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Tumblr Rikwi : la recherche immobilière inversée 100% gratuite Entre les magazines spécialisés, les sites internet et les agences immobilières à contacter, la recherche immobilière est souvent fastidieuse et longue. Pour que trouver votre logement ne soit plus un travail à plein temps, le site internet Rikwi fédère des particuliers et des professionnels qui répondront à votre demande. Rikwi inverse les usages en pratique dans le secteur immobilier et permet au client d’être contacté en fonction de la demande qu’il a déposée. Le client décide seul à quel moment il veut diffuser ses coordonnées pour rentrer en contact avec son interlocuteur. Chaque annonce déposée est ouverte aux réseaux sociaux permettant ainsi une diffusion rapide et élargie. La mise en relation, ainsi que certains services, sur d’autres sites concurrents sont payants, Rikwi propose une mise en relation directe et 100% gratuite entre le client et les différents interlocuteurs capables de répondre à sa demande à travers une messagerie anonyme. Vous avez aimé cet article ? Inactif

Quote by Gabriel Garcia Marquez: "Everyone has three lives: a public life, a private..." Streampad MyWeboo Thank you all for your support, but unfortunately we have decided to move on. We will maintain our service till June 5th, 2011. We promise we'll create something cool again very soon! MyWEBoo had its first blowout! Special thanks to Geoff Fowler from the Wall Street Journal for hitting the PR home run for us. First with his article in the WSJ, then ABC 7 with David Louie, and of course Yahoo News! WSJ: Report Card? We are a few young and and hip professionals that want to take PERSONAL cloud computing to the next level. Steven majored in computer engineering at SCU. MyLifeIsAverage is what I read to keep me grounded. Mark graduated from UC Berkeley with degrees in economics and business administration. Sudhir started his career at Netscape and became a system architect at AOL. MyWeboo was founded by Steven and Diane in 2009 aiming to change the way people manage overwhelming digital assets scattered on different web sites and collaborate with others.

Conscious Curation « SweetMedia Thanks to Tom Foremski and Oliver Starr for inviting me to share my thoughts on curation at last night’s salon, and to the group for a lively discussion. This article is an expansion on the bullet points in my remarks. There is a prior post- What is Curation? Does all curation have a viewpoint? Two different curators can create vastly different views on a topic by how they frame it. In any curation, what is omitted is as if not more important than what is included. How is curation different than a mere filter or editorial slant? Yet, the word curation has a higher bar: it implies a sense of care over the longterm, of preserving and assembling a special group of items or content or speakers. What’s different in Live versus Digital curation? With live events, versus the self guided tour of digital media, we have at least 2 additional dimensions to work with. The interplay between Live Events and their Digital Artifacts Expansion of forums for curation- digital and otherwise

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SFCurators: Our Public, Private, And Secret Lives... Posted by Tom Foremski - July 28, 2011 SFCurators Salon met Wednesday evening at PeopleBrowsr and I'm still buzzing from all the great conversations and ideas it generated. We pulled our chairs into a large circle to get away from the traditional arrangement of speakers on a podium and audience down below. Our speakers for the evening were dotted around the circle and I acted as a moderator, armed with a large black spoon, which served as a talking stick (and whacking stick if needed :). Going along with the idea of a "salon of peers" we sourced our speakers from within our group. Christine Mason McCaull spoke about how she helped curate local TEDxSF events; Ken Kaplan spoke about how curation is used within Intel; I stood in for Tom Abate and spoke about the role of curation in the newsroom. The circular format was great in that it more easily allowed everyone to speak and share their stories -- not just the speakers.
