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100+ Ways to Use LinkedIn

100+ Ways to Use LinkedIn

INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE. NEWS, COMMENTARY & INSIGHT Top Five Ways to Use LinkedIn for Social Media Marketing LinkedIn can be a useful source for social media marketing. It is easy to use and free, with over 60 million members. This is a market where people expect to network, get to know different companies, and expand their own business circles. No matter what service or product a LinkedIn page represents, it puts a personal, yet professional face on any company. Below are the top five ways LinkedIn can be used to grab attention from this audience, and generate quality leads. 1. As the business owner, once a personal profile has been set up and some friends and employees have been established in the network, it’s important to ask around from these connections for recommendations. 2. Since social media is founded in the interaction between people, it’s also just as important to give out reviews and recommendations to colleagues and to clients. 3. A personal network is great, and is important on LinkedIn for showing the authenticity of the company, but it won’t reach beyond that network. 4. 5.

LinkedIn: The Sky Is Falling (or is it?) | I'm On LinkedIn - Now What??? January 20th, 2009 | by Jason Alba | Over on the Career Resumes blog I just wrote about some of the bad stuff I’m hearing about with regard to LinkedIn. There is a post from Jaculynn Peterson titled LinkedIn’s soon-to-be-missed opportunity, which has some great points. I hear these points continually as people wonder what the heck LinkedIn is thinking.

Cost of War to the United States | COSTOFWAR.COM About | Embed | Localize | Military To embed the Department of Defense (FY2014) counter on your website, blog, etc, follow these simple instructions: 1) Add the following javascript to your page: Add the following code wherever you want the counter to show up: NOTE: This doesn't need to be a <div>. A Note About Style We've intentionally left out any styles for this embeddable counter, instead leaving it up to you to provide styles consistent with the look of your site. <div id="npp-widget-department-defense" class="npp-widget"><h3 class="npp-widget-title"> Department of Defense (FY2014) </h3><p class="npp-widget-summary"> Every <span> hr(s)</span>, taxpayers in <span></span> are paying <span>$###</span> for <span>Department of Defense (FY2014)</span>. This counter displays estimated fiscal 2014 funding for the Department of Defense base budget. Sources: White House Office of Management and Budget, historical tables and public budget database; Comptroller, Department of Defense.

3 Ways Marketers Can Leverage the New LinkedIn Have you noticed the changes to LinkedIn recently? Although changes to LinkedIn are less frequent than on Facebook, they can have significant marketing implications. Read further to find out how the recent changes to LinkedIn impact your social media marketing. What’s New With LinkedIn? Recently the LinkedIn Homepage had a significant makeover. LinkedIn has made a few key design changes to make it easier to discover and discuss what matters most. As LinkedIn says in their recent blog post, Introducing a Simpler Homepage: “This is just the beginning of many more exciting, new features we plan to bring to the Homepage to offer more customization and functionality this year. Mashable refers to the new LinkedIn Homepage as a mash-up between Facebook and Google+. A Quick Overview of the LinkedIn Homepage Layout On your new homepage, you will first notice a blue box to click that will show you the most recent updates from your network. The top part of the new LinkedIn Homepage.

LinkedIn and The Future of Business Networking - ReadWriteWeb In the heyday of the Facebook hype (it seems so long ago now!), Facebook was going to eat LinkedIn’s lunch. Based on recent experience, I don’t think so. I recently had reason to use LinkedIn seriously, using my existing network to tap into a market that I had not previously been exposed to. I had not used LinkedIn since the early days, so this was my first serious update. I have NOT used Facebook seriously. If Fred had used LinkedIn, he would have gotten a big response; possibly too big and that is a filtering issue that LinkedIn seems sensitive to. This is far more efficient than spamming all my contacts with a mass email saying “anybody know anybody in this role at these companies?” LinkedIn Reaches Nearly 80% of My Contacts LinkedIn links to Webmail services such as Gmail, Yahoo and AOL, which is a very effective way to increase their network scale. This also served a bit like a Plaxo update.

A Resource Guide for Indie Authors 4 Ways to Profit From LinkedIn Are you a LinkedIn newbie? Do you struggle to network and show off your expertise? Do you want to secure new business? If so, the most important thing to know is that LinkedIn is not just a modern Rolodex or a glorified resume. It contains more valuable information about a contact than you could imagine. All this information can be used to start an interesting conversation that could lead to great business opportunities between you and him or her. LinkedIn contains information that offers great business opportunities. LinkedIn Relevance Bill Waterhouse is a regional director for Technical Innovation, a company that provides audiovisual products, streaming media, videoconferencing and other services. Shortly after he began using his email contact database to grow his LinkedIn connections, Bill was messaged by someone on LinkedIn—someone he had tried (and failed!) The only reason Bill was considered was that he happened to pop up on that client’s LinkedIn radar. Author’s Purpose What to Expect
