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Neue Trends der Zukunft Online
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| ZeitNews matriaval Über den Verein MatriaVal e.V. Gründung Der Verein zur Unterstützung matriarchaler Gesellschaften und Vermittlung matriarchaler Werte wurde am 19. Oktober 2006 in Frankfurt am Main von Gudrun Frank-Wissmann, Dr. Heide Göttner-Abendroth, Dr. Malika Grasshoff, Siegrun Laurent, Uschi Madeisky, Dagmar Margotsdotter-Fricke, Dr. Vorstand Uschi Madeisky Dagmar Margotsdotter-Fricke Daniela Parr Zwei Weltkongresse für Matriarchatsforschung waren der Anlass für die Gründung: 2003 Gesellschaft in Balance Dieser Kongress fand in Luxemburg statt und ermöglichte WissenschaftlerInnen aus der ganzen Welt, ihre Forschungsergebnisse in matriliniearen, matrifokalen und matriarchalen Gesellschaften vorzustellen. 2005 Societies of Peace Die Friedfertigkeit dieser Gesellschaften waren ein Schwerpunkt beim 2. Während dieses Kongresses stellten wir fest, dass die Vertreterinnen aus den verschiedenen Matriarchaten meist nichts von der Existenz der anderen wussten.

Researchers say AI prescribes better treatment than doctors A pair of Indiana University researchers has found that a pair of predictive modeling techniques can make significantly better decisions about patients’ treatments than can doctors acting alone. How much better? They claim a better than 50 percent reduction in costs and more than 40 percent better patient outcomes. The idea behind the research, carried out by Casey Bennett and Kris Hauser, is simple and gets to the core of why so many people care so much about data in the first place: If doctors can consider what’s actually happening and likely to happen instead of relying on intuition, they should be able to make better decisions. In order to prove out their hypothesis, the researchers worked with “clinical data, demographics and other information on over 6,700 patients who had major clinical depression diagnoses, of which about 65 to 70 percent had co-occurring chronic physical disorders like diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.” Credit: Indiana University

Achtsamkeit üben und bewusster leben - BARMER Online-Magazin Oft genug jagen wir durch unseren Tag, tun vieles gleichzeitig und nichts wirklich richtig. Derart „unter Strom“ vergessen wir schon mal, wie wir morgens zur Arbeit kamen oder was wir am Mittag gegessen haben. Am Abend können wir meist nicht sofort einschlafen. Achtsam sein heißt, innezuhalten und durchzuatmen. Das Prinzip der Achtsamkeit hat seine Wurzeln im Buddhismus und im Yoga. Achtsamkeit ist eine Haltung, die Sie trainieren können.

The Venus Project The Ultimate Guide to Achieving Big Goals – The Mission – Medium Do you have big goals you long to achieve? Do you promise yourself someday you’ll get started? Someday you’ll make it happen? Someday the time will be right? There’s an old Chinese proverb that says, “The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. In this post, you’re going to learn a wholistic approach for achieving big goals. If you’ve tried before and failed, chances are you were missing a crucial ingredient for success. Better than that, I’m going to help you plan out your goal on a handy notecard so you can stay focused and motivated. (Shoutout to my bookkeeper Alex Hubenthal, who inspired this notecard method). So grab a notecard or cut one from a piece of cardstock paper. It should look something like this: Step 1: Identify what. If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. — Chinese Proverb. When I first launched my blog, I remember spending three hours writing the about page. I scolded myself thinking, “What is wrong with you, Kyle? That’s when the epiphany hit me. Fiction or non?

The History & Structure of the Universe (Infographic) | Big Bang & History of the Universe | Universe Evolution & Astronomy | Our journey toward understanding the nature of our universe began thousands of years ago and had its roots in religion and philosophy. Around 2,300 years ago, careful observers in the Mediterranean deduced that the Earth must be round and must orbit the sun. With no way for these early theories to be proved correct, however, they could not stand against the more flattering notion that the Earth was at the center of everything and that the cosmos existed to support human life and destiny. When Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei invented the astronomical telescope some 1,900 years later, it was finally possible to make precise observations about the planets and stars. It took quite a bit more than seven days to create the universe as we know it today.

Switzerland Wisdom of the Child I remember very clearly, when I was a little child, who could not speak much or express herself well enough, I felt I knew so much. The whole understanding of life was in front of me, I was fearless, I had no doubts and I lived my knowing. I enjoyed my life. Then within time passing and me growing I have become more and more frustrated as I started to recognise that within time I began forgetting the truths I knew and things started looking much complicated. I felt I was losing myself in the world of people. The truth is that when I was little I understood and knew and felt a lot, I just did not have ability and/or enough words and ways to express that knowledge, so as a child I simply lived what I knew and felt. My desire and aim is to go back to that beautiful innocence of the child I once was, and I am walking on my path…quite well. The grand truth is children are extremely wise and they can be the best teachers of all if we only allow this. ~Jolita Kelias All Rights Reserved

Home - Fruity habits The President Who Told The Truth This video contains one of the most awesome, inspiring and truthful speeches ever given by a president. This very speech must have caused a lot of panic among the higher echelons of the elite. Kennedy had been in office for only 3 months and he was already taking unprecedented steps to empower ordinary people. Kennedy did more for civil rights than any other president since Abraham Lincoln. He wanted to abolish the CIA and Federal Reserve, and he warned us of criminal elements within the establishment who wanted to cease an opportunity to restrict peoples freedoms. He urged the press to be more open and to fulfill its obligation to inform the American people about pertinent facts. For this video I have included the main parts of JFK’s speech, where he warns us about the dangers of secret societies. It also seems that Kennedy wanted to speak out about the closed and secretive nature of organisations like the freemasons, especially at the higher levels. Full Transcript President John F. Mr.
