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The Opposite of Addiction is Connection

The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
Right now an exciting new perspective on addiction is emerging. Johann Harri, author of Chasing The Scream, recently captured widespread public interest with his Ted talk Everything You Know About Addiction Is Wrong, where he concluded with this powerful statement: The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. These sentiments are augmented by a growing number of experts, including addiction specialist Dr Gabor Maté, who cites ’emotional loss and trauma’ as the core of addiction. Limbic Resonance If connection is the opposite of addiction, then an examination of the neuroscience of human connection is in order. How does this relate to addiction? “Humans require social connection” How Our Ability To Connect Is Impaired By Trauma Trauma is well-known to cause interruption to healthy neural wiring, in both the developing and mature brain. Social Solutions To Addiction The solution to the problem of addiction on a societal level is both simple and fairly easy to implement. The Roots Of Healing Related:  Need to Organize

36 Questions To Help You Fall In Love With Anyone Asking thirty-six specific questions plus four minutes of sustained eye contact is a recipe for falling in love, or at least creating intimacy among complete strangers. Creating a close rapport between people who have just met is difficult, especially in laboratory conditions. But psychologist Arthur Aaron of Stony Brook University created a method for doing just this. After finding Dr. Set I 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Though not complete strangers, they were not on intimate terms either. "[T]he real crux of the moment was not just that I was really seeing someone, but that I was seeing someone really seeing me. That unexpected state was one of bravery and wonder, transcending the barriers and boundaries erected in day-to-day adult life. Love, she says, is more of a choice than we allow ourselves to believe. Set II 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Set III 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Read more at the New York Times Photo credit: Shutterstock

Addiction Disease resulting in compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli despite adverse consequences Medical condition Examples of drug and behavioral addictions include alcohol use disorder, marijuana addiction, amphetamine addiction, cocaine addiction, nicotine addiction, opioid addiction, video game addiction, gambling addiction, and sexual addiction. The only behavioral addiction recognized by the DSM-5 and the ICD-10 is gambling addiction. With the introduction of the ICD-11 gaming addiction was appended.[12] The term "addiction" is frequently misused when referring to other compulsive behaviors or disorders, particularly dependence, in news media.[13] An important distinction between drug addiction and dependence is that drug dependence is a disorder in which cessation of drug use results in an unpleasant state of withdrawal, which can lead to further drug use.[14] Addiction is the compulsive use of a substance or performance of a behavior that is independent of withdrawal. Impacts[edit]

Etude des expériences de sorties de corps Sportif, bien dans sa tête, Nicolas est un jeune homme ordinaire, à un détail près. Depuis l'enfance, il dit pouvoir sortir de son corps plusieurs fois par jour. Pendant dix ans, ces deux scientifiques ont étudié les capacités hors du commun de Nicolas avec un protocole en double aveugle. À Paris, ce week-end, 1 500 personnes, des chercheurs français et américains, ont exploré les capacités méconnues de la conscience. Le JT Resolving The Intimacy-Desire Paradox: Is More Intimacy Better? Many couples fail to maintain sexual desire in their long-term relationships. Two people who once could not keep their hands off each other gradually lose interest in having sex, at least with their current partner. What distinguishes couples who experience passionate long-term relationships from those who fail to sustain the passion? Are there effective strategies to prevent against the waning of sexual desire in long-term relationships? A study1 published recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology seeks to answer those questions. Indeed, some scholars have noted the intimacy-desire paradox, which indicates that high levels of intimacy may inhibit rather than increase sexual desire. The findings of this new research show that a partner’s responsiveness outside the bedroom does in fact contribute to the desire to have sex with this partner, and help explain why women's desire is more strongly affected by their partner's responsiveness than men's desire. 1Birnbaum, G.

