Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
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University of Maryland School of Medicine
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Veteran and Eligible Dependents Educational Benefits Former service personnel, their survivors, and dependents may be eligible for Veterans Affairs Educational Benefits. Atlanta Tech is pleased to offer programs that are approved for veterans and their eligible dependents. To determine your eligibility, please contact the Atlanta Tech Veterans Affairs Office for assistance. Apply If this is your initial claim, complete an Application for Benefits (VA Form 22-1990). Certify Once you have submitted the documentation described above, the VA Rep will validate your enrollment and send a certification to the appropriate VA Regional Office. Enrollment Status Changes and Withdrawals It is the student’s responsibility to notify the ATC VA Rep of any changes in enrollment status, program of study, place of training, etc. Change of Program or Place of Training Address Changes Address changes and changes of Banks should also be reported to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Time Frame/Payment of Benefits
Photographic Section
The naval archives will operate under restricted access due to the ongoing remediation efforts in storage facilities and naval history holdings. Access to and support from the naval archives will remain limited to official government inquiries only. The Naval History and Heritage Command's Photographic Section has extensive pictorial reference files on all aspects of naval history. Its own collections are the principal source of photographs and other illustrations of U.S. Navy subjects made prior to 1920, and contain a wide selection of unique photography from later years. Location Washington Navy Yard, second floor, Building 108Map of Washington Navy Yard and Information on Visiting the NHHC Phone The Online Library of Selected Imagesis a readily accessible picture index to some of the Photographic Section's images. More Information:
NCI Visuals Online
Antarctic Photo Library: Images of Antarctica