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Stadium Domitiani

Stadium Domitiani

A glimpse of teenage life in ancient Rome - Ray Laurence Ancient Rome in 3D - Altair 4 Multimedia An exciting journey through time and space to the splendours of Ancient Rome. Ancient Rome in 3D uses the most recent discoveries and latest technology to bring the ancient city back to life, reconstructing Rome’s most famous monuments in full 3D. With the innovative Interactive DVD you can navigate through Rome’s reconstructed monuments, experiencing them like the Romans did. On your home TV you can switch from the reconstructions of the past to modern day images for a spectacular comparison between past and present. As bonus material the DVD has the video ‘The House of Iulius Polybius’, an animated reconstruction that takes you to the ancient city of Pompeii just moments before the eruption of Mt.

40 maps that explain the Roman Empire by Timothy B. Lee on August 19, 2014 Two thousand years ago, on August 19, 14 AD, Caesar Augustus died. He was Rome's first emperor, having won a civil war more than 40 years earlier that transformed the dysfunctional Roman Republic into an empire. Under Augustus and his successors, the empire experienced 200 years of relative peace and prosperity. The rise and fall of Rome The rise and fall of RomeIn 500 BC, Rome was a minor city-state on the Italian peninsula. The rise of Rome Rome's military Rome's powerful maniple formation Rome's powerful maniple formationIn the early years of the republic, the Roman infantry used a version of the Greek phalanx. The republic becomes an empire Julius Caesar conquers Gaul Julius Caesar conquers GaulIn 58 BC, Julius Caesar took command of Rome's northern frontier and set out to conquer Gaul, which corresponds roughly to modern-day France. The lost city of Pompeii The eruption of Mount Vesuvius The eruption of Mt. The culture of Rome The decline of Rome

La Rome antique et impériale Donc au commencement étaient la louve capitoline, Rémus, Romulus ... La suite avec : Chapitre 2 - La Rome chrétienne Chapitre 3 - La Rome Renaissance et baroque Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence Welcome to the world of Lucius Popidius Secundus, a 17-year old living in Rome in 73 AD. His life is a typical one of arranged marriages, coming-of-age festivals, and communal baths. Take a look at this exquisitely detailed lesson on life of a typical Roman teenager two thousand years ago. Freeborn women in ancient Rome were citizens (cives) but could not vote or hold political office. Porticus of Livia: Begun by Augustus on the site of the house of Vedius Pollio (q.v.) in 15 B.C., and finished and dedicated to Livia in 7 B.C. The Colosseum is an elliptical amphitheatre in the centre of the city of Rome, Italy. A gladiator was an armed combatant who entertained audiences in the Roman Republic and Roman Empire in violent confrontations with other gladiators, wild animals, and condemned criminals.

A brief history of goths - Dan Adams Examining the developments of the “goths” and “gothic” provides a way to explore the major artistic movements in Western history. Start with the Classical Age. Because most primary documents were created by the Romans, they carry a heavy bias against the Goths. For example, the Ludovisi Battle Sarcophagus depicts the virtuous Romans slaughtering the barbarous Goths. Giorgio Vasari is often credited as the first art historian. Horace Walpole was a Romantic during the Industrial Age. What about contemporary goths?

The great conspiracy against Julius Caesar - Kathryn Tempest Non-textual sources can also help us understand Marcus Brutus better. Coins in particular enable us to see how Brutus presented his political agenda at the time. You can look at some of Brutus’ coins here. What lasting messages did these coins leave with the imagery inscribed upon them?
