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CASH Music 5 User-Friendly Tools for Building Your Online Portfolio Heather R. Huhman is the founder and president of Come Recommended, a content marketing and digital PR consultancy for organizations with products that target job seekers and/or employers. You can connect with Heather and Come Recommended on Twitter and Facebook. In today’s digital world, your job search has to be as much online as it is on paper. An online portfolio allows you to compile what makes you employable — it should include things like your resume, cover letter, references, certifications, transcripts and any examples of your work (including writing samples, press clips, artwork or lesson plans). Here are five great options that can host your online portfolio. 1. Summary: WorkSimple is the first work portfolio that helps you manage your career and performance inside your organization. Additionally, WorkSimple allows users to brand themselves by sharing goals and contributions with co-workers in real-time. 2. Cost: Free for a Behance profile, $11 a month for the ProSite. 3. 4.

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