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How to Make Jewelry for Everyone

How to Make Jewelry for Everyone

Lovely Wire Knot Ring Tutorial You can make this lovely ring (or a version of this design) yourself, using just some basic tools, wire and a lip balm! Yes, in this tutorial I am going to demonstrate that just basic beginner tools and a wire from Michael’s can go a long way! Wouldn’t this ring make a great present?? For the purpose of this tutorial I am going to be using the very basic, cheap tools that are available almost everywhere. Instead of a ring mandrel you can just use a tube of a lip balm, like I did. PLEASE excuse the state of my nails in these pictures.. First thing to do is to cut a piece of wire. Next, wrap your wire around the tube of your lip balm. Cut of the extra bits, if any. Now bend the wire coming from your left to aim away from the ring and then bend again to aim it slightly upwards, as shown on pictures below. With your round nose pliers form a little ‘almost loop’, wire crossing above itself on the top side of the ring but not actually touching. Almost done! And it’s done Like this: Like Loading...

5 Fantasy Crystal Bicone Bead Jewelry Tutorials | Brandywine Jewelry Supply Blog Crystal beads are one of the most popular types of beads in jewelry making. And little wonder, with their beautiful colors and sparkle. They give class and elegance to your project, whether you are making earrings, bracelets, or necklaces. Today I have tracked down FIVE gorgeous crystal bead projects for you to try. About your choice of crystals for these projects– Have you heard of Preciosa? For designs using bicone beads you will also need beading supplies such as beading needles that are small enough to fit through the hole of the bead several times and thread to string the beads on, such as FireLine. First, try a beginning beading pattern for a simply stunning crystal bracelet with small seed bead accents. Crystal Bracelet #14 “Cut nylon thread around 150 – 170 cm. Original Source : Next follow this step-by-step tutorial for a glamorous pair of crystal earrings. Be Jeweled Earrings Tutorial Try another BEGINNER pattern from Live Journal.

Technique réalisation bijou: Comment utiliser une perle à écraser ! Une perle à écraser est une perle fabriquée dans un métal "souple" destinée à fixer des matériaux entres eux, des matériaux tels que du cable sur un anneau en métal par exemple. Nous allons vous montrer une méthode simple pour poser une perle à écraser. Ici nous fixons un fermoir sur un fil cablé en 5 ETAPES. La technique est la même pour fixer un cable sur un anneau ou des boucles d'oreilles. Il existe différentes tailles de perles à écraser. Etape N° 1: Passer les 2 extrémités d'un fil cablé dans une perle à écraser. Etape N°2 : Les 2 brins de cable passent ensuite dans un anneau. ( Ce peut être directement dans le chat d'un fermoir ou d'un support de boucles d'oreilles.) Etape N° 3: Les fils cablés font le tour de l'anneau et repassent ensembles à l'intérieur de la perle à écraser.Il y a désormais 4 brins de cable à l'intérieur de la perle à écraser. La perle fermement écrasée devient un sertissage de forme rectangle ou carré.. Le fermoir est posé !

diy {bird nest necklace} I have been seeing a lot of bird nest jewelry around lately. They are beautiful and I love the trend so I thought I would try making my own. These turned out to be really easy to make and require just a few simple supplies. This necklace would make a lovely Mother's day gift, which just happens to be coming up this weekend! What you'll need: - Jewelry wire (I prefer using a 24 gage because it is easier to manipulate but the 20 gage can work well too with the help of some round nose pliers) - pearls or glass beads - necklace chain - jump ring and a clasp Select the beads you want, string them onto your wire and arrange them as you'd like. then simply wrap the wire around the beads wrap some wire in the space between each bead (I like the look of three loops but you could just do one or two if you prefer) this is what the back looked like. now attach a jump ring and a clasp to the end of a necklace chain and this is what you end up with :) I love how each one is so different

Woven Bracelet & Necklace I’ve been itching to make myself some jewelry inspired by Aurélie Bidermann’s “Do Brasil” line. Since I don’t have 300 Euros lying around, this looked like a design I could recreate on my own. I was primed to put together a DIY Tutorial for you all when I discovered that Honestly WTF had already done the honors. I picked up the gold necklace and the two bracelet chains from an antique shop for $5 a piece, and had the embroidery thread on hand. Jump on over here for the tutorial. NECKLACE: I used shades of pale blue and turquoise embroidery thread, and wove through one side of the chain to mimic this necklace. CHARM BRACELET: This bracelet was already armed with charms. DOUBLE BRAIDED BRACELET: For this bracelet, I removed the charm and just used the chain. Photos: Courtesy of Ashley Weeks Cart

