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How to Create a Rubric in Google Sheets - Video Demonstration

Related:  Creativity & Service Design

Is Design Thinking Missing From ADDIE? SumoMe Even though a crucial part of our jobs involve design, the prevailing instructional design models are based on systems thinking. Systems thinking promotes an analytical or engineering type of mindset. But we also need an approach to help us synthesize, innovate and create. In many design fields today, people who are required to create on demand use a design thinking model for this purpose. Design Thinking is Human-centered Design thinking acquires and synthesizes information in order to generate creative, human-centered solutions. If design thinking has the potential to help us come up with better design solutions, then let’s make room for it as we design and promote learning experiences. Solutions for the 21st Century Those of us who feel hampered by current models may already practice some design thinking techniques. This is critical, because the way things are going, the solution to many problems may be much broader and more integrated than one training course can provide.

10 tips to use Google Classroom effectively and efficiently Google Classroom can be even more powerful with a few tips and strategies to make it efficient and effective. Google Classroom streamlines the management of student work — announcing, assigning, collecting, grading, giving feedback and returning. It has certainly saved many teachers hours of work. Without a solid workflow and some strategy, grading digital work can be cumbersome. Sometimes, a few quick tips can make all the difference. Here are 10 tips to help you use Google Classroom more effectively and efficiently: 1. 2. 3. Adding class comments: Do this by adding a comment in your class stream on the “outside” of an assignment or announcement. 4. 5. 6. When you reuse a post, you can even choose to create new copies of all the attachments you used before. 7. 8. 9. 10. Looking for more? Click for full-sized infographic! For notifications of new Ditch That Textbook content and helpful links: Interested in having Matt present at your event or school? Related

Using Google Apps in a Math Classroom This week I am hosting some guest bloggers. This is a guest post from Bethany Mager. I have been teaching high school math for 12 years and I currently work to help teachers integrate technology in our 1:1 high school using Google Apps. Collaborative Challenge Problems The best part of using Google in the classroom is having students collaborate with each other on a document. Screenshots I love using online math tools in my classroom, including Desmos and GeoGebra. Images Of course, it’s true all math students must still do most of their work using pencil and paper. Students submitting images through Classroom also makes it really easy to share and discuss their or student work as a class. Forms One of the first things I used when we started using Google Apps was Forms.

What Is Design Thinking? How might we engage students more deeply in reading? -- Karen, learning specialist How might we create a classroom space that is more centered around the needs and interests of the students? -- Michael, second-grade teacher How might we create a more collaborative culture for teachers at our school? How might we connect more with our neighborhood community? How might we create a district-wide approach to curriculum that engages the 21st century learner? As educators, we are designing every single day -- whether it's finding new ways to teach content more effectively, using our classroom space differently, developing new approaches to connecting with parents, or creating new solutions for our schools. Wherever they fall on the spectrum of scale -- the challenges facing educators today are real, complex, and varied. Design Thinking is one of them. Design Thinking is a process and a mindset It's human-centered It's collaborative Designing requires conversation, critique and all-out teamwork.

20 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom - Teacher Tech Google Classroom ( is available to schools with a Google Apps for Education (GAfE) domain. Classroom is a way to get all of your students in one place and allows you to easily assign work and for students to turn it in. Book: “50 Things You Can Do With Google Classroom” now available on Amazon. For a tour of Google Classroom visit Sharing Resources: Google Classroom allows you to take a document, video or link and push it out to your students.Create a Lesson: More than simply assigning work to students, Google Classroom allows you to build an assignment. Include a description and attach multiple documents, links and videos. Link to my follow up blog post: 15 MORE things you can do with Google Classroom. Link to my follow up blog post: 10 additional things you can do with Google Classroom. Thank you to Sean Junkins for creating a nice poster infographic based on this blog post.

Critical Thinking Model 1 To Analyze Thinking We Must Identify and Question its Elemental Structures Standard: Clarityunderstandable, the meaning can be grasped Could you elaborate further? Could you give me an example? Standard: Accuracyfree from errors or distortions, true How could we check on that? Standard: Precisionexact to the necessary level of detail Could you be more specific? Standard: Relevancerelating to the matter at hand How does that relate to the problem? Standard: Depthcontaining complexities and multiple interrelationships What factors make this a difficult problem? Standard: Breadthencompassing multiple viewpoints Do we need to look at this from another perspective? Standard: Logicthe parts make sense together, no contradictions Does all this make sense together? Standard: Significancefocusing on the important, not trivial Is this the most important problem to consider? Standard: FairnessJustifiable, not self-serving or one-sided Do I have any vested interest in this issue? Think About... Gather...