Early Close Relationship as a Predictor of Addiction One view of addiction contends that it is an attachment disorder. Evidence indicates that insecure close relationships serve as a risk factor for addiction (Fairbairn et al., 2018). Individuals who have difficulty in establishing healthy attachments are more inclined to substitute drugs and alcohol for their deficiency in intimacy (Flores 2004). This explains why lonely people are more vulnerable to abuse drugs (Mate, 2010). These individuals may be self-medicating their feelings of emptiness and internal discomfort. article continues after advertisement The essence of being human is social, not individual. Furthermore, the mental habits acquired in childhood are later played out in adult relations. Unfortunately for some, the capacity to relate to others is disrupted early in life. For example, insecure attachment among college students was associated both with alcohol consumption in order to cope with stress.

Hands, Heart, Head : How This Simple Educational Model Can Change the World 25th May 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World “In the modern age of production and consumption, in the age of money and power, the meaning of education has become distorted. The Latin root of the word education – educare – means to ‘bring out’, whereas the present implication of the word education is to ‘put in’.” ~ Satish Kumar America — and the world at large — is in crisis. Satish Kumar is best known for his 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage. “Hands, Heart and Head” Through his spiritual discipline and love of all life, Satish is passionate about befriending planet earth — nature, animals, people and plants, the whole package. “Children are not empty vessels in which you pour information and knowledge. We can bring out a child’s potential by cultivating a good relationship with them, which cannot happen in classrooms filled with 30 or 40 children, in schools with hundreds of students. But there’s hope. Article sources: About the author: Wake Up World's latest videos

What is Presence? - Psychosexual Somatics January 9, 2017 What is Presence? You hear it a lot in various new age, conscious sexuality or therapy worlds – it’s all about Presence. A woman wants her man to be Present. It’s by being Present that we allow the magic, and so on and so on. Own Your Space When I really allow myself to take up space in the world, when I feel sufficiently safe in the world to stand my ground, when I can really allow myself become king (or queen) over the dominion of the physical space that I occupy in the world, knowing that no-one can dislodge me from that inner embodiment, this is the staring point of Presence for me. To practice this, you can stand with your feet about shoulder width apart, begin to feel yourself planted in the ground, rooted to the earth. Groundedness The second quality is groundedness. Connection to Self If we visualise the grounding exercise as a vertical axis, connection is the horizontal axis. Presence is about being Present with one’s self.

« Le porno, c’est comme “Inception”, ça t’implante des idées » Bertrand, 24 ans, nous a contactés après avoir lu une de nos Vie de baise. Charlotte y parlait de son mec en disant : « J’ai l’impression qu’il se masturbe en moi plus qu’on ne fait l’amour, qu’il est plus habitué à se branler dans son coin avec ses magazines. » Bertrand s’est reconnu dans ce mec qui a regardé tellement d’images de cul qu’il ne sait plus jouir avec une partenaire en chair et en os : La suite après cette publicité « Je suis convaincu que cela est dû au porno, sur lequel nous nous sommes appuyés pendant toute notre adolescence pour apprendre, et qui est pourtant très déconnecté de la réalité. » Et vous ? Si Internet, les écrans, la technologie jouent un rôle important dans votre histoire sexuelle et que vous souhaitez témoigner, n'hésitez pas à nous écrire : Il nous a longuement raconté sur Skype sa vie de baise – ou plutôt sa vie de porno : comment le porno a affecté son imaginaire, ses fantasmes et jusqu’à ses réactions physiques. Vie de Baise

What's Sex Got To Do With Mindfulness? If mindfulness can make us happier, healthier, and more compassionate (that is, if the raft of current scientific research is to be believed), what can that same moment-to-moment awareness do for our sex lives? Imagine the possibilities. On the face of it, having enjoyable, loving sex seems like the last thing we might be inclined to tune out. But we all know the kind of mind-wandering that can strike even in the midst of great pleasures. From a mental replay of the staff meeting earlier in the day to obsessing about the final luscious peak of the sex you’re having in that very moment, in lovemaking, as in life, tuning out is a part of being human that’s very difficult to turn off. That’s where mindfulness comes in. But before we go there, let’s admit: sex is tricky to talk about. It’s challenging because our sexuality is such an essential part of who we are. But get two people sharing some intimate space and toss in a little attraction, and “guide” doesn’t exactly cover it.

