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Bohemian Grove

Bohemian Grove
Coordinates: Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre (1,100 ha) campground located at 20601 Bohemian Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the Bohemian Club. In mid-July each year, Bohemian Grove hosts a two-week, three-weekend encampment of some of the most powerful men in the world.[1][2] Introduction[edit] The Bohemian Club's all-male membership and guest list includes artists, particularly musicians, as well as many prominent business leaders, government officials (including U.S. presidents), senior media executives, and people of power.[3][4] Members may invite guests to the Grove although those guests are subject to a screening procedure. A guest's first glimpse of the Grove typically is during the "Spring Jinks" in June, preceding the main July encampment. After 40 years of membership the men earn "Old Guard" status, giving them reserved seating at the Grove's daily talks, as well as other perquisites. History[edit]

World Leaders Agree on Roadmap to End Poverty By 2020 Geneva – July 21, 2011 It took years to decide, but last night in Geneva 164 CEO’s of the top fortune 500 companies, many country leaders from all continents, all CEO’s of the top 200 largest aid organisations, as well as US president Barack Obama, agreed on a plan to end poverty on a global scale by working together as one community, while agreeing on one roadmap with an accompanying set of behaviors. The roadmap involves a clear guide for (profit and non-profit) organisations, institutions, and governments to end poverty by 2020. Although participation is voluntary, it is said that this initiative will become the next global standard for governments and businesses’ social responsibility. The idea is simple: all existing aid workers, students, and volunteers in the world unite through the Internet in one open software program, where communities can be established for every sub-initiative to end poverty by 2020. Why Things Didn’t Work Before Three main reasons were identified: The Solution

Illuminati Illuminati (pluralul din latinescul illuminatus, "ilumináții") este un nume care se referă la mai multe grupuri, atât istorice și moderne, atât reale cât și fictive. Ordinul Iluminaților a fost o societate secretă fondată la 1 mai 1776, în Ingolstadt (Bavaria de Nord), de Adam Weishaupt[1], care a fost primul profesor de drept canonic de la Universitatea din Ingolstadt[2] . Mișcarea era formată din liber-cugetători, liberali, republicani (deci antimonarhici) și pro-feminini, recrutați din lojile masonice din Germania, și a urmărit să promoveze perfecționismul prin intermediul școlilor de mistere. În 1785, ordinul a fost infiltrat, dezbinat și suprimat mai întâi de către guvern bavarez pentru un presupus complot și apoi în întregul stat (Reich) german. Acuzația adusă a fost aceea că scopul ordinului este să răstoarne toate monarhiile și religiile de stat din Europa. Istorie[modificare | modificare sursă] Illuminati modern[modificare | modificare sursă]

Le Pacte pour les droits et la citoyenneté se met en place à Saint-Etienne - [PACTE pour les droits et la citoyenneté] Un amphi de la faculté de lettres, Université J Monnet, 120 personnes présentes, avec dans la salle des représentants d’organisations signataires du Pacte et de « collectifs militants » (RESF42, « Pour que personne ne dorme à la rue »), des élus dont plusieurs adjoint représentant la Municipalité de St Etienne, conseillers généraux et régionaux. Une salle vivante et réactive. En introduction B Vennin souligne la nécessité de créer un front commun pour la défense des droits : le travail en défense est nécessaire, mais épuisant s’il n’est pas adossé sur une perspective plus large et plus stratégique. Droits et libertés sont liés les uns aux autres, et pour les défendre il faut être nombreux à mener bataille et formuler des exigences appuyées sur des choix politiques. Prenant le relais, JP Dubois a d’abord mis en évidence une crise de la citoyenneté et de l’espérance, espérance d’une alternative au-delà des « alternances (7 en 30 ans !).