Free Patterns and Tutorials FREE Patterns and Tutorials Click on a picture for more details on each pattern or select from the list on the left: Comment utiliser un anneau brisé ! Un Anneau brisé est un anneau ouvert. Il permet généralement de relier un fermoir à une chainette, une breloque...relier 2 matériaux entre eux etc....A la cabane, il existe en 6 tailles différentes et 4 couleurs allant de 5mm à 30mm de diamètre.L'utilisation de 2 pinces est la méthode idéale. Comme l'indique la photo 2 il faut bloquer fermement une moitiée d'anneau dans le sens vertical afin de faire pivoter l'autre partie d'avant en arrière.Il est alors aisé de glisser une breloque, la boucle d'un fermoir, le maillon d'une chainette ou tout autre matériel.NE JAMAIS TENTER D OUVRIR L ANNEAU EN ECARTANT LES DEUX MOITIEES VERS L EXTERIEUR. Vous risquez alors de déformer définitivement votre anneau et l'ovaliser.Vous ne pourrez amors plus le refermer.

DIY Friendship Bracelet For several months now, we’ve been receiving emails requesting a friendship bracelet DIY. Well, friends, ask and you shall receive! Today, we’ll give you a step by step tutorial on the classic chevron pattern. You’ll need:embroidery threada safety pin or tapea pair of scissors Start by cutting several strands of embroidery thread at about 24 inches each. Start on the left side with the outermost color (shown here in red) and make a forward knot by creating a 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening. Pull up and to the right to tighten. Now pick up the outermost color on the right side (show here in red) and make a backward knot, creating a reverse 4-shape over the 2nd color, loop it under and back through the opening. Continue knotting towards the left until the outermost strand reaches the middle. Remembering the color order is important for the first few rows but after the 3rd or 4th row, the strands will fall nicely in place.

washer necklaces We've been having a lot of fun this past year making these adorable washer necklaces. They are pretty inexpensive to make and you can make them to match any wardrobe. Supplies:WashersScrapbook paperE6000Diamond Glaze or Crystal Effects or similar productHole punch or Exacto KnifeLeather necklaceNail File or Emory Board If you have a hole punch the same size as your washer you can punch out the paper. Next, take a nail file and gently file the edges to smooth it out and if you have a smaller file (these can be found at scrapbook stores or craft stores) carefully file out the center hole too. Your washers should now look like this. The next step is to apply the Diamond Glaze. When the glaze dries, your new "pendants" are ready to be added to a nice leather necklace for a unique fashion accessory.

Endless Summer When my dad was a teenager he lived in Oceanside, near the beach, and was part of the surf community down there. He and his friends used to go to watch Bruce Brown's movies, back when that meant that Bruce himself would narrate the film footage from the back of the room with a microphone. If you haven't seen The Endless Summer you should check it out. Myself? Still, I love the laid-back beachy vibe. So, inspired by the beach, I've created some jewelry that every surfer girl needs (even if the only thing she surfs is the internet). Surfer Girl Necklace/Bracelet approx 23" long Supplies: Beads (I used some potato-shaped freshwater pearls that I picked up on sale. Thread all of your beads onto the hemp cord. Once all of your beads are on, make a slip knot in the front end of your cord (the end you were just using as you put the beads on). Slide the first bead snugly against the knot. Slide the next bead up snugly to the chain. To make the closure, I made 8 chain stitches from the last bead.

Technique réalisation bijou: Comment poser un serre ruban sur Satin et sur Biais coton ! . La pose du serre ruban sur satin en 5 étapes ! Afin d'obtenir une finition parfaite, commencer par légèrement brûler la coupe du ruban. Ecarter les dents du serre ruban avec une pince plate ou un petit tournevis. Faire glisser l'extrémité du ruban en butée à l'intérieur du serre ruban. Refermer les dents du serre ruban. Refermer à la main les parois latérales s'il y en a. Et voilà ! Un exemple d'intégration d'un petit ruban monté sur une broche. Technique d'un serre ruban sur biais coton: ATTENTION NE PAS BRULER l'EXTREMITE DU BIAIS EN COTON Utiliser une pince plate faire glisser l'extrémité du biais dans le serre ruban Serrer latéralement avec la pince.

Breaking habits of perception-a skill that changes everything « Metta Refuge Here is another great teaching from Thanissaro Bhikkhu. While looking for some buddhadharma about dealing with guilt about the past, I came across this paragraph, from the end of his article, “Habits of Perception.” It was so helpful, I stopped my search to read the whole article, which I share below. May it be an aid to developing the skillful perceptions that lead to freedom! A frequent image in meditation instructions is that all you have to do is turn on a light and the darkness goes away. Thanissaro Bhikkhu What have you got here in the present moment? Some of the baggage you’re bringing into the present moment consists of issues you’ve picked up in the course of the day: things this person said, that person did, things you yourself said or did. But the issues also go deeper than that. So the Buddha sets out maps, he sets out instructions, for how to cut through those feedback loops and to understand how your perceptