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Dimensions Home A film for a wide audience! Nine chapters, two hours of maths, that take you gradually up to the fourth dimension. Mathematical vertigo guaranteed! Background information on every chapter: see "Details". Click on the image on the left to watch the trailer ! (turn your speakers on please). Free download and you can watch the films online! The film can also be ordered as a DVD. This film is being distributed under a Creative Commons license. Now with even more languages for the commentary and subtitles: Commentary in Arabic, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish and Russian. Film produced by: Jos Leys (Graphics and animations) Étienne Ghys (Scenario and mathematics) Aurélien Alvarez (Realisation and post-production)

Deutsch - Fremdwort Pearl the stuff you like Pearls can be created in several ways: Pearltrees has extensions for Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer that make it easy to create pearls while you are browsing the web. Using the extension for your browser you can put any content you wish to keep directly into your dropzone or anywhere else in your account with only two clicks. The extensions for Firefox or Internet Explorer: They have 3 buttons: Pearl: It turns the web page you are reading into a pearl In: It lets you choose in which pearltree you want to put the page you are reading. Reveal: One click and you will go directly into your account. Also, with Firefox you can “right click” any link and then add content directly to your Pearltrees account from right within the context menu. The extension for Chrome: It only has one button, but enables you to do the exact same things: If you use Safari or Opera, Pearltrees has a bookmarklet that works in the same way. Create pearls with Facebook and Twitter From the links you tweet!

how does this work? Science News, Articles and Information | Scientific American Pearltrees Visualizes How You Organize the Web This post is part of Mashable's Spark of Genius series, which highlights a unique feature of startups. If you would like to have your startup considered for inclusion, please see the details here. The series is made possible by Microsoft BizSpark. Name: Pearltrees Quick Pitch: Pearltrees is a new visual way to organize content on the Web and connecting people's interests. Genius Idea: How do you organize the web on the browser? Signing up for Pearltrees is simple, but getting used to the interface and all of its features is not as easy. Now for the organization part: you can create complex systems of pearls, known as pearltrees. Clicking on a pearl gives you a range of options that go beyond visiting your favorite website. Pearltrees takes a time investment to make it useful. Spark of Genius Series Sponsored by Microsoft BizSpark Entrepreneurs can take advantage of the Azure Services platform for their website hosting and storage needs.

What's a team? A team within Pearltrees is a group of people who have come together to collaboratively curate a common interest. When you want to join a team, just click on the “team up” button to send a request. As soon as your request has been accepted, you’ll be able to curate the pearltree with the other team members. Each member can add and organize the pearls and pearltrees of the team. Each member can also decide to accept or invite other members to expand the team. The founder has some privileges : he can express his objectives for the pearltree to the team in the editorial panel, and he’s the only one who can create subteams.

ABC Science Hot tags Weather Climate Change Planets and Asteroids Archaeology Fossils Editor's choice Sunday, 15 January 2017 RN Offtrack Counting birds to save the Murray-Darling Friday, 18 November 2016 Professor Richard Kingsford has spent much of his life counting birds: a critical body of work that shows Australia's rivers are under threat. Great Moments in Science The earworms you can't get out of your head Tuesday, 29 November 2016If you've ever had a song stuck in your head, you'll know it's annoying. Photos Incredible inner space Venture into the micro world of human anatomy and animals with teeth reinforced with iron, scales that reflect light and velvet 'fingers' on their skin captured by scientists from the Australian Microscopy and Microanalysis Research Facility. More galleries Science Quizzes Aussie birds quiz Can you tell the difference between a cuckoo and a cockatoo, or a peregrine and a penguin? Chemistry quiz Is your chemistry knowledge as light as helium or as heavy as plutonium?