Ed Gein Edward Theodore "Ed" Gein (/ˈɡiːn/; August 27, 1906[1] – July 26, 1984) was an American murderer and body snatcher. His crimes, committed around his hometown of Plainfield, Wisconsin, gathered widespread notoriety after authorities discovered Gein had exhumed corpses from local graveyards and fashioned trophies and keepsakes from their bones and skin. Gein confessed to killing two women – tavern owner Mary Hogan on December 8, 1954, and a Plainfield hardware store owner, Bernice Worden, on November 16, 1957. Initially found unfit for trial, after confinement in a mental health facility he was tried in 1968 for the murder of Worden and sentenced to life imprisonment, which he spent in a mental hospital. Early life[edit] Augusta relocated to the farm to prevent outsiders from influencing her sons.[6] Edward left the premises only to attend school. Deaths in immediate family[edit] George Philip Gein died of heart failure caused by his alcoholism on April 1, 1940, aged 66. Career[edit]

Drop in US crime reveals complex role of poverty A plunge in US violent crime over the last two years despite the economic downturn appears to confirm what experts have long known -- that poverty alone does not drive delinquency. The latest figures released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) show the lowest level of violent crime since the 1960s and a 5.5 percent decline in 2010 alone, following a 5.3 percent drop the previous year. Robbery is also down nationwide -- by 9.5 percent in 2010 and 8.0 percent in 2009 -- despite soaring unemployment and a grim economic outlook. Experts differ on what could explain the decline and insist more research is necessary, but say they have long viewed poverty as a poor indicator for violent crime and a weak one at best for property crime. "There is no single satisfying answer to what causes changes in our crime rate, just like there is no single cause of weather," said Catherine Gallagher, a criminologist at Virginia's George Mason University. "There were two things that happened in 2009.

Glandă pineală Epifiza sau glanda pineală (corpus pineale seu epiphysis cerebri) este o formațiune nepereche, cu greutatea de aproximativ 0,2 g, situată deasupra coliculilor cvadrigemeni superiori. Este aflată în masa encefalului, între cele 2 emisfere, fiind parte a epitalamusului. Aceasta este responsabilă pentru secreția unor hormoni, printre care și secreția melatoninei. În perioada copilăriei, epifiza este mare, însă odată cu trecerea anilor, aceasta se micșrează devenind aproape inactivă la maturitate. Ca glandă endocrină, epifiza aparține sistemului endocrin difuz. Evoluție și structură[modificare | modificare sursă] Glanda provine din bombarea tavanului ventriculului III al creierului și ajunge la cea mai mare dezvoltare în frageda copilărie. Funcții[modificare | modificare sursă] Principalul hormon epifizar este melatonina, descoperită de Aaron B. Vezi și[modificare | modificare sursă] Legături externe[modificare | modificare sursă]

UN Millennium Development Goals Disclaimer The United Nations is not responsible for the content of any messages posted on this site or sites linked from this page. The inclusion of a message does not imply the endorsement of the message by the United Nations. MDG Indicators The MDG Indicators website presents the official data, definitions, methodologies and sources for more than 60 indicators to measure progress towards the Millennium Development Goals. The data and analyses are the product of the work of the Inter-agency and Expert Group (IAEG) on MDG Indicators, coordinated by the United Nations Statistics Division. UN Data Portal The UN Data Portal, UNdata, developed by the Statistics Division of DESA, brings UN statistical databases within easy reach through a single entry point from which users can search and download a variety of statistical resources of the UN System. UNICEF Monitoring & Statistics UNICEF measures the situation of children and women and tracks progress through data collection and analysis.

Robert A. Heinlein Robert A. Heinlein a fost un scriitor american de science-fiction. Deseori numit "decanul scriitorilor de science fiction",[1] a fost unul dintre cei mai populari, influenți și controversați autori ai genului. El a stabilit standardul pentru plauzibilitatea științifică și a ajutat la creșterea nivelului literar al genului, fiind unul dintre primii scriitori de science fiction publicat în revistele mainstream (de exemplu, lucrări scrise de el au apărut la sfârșitul anilor '40 în The Saturday Evening Post). Heinlein a câștigat premiul Hugo pentru patru dintre romanele sale; pe lângă asta, la cincizeci de ani de la publicarea lor, trei dintre operele sale au fost recompensate retroactiv cu același premiu, acordat pentru perioada în care distincția nu exista. Biografia[modificare | modificare sursă] Copilăria[modificare | modificare sursă] Robert A. Marina[modificare | modificare sursă] Armata a constituit a doua influență majoră asupra lui Heinlein. California[modificare | modificare sursă]

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