Living In a World Gone Mad — Is Peaceful Anarchy the Secret to a Better Society? | Wake Up World By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World “But isn’t the anarchist a fabulous character? Having recently watched the film again after many years, I do admit to having chills when the masses don their masks in courageous defiance of the neo-Fascist State, which has pushed its agenda too far and, consequently, is teetering on the brink of destruction. However, where one person sees liberation, another is equally horrified at such lawlessness. But maybe the idea behind anarchy has been misunderstood — like many ideologies throughout history which have been hijacked and distorted. Non-Violent Anarchy — Is It Possible? “As anarchists, we seek to bring about a society in which coercive hierarchies, such as government and capitalism … no longer exist. Could figures like Gandhi be considered anarchists in the purest sense of the word? Dissolving the State Peaceful anarchy is not only possible, we’re seeing inspiring examples of it today. Article sources: About the author:

Do Women Want To Be Ravished? Do Women Want To Be Ravished? As a psychologist and couples counselor, I’ve been asked this question by men, women and couples for the last twenty plus years. Especially since the publication of “50 Shades of Grey” and the upcoming movie version, it’s an even more pressing question for many. Now Anne Rice’s B&D “Sleeping Beauty” trilogy is rumored to become a movie or mini-series as well. My specialty is helping couples bring back the passion in their relationship and using fantasy is one way of achieving this. Of course, women don’t want to be raped, this is an act of violence and power, not one of love. So what’s the truth here, at least from a psychological perspective? However, this initial chemistry fades over time and we need to take steps to reignite it! Polarity comes from strong masculine energy meeting strong feminine energy. From an evolutionary psychology perspective, women want to know that their man can take care of them, can “hold” them, both emotionally AND physically.

Listen to All, Learn from a Few, Follow No One January 11th, 2018 By Hilde Larsen Guest writer for Wake Up World I had an awakening when I realized that my life was happening right NOW. I realized that the part of my life that I am living right NOW is not a waiting room, not a place where I have to wait and see what will happen. I realized I was FREE. Our lives have been colored by the notion that later is when things will change or complete, resolve or unfold. The list is endless like pearls on a string, always keeping our focus ahead, putting events and life experiences as our outside ourselves guides and keepers. We are taught to hold our tongue, to wait our turn, and to stand in line. Not every family is the same, but in general, it is safe to say that children are told to listen to the grown-ups, no matter what they are capable of teaching or setting an example as, and we take that program with us. Think about it; How often do you look to others for validation or a second opinion? Why you need to become the leader. #1. #2. #3.

8 Ways To Get Turned On And Be More In The Moment During Sex — Without Forcing Anything We’re always hearing that we could be having better sex, a better orgasm, or a better relationship. But how often do we hear the nitty-gritty of how we can actually better understand our deepest desires and most embarrassing questions? Bustle has enlisted Vanessa Marin, a sex therapist based in San Francisco, to help us out with the details. No gender, sexual orientation, or question is off-limits, and all questions will remain anonymous. Please send your sex and relationship inquiries to Now, on to today’s topic: how to feel more turned on during sex. Q: I’d love some tips on how to get aroused and stay aroused during sex. A: Thanks for your question! 1. You said in your message that you almost always say yes to sex when your boyfriend initiates, even if you’re not in the mood. Maintenance sex can be part of a healthy relationship, but you should feel comfortable turning down sex if you’re not in the mood (and your boyfriend should be respectful of your decision). 2.

10 Erotic New Year's Resolutions For Those Bored With Sex | The Huffington Post There is nothing more boring than people complaining about sexual boredom. That is so ordinary, lackluster and, quite frankly, rather lazy. When we decide to actively nurture our sexuality, we are taking a stand for living a vibrant and pleasure filled life. When you choose to give time to your eroticism you are giving time to living a bigger, more abundant and more self-fulfilled life. It’s hard to wrap our heads around this idea that sex requires the same kind of willful intent that a great diet plan or financial management program does. Sometimes, we have to move obstacles and even spend our resources on sex. 10 Erotic Resolutions For 2017 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Make 2017 your year to take a “Sex Safari.” Earlier on Huff/Post50: Liam Neeson His hot accent was enough to make us swoon before, but now that Neeson has taken on more action roles, we’re in love. Getty