10 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom Pinterest Here are 10 Fantastic Ways for Teachers and Students to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom! At first glance, it can be easy to dismiss the Google Drawing tool. It does seem rather simplistic. Below is an infographic I created with Piktochart. Use the buttons below to save or download a copy of this image. Download File Summary Article Name 10 Ways to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom Description Here are 10 Fantastic Ways for Teachers and Students to Use Google Drawings in the Classroom! Author Kasey Bell © Shake Up Learning 2016.

Méthode des six chapeaux La méthode des six chapeaux, extraite de l'ouvrage Six chapeaux pour penser[1],[2], est une méthode de structuration de la pensée personnelle ou de groupe, développée par Edward de Bono, permettant de résoudre les problèmes en favorisant la pensée critique et en évitant la censure précoce des idées nouvelles, dérangeantes ou inhabituelles[3]. Selon Karadag et al., cette méthode permet de développer la pensée créative en présentant et en systématisant des pensées et des suggestions dans un format spécifiquement défini[4]. Pour cela, les participants sont invités à aborder la question en prenant ensemble tour à tour différents « chapeaux » d'une couleur particulière. L'ordre d'adoption des chapeaux varie en fonction du type de problème. L'enjeu est de mobiliser un processus de « pensée parallèle » simple et efficace qui aide les gens à sortir des limites de l'étroitesse d'esprit, de la pensée unidirectionnelle et des positions fixes (De Bono, 1985[1]). Portail du management

Animate Your Life | Tellagami <span class="enable-js"><font class="red">&#9888;</font> Javascript is currently <strong>disabled</strong> in your browser. Please enable Javascript to view the site properly.</span> "Check out this Gami!" Get the App Learn More Free Download Share this Gami video Share it: Post to Facebook Like it: Download App for... iOS - or - Android Send to me via text Select your mobile device: Enter your mobile number to receive a link via text message. App Tour Examples FAQ Our Story Our Team Contact Terms Privacy Copyright © 2014 Tellagami Labs Inc. iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.

Apps for multiple intelligences What makes the iPad brilliant is that it caters to all different intelligences. In fact most apps touch upon all different types of intelligences. I’ve tried to match all of my favorite educational apps with their corresponding intelligences. For those apps that matched with more than one, I’ve used equivalents. Students can use whichever app they chose to study. Take the brilliant app “The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. The debate whether Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences really excist or not has been contested quite a few times. Children do differ in their abilities with different modalities, but teaching the child in his best modality doesn‘t affect his educational achievement. So much like the ideas behind TPACK, consider which type of intelligence best serves the content and not just the student. Click on the app icons to see the app in the App Store. Related posts:

A Step By Step Guide on How to Locate and Add Add-ons to Your Google Drive October 12, 2014 It seems from the emails we keep receiving from some of our readers here that they still did not grasp the concept of add-ons that Google released a few months ago. In a nutshell, add-ons are third party tools created to add capabilities to your documents and spreadsheets.The majority of these add-ons are created by independent developers not affiliated with Google. Since the release of this new feature that supports third party extensions in Google Drive, the add-ons store is now teeming with all kinds of applications to use on your documents and spreadsheets. These tools cover a wide variety of services and enable users to perform some enhanced functionalities on their documents and spreadsheets. Here is how to locate and install an add-on on your document or spreadsheet. 1- Open a document or spreadsheet 2- Click on "add-ons" then select "get add-ons" 2- Browse through the store and select the add-on you want to install

5 tips to grow your start-up using SWOT analysis Having a strength greater than your competitor is irrelevant unless it is an important factor in customer decision making. As a start-up, how do you pinpoint these strengths? What can you do about it? If you have many competitors, and they offer equally attractive products and services, then you are unlikely to have great traction with customers. However, if no-one else can do what you do, then you can have a big advantage as long as the customer has a need that your services can address. The use of SWOT Analysis allows a start-up business to identify your strengths, minimise your weaknesses, take advantage of opportunities and overcome threats. YOUR STRENGTHS: What are your key advantages in relation to problems and opportunities as defined by your target customer segment? YOUR VALUE: How do you develop a value proposition such that your target customers easily recognise your strengths as directly relevant to solving their specific problems? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. inShare77

Teachers Easy Guide to Creating Quiz Shows on Google Drive January 3, 2015 Flippity is a powerful web tool that you can use with Google Spreadsheets to perform a variety of tasks. In the last post we published here we talked about how to use Flippity to create Flashcards and we visually demonstrated how teachers can go about creating their own flashcards using this tool. Today, we are sharing with you another great functionality provided by Flippity. This time you will get to learn how to use Flippity to create a Quiz Show from a Google Spreadsheet. Click here to see a demo. Here is how you can make your own Quiz Show using Flippity on Google Spreadsheets: 1- 1- Click on this template and copy it to your Google Spreadsheet by clicking on "file" and " make a copy" 2- Now that you are on the copied version of that template, edit the text and type in the data you want to include in your Quiz Show. 3-Publish your sheet by clicking on "file " then "publish" 4-Copy the link under the link tab
