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Gemstone meaning, magic meaning of gem stones

Gemstone meaning, magic meaning of gem stones

Society for Psychical Research From the publisher’s website: For thousands of years, voyagers of inner space—spiritual seekers, shamans and mystics—have returned from their inner travels reporting another level of reality that is more real than the one we inhabit in waking life. Others have claimed that under the influence of mysterious substances, known as entheogens, the everyday human mind can be given glimpses of this multidimensional realm of existence. Using information from the cutting edge of modern science, Peake presents a startling new hypothesis that these “inner worlds” are as real, or possibly even more real, than the “reality” we experience in waking life. As his starting point, Peake examines the widespread historical belief that the mid-brain’s pine-cone shaped pineal gland activates the “third eye” described by mystics and seers.

Gemstone Meanings: Meaning of Carnelian for Spiritual Healing, Chakra Balancing, Metaphysical Properties Custom Designed Chakra Necklaces, Chakra Bracelets, Chakra Anklets, and Chakra Earrings. Below you will find information on Chakra Colors and Chakra Gemstones for Chakra Balancing: 1st Chakra: RED - (Muladhara Chakra) - Root Chakra (base of spine) - Grounding and Survival: Element: EARTH: Physical identity: oriented to self-preservation Red is the color of physical energy, passion, courage, power, will, and desire. The Root Chakra is stable and grounding. Root Chakra Stones: Agate, Ametrine, black obsidian, black tourmaline, blood stone, carnelian, hematite, fire agate, garnet, ruby, nephrite, smoky quartz, onyx. Physical: Adrenal glands, kidneys, spinal. column, back, hips, legs, feet; Spiritual: stability security, grounding, courage Aligned with the planets Pluto and Mars 2nd Chakra: ORANGE - (Svadhisthana Chakra) Sacral or Spleen (lower abdomen to navel) Element: Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification Orange is the color of creativity and sexuality.

LOS ELIXIRES DE CRISTALES Y GEMAS ¿Que son los elixires de gemas? Los elixires de gemas son remedios vibracionales, se dice así por que sanan por vibración, no contienen drogas como los remedios de las farmacias, sino que curan por la vibración energética de la gema. Cualquier persona los puede tomar, no tiene contraindicaciones, no existe la sobredosis y puede consumirse junto a otros medicamentos. ¿Por que los elixires son tan efectivos? Hablando desde lo personal, cuando elaboré los primeros elixires y los probé, los cambios fueron notables, mayor equilibrio, capacidad de observar los conflictos con mas objetividad, claridad de pensamiento. En las personas que acuden a mi, noté como bajaba el nivel de estres y angustia, enfrentaban los problemas con serenidad y algunas afecciones físicas se aliviaban. ¿Cómo es que una piedra me puede sanar? ¿Los animales pueden tomar los elixires de gemas? Por supuesto, y son de gran ayuda con las mascotas. ¿Que problemas resuelvo si tomo los elixires? ¿Por qué sana el color de las gemas?

EZ Chakra Spin This meditation only takes a few minutes, and can be done at any time when you are able to tune in and focus. It is easy to do and can take the place of a full or extended meditation for people who lack the necessary privacy and/or are short on time. Turn your attention to the base of your spine and visualize your base chakra as a vortex [like a small pyramid]. Visualize this chakra a rich vibrant red and spin it. Work your way up through each chakra, visualizing each one and spinning it until it spins fast and on its own. When you spin the 6th chakra, focus *behind* your 3rd eye, in the middle of your head. Each of your chakras should be a powerful vibrant color. When our chakras spin at a faster rate, this helps to protect us from misfortune and disease, opens us to the astral, and protects us astrally as well as in the physical world. Also, note that the soul is made of light. © Copyright 2005, 2009, 2013, Joy of Satan Ministries; Library of Congress Number: 12-16457

Bewitching Ways Magickal Uses of Herbs Herbs Some commonly used magickal herbs can be deadly if ingested. Please research your herbs carefully. Certain herbs are also dangerous, even deadly, for pregnant women to use, touch or inhale. Always consult a doctor before ingesting herbs if you are taking any medications. It should also be noted that the term "herb" here refers to pretty much any vegetation -- plant, fruit, seed, bark, etc. -- that has a magickal connotation. Herbs should always be blessed before use. When using dried herbs, rub or crush them between your fingers before using to help release their fragrance and energies. Herb by Name Herbs by Use Herbs and Pregnancy Harmful Herbs Glossary For further reading Get a Rune or Tarot reading, dream interpretation or astrological report

Moss Agate Meanings and Uses The Crystal Vaults Comprehensive Illustrated Guide to Crystals Your On-Line Guide to The Healing Energies, Metaphysical Properties, Legendary Uses, and Meaning of Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Moss Agate Moss Agate is not banded, and therefore not strictly an Agate in scientific terms; but is included in the Agate family. Throughout history and all cultures, Moss Agate has been known as the crystal of gardeners and agriculture. Metaphysically, Agate has a lower intensity and vibrates to a slower frequency than other stones, but is highly regarded as a stabilizing and strengthening influence. Moss Agate Uses and Purposes - Overview As a stone of abundance, Moss Agate is known for its benefits in agricultural pursuits and has been successful in promoting the growth of new crops. Moss Agate is also a stone of wealth, attracting abundance in all forms. Useful as a birthing crystal, Moss Agate aids midwives in their work, reducing pain and assisting in delivery. Moss Agate Spiritual Energy

Directing Energy from Azazel Directing Energyfrom Azazel To make full use of your abilities in magick, it is important to be familiar with energy; sensing it, how to absorb it, detect it, send it out and manipulate it. This comes with meditating, sensitizing yourself to it and working with it. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. This is an excellent exercise for directing energy at will. It is very important to always direct your energy upwards and out of your crown chakra.

Gem Essences and Gem Elixirs for Healing Divinity expressing through nature has provided us grace through the forms of flowers and gemstones. We can greatly aid our healing processes by harmonizing with these universal energy patterns of nature. The use of crystals and gemstones for healing greatly predates written history, though glimpses of their use can be seen in the traditional medicines in China, India, Egypt, northern Europe, Hawaii and the Americas. Their application is universally associated with the understanding of humankind as energetic beings and is considered to be of value in physical, mental and emotional healing transformations. In the twenty years that I have practiced, I have worked with many modes of applying crystals and gemstones to the human system. I have finally arrived at focusing on the use of gem elixirs both internally and externally. Gemstones are best understood in terms of their qualities and applications through the study of their colors, growth patterns, and their mineral components.
