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Dnevni list Danas | Naslovna Naslovna strana | Ubuntu Србија » локална Ubuntu заједница Kosovo: Između prošlosti i budućnosti Posebno sada, kada su Albanci na Kosovu većina, ne bi smjeli ponavljati greške iz prošlosti u postupanju prema manjinama, a koje su njima smetale kada su oni bili u toj poziciji. Da biste došli na Kosovo iz Bosne i Hercegovine, bar kad je u pitanju Banjaluka, morate biti spremni na dug put, bez obzira kojim prevoznim sredstvima idete, ali na povratku ipak možete reći - vrijedilo je; vrijedilo je razbiti sve predrasude i stereotipe koje su nam usađivali cijeli život, vrijedilo je upoznati ljude, vrijedilo je putovati Balkanom i vidjeti gradove. Prvi kontakt sa Kosovarima obično biva na engleskom jeziku, jer ljudi tamo pričaju albanski, koji je opet specifičan za njihovo područje. Stanovnici ove zemlje kažu „mi lakše razumijemo Albance, nego oni nas“, što znači da je Kosovo kao mala geografska površina, unatoč većim zemljama koje ga okružuju, uspjelo sačuvati svoju jezičku jedinstvenost. (Biblioteka u Prištini) (Prizren) (Nedovršena srpska pravoslavna crkva u Prištini) Dokufest u Prizrenu

Press Online :: Naslovna Boban Stojanović lukabozovic KOSOVO & AMERICA: WHAT'S GOING ON? MARCH 27, 1999 by: S.R. Shearer with input from: Lucian Butum of Bucharest, Romania and Boris Denisov of Moscow, The Russian Federation As we indicated in our last article, "Racial Rage And The Coming Chaos," the real reason behind the elite establishment's strategic "tilt" towards the Muslims in the Balkans is oil - and not just Middle Eastern oil, [where American and British multinationals (Exxon, Shell, Mobil, etc.) have billions and billions of dollars invested], but also Caspian Sea oil (where the same multinationals are preparing to spend billions more in pipelines which they plan to build across Turkey and / or in countries close to Turkey - and all this to say nothing of the additional billions these same multinationals are spending in drilling rights and pumping operations in Azerbaijan, a country contiguous to Turkey which is populated by "Turkik Muslims." In all this, however, the elites may be erring badly. "Kosovo is the native and ancestral land of the Serbs. Paul writes:

Serbain Intellectuals an the War in the Balkans Written by prof.dr. Igor Primoratz, Department of Philosophy Hebrew University, Jerusalem 91905 ISRAEL Summary: The wars in Croatia, Bosnia, and now Kosova are stages of a single process that can only be understood as the Greater Serbian ideology at work. Published in Sociological Imagination, 36 (2/3), 1999: 143-153 On this web with kind permission of Professor Primoratz The war in Bosnia is of a piece with the war in Croatia that preceded it, and of the war in Kosova that is being waged at the time of this writing. Like any other ideology, the Greater Serbian idea has been created, elaborated, and popularized by intellectuals. Related references: Back to Croatia - an overview of its History, Culture and Science
