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CSS Typography: Contrast Techniques, Tutorials and Best Practices

CSS Typography: Contrast Techniques, Tutorials and Best Practices
Sep 15 2008 The main advantage of elegant CSS typography lies in its ability to be both attractive and improves the user experience. When chosen wisely and used carefully, it can be very effective to support the overall design. There are many outstanding examples of how we can do this, and below you will find some of the best ideas and tips when it comes to using Fonts and typography in your CSS based sites. 1. You can direct the reader’s attention to important parts in your layout and at the same time enhance the visual appearance by creating contrast. White Space line-heights, letter-spacing, word-spacing Typefaces font-family Case text-transform Style text-decoration, font-style Weight font-weight Color color Alignment text-align, float Typographic Contrast and the web This article has reviewed the important principal of typographic contrast as presented in a brochure written fifty years ago by the canadian typ[ographer Carl Dair. Typographic Contrast and Flow The Elements of Typographic Style 2. 3. Related: