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Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum —

Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum —

Middle school students learn how to be good ‘digital citizen’ FRANKFORT, Ind. (WLFI) – In a world full of technology one middle school is teaching students how to be good digital citizens. Tuesday’s topic is cyberbulling in the newly formed digital citizenship class at Frankfort Middle School. The class is principal Michael Kelley’s idea after seeing a news story of a father concerned about his daughter’s safety on social media sites. “He was really concerned about what was going on,” Kelley said. “He was pleading with the parents to find out what’s going on with their kids and pleading with kids to be more careful.” That story sparked an idea bring the discussion of what not to do online to the classroom. “We’re asked to take on a lot of parent responsibilities as a school, but this one is one I feel we can help parents a lot with,” Kelley said. Advisory teacher Angela Vargas teaches the class. Vargas said a key to making this class a success is parental involvement. The course lasts nine weeks and is offered to seventh and eighth graders. Like this:
