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Beautiful web-based timeline software Nine Tools for Collaboratively Creating Mind Maps Mind maps or graphic organizers can be invaluable tools for visual thinkers and visual learners. The process of creating a mind map can help students gain an overview perspective on complex, multifaceted concepts. Mind maps can also help students outline an essay or story they're planning to write. The following list contains nine tools that can be used by students to create mind maps independently or collaboratively. Wise Mapping is a free collaborative mind mapping tool. Wise Mapping has fairly easy to use editing and sharing functions. Slatebox is a slick tool for collaboratively creating mind maps and organizational charts. is a free mind mapping/ graphic organization tool that allows users to collaboratively create and edit mind maps. FlockDraw is a simple service that allows people to quickly and easily collaborate on the creation of a drawing. Cacoo is a feature-rich collaborative diagram creation resource. Exploratree is a free graphic organizer creation tool.

Zest of life Nogeno :: Your Music Looks Good 4 Tools for Teaching Kids to Code In a recent PC Pro article, Professor Steven Furber, developer of the ARM microprocessor, laments the sharp decline in interest in computer science classes in the UK. And although the U.S. hasn't seen that same drop in enrollment, a recent survey of some 14,000 U.S. high school teachers by the Computer Science Teachers Association found that only 65% of respondents taught in a school that offered some sort of introductory computer science course. As our world becomes more tech-oriented, educators are faced with not just teaching children how to use computers, but how to build and program them as well. ReadWriteWeb's Back to School Coverage: "We need to get students interested in computer science and that has to be done at an early age before they decide (incorrectly) that they can't do computer science or that it is dull and boring," says Alfred Thompson, Microsoft's K-12 Computer Science Academic Relations Manager. 1. 2. In July, Google announced the launch of the Android App Inventor.

FAQ | 8tracks How to Capture Dynamic Screenshots of Web Pages Learn how to capture dynamic screenshots of web page in an automated manner. Such screenshot images refresh automatically if the content, or the layout, of the underlying source website has changed. There are innumerous software programs and browser add-ons that let you capture screenshots of web pages with a click. You open some page in your browser, hit the capture button and the screenshot gets saved as a static image. Simple. The short answer is this simple web form. Here’s a sample screenshot image that is 1024 pixels wide that is also ‘dynamic.’ You may be wondering why would anyone want such ‘dynamic’ screenshots? There are other potential uses as well. Certain websites serve different versions of pages based on the IP address of the visitor but you may use these screenshots to check the US version of a web page. Behind the scenes – The Geeky part WordPress has a Python based tool called Mshots that they use internally to generate screenshots of these featured sites.

