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You are listening to New York
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beatlab - make music together Cali Rezo, graphiste Jardin du musée des Arts Premiers, Paris Entrée du musée des Arts Premiers, Paris Paris, ah Paris, c'est joli. You are listening to Los Angeles Panorama collaboratif des services musicaux sur Internet Monsieur Gauthier Bouly, Monsieur @gotsky sur Twitter, l’homme derrière le Gotsky Blog se lance dans un pearltree collaboratif de tous les services musicaux sur Internet. Et j’ai trouvé l’initiative tellement interessante que j’ai voulu la relayer. La musique digitale peine à trouver sa place et ne se substitue définitivement pas au physique en terme de marché, comme le montre ce graphique, visible un peu partout ces derniers temps: Paradoxalement, la musique est omniprésente sur Internet. Les services web pour écouter, diffuser, analyser, partager, boutiquer sa musique sont légions. J’essaye de les répertorier sur mon blog et sur mon twitter, mais il me manquait un endroit où stocker et organiser ces sites. J’ai donc créé le Pearltree “toute la musique sur le web” qui doit remplir cette mission. C’est un Pearltree collaboratif et évolutif d’une équipe comportant actuellement 4 membres, et qui j’espère s’agrandira. Illustration photo: Converse music collaboration uk music - des vidéos de spectacles de théâtre, d'auteurs et de metteurs en scène et bien plus encore Tabletop Audio - Ambiences and Music for Tabletop Role Playing Games Le blog de l'équipe - « Virtual Barber Shop » Royalty Free Music A militaristic snare drum march begins this piece, reminiscent of Eastern Europe during World War II. The orchestral sounds blend with the sharpness of the brass throughout, but especially after 0:36, when the music is lyrical and melodic, though intensely emotional and suspenseful. At 0:52, the rhythmic march begins again, with the strings playing the melody and the brass reaching discordant, swelling heights until the final crescendo at 1:10. This piece of music is available in an uncompressed format here. Action, Aggressive, Dark, Driving, Epic, Intense Credit this piece (CC:By License) Copy and paste the following text into your video's credits: "Exciting Trailer" Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License this piece (no credits) See the licenses page to purchase a no-attribution license. Extra information Action, Aggressive, Dark, Driving, Epic, Intense Credit this piece (CC:By License)

Edison's Files Reveal the Only Known Voice Recording of Someone Born in the 18th Century - Rebecca J. Rosen - Technology Many of the most significant moments of the 20th century are written in our brains not as naked text but as audio files. Who can think of Neil Armstrong words upon moon landing or Kennedy's exhortation to ask what we can do for our country without hearing the crackly recordings of their voices? Who can look at pictures of Nazi rallies without hearing the clipped German of Hitler? The soundtrack of history goes silent sometime in the late 19th century. Cylinder 93952, which silently preserved the sound of Bismarck's voice for more than a century. The Otto von Bismarck Foundation of Germany has a record of a Bismarck recording, but, having searched for it for years, had given up hope of finding it. Wangemann postcard to Edison, from Berlin, 1890. It wasn't until last year that Feaster and Puille figured out that one of the cylinders contained the lost Bismarck recording. When the researchers first heard the Bismarck recording, they did not know what it was. Mr.
