependency is now optional added a rockspec file Version 3.0.0 [13/Aug/2007] update to Lua 5.1 major internal refactoring Version 2.0 [14/Aug/2002] update to Lua 4.0 Version 1.1 [31/Mar/1999] "DOS/Windows"-safe sources (no problems with "\r\n" line-breaks) new usage subsection Version 1.0 [15/Mar/1999] Credits LuaDoc codebase was designed and developed by Tomás Guisasola.

Live coding in Lua with ZeroBrane Studio - ZeroBrane I was working on a lightweight Lua IDE for those who want to learn programming when I came across Bret Victor's Inventing On Principle and Kill Math projects. If you haven't seen them before, I recommend you spend a bit of time listening to his ideas about interactive design. Just don't close this page and come back when you're done as I'll show you how you can do some of it with Lua scripts today. The core part of the message is that designers need an immediate connection to their creations and even a short update-run-use loop may be too long to explore a variety of different options, parameters, and their interactions. Sometimes the relations or dependencies between variables become more obvious when you not only have a way to interact with the object, but also control the interaction. The video shows how you can use live coding with different scripts running in ZeroBrane Studio (you may need to switch the video to 720p to make the text more readable).

ZeroBrane Studio - Lua IDE/editor/debugger for Windows, Mac OSX, and Linux

Good to know, I will give a more serious look to this pearl or I may bet for HTML5. by x11 Oct 24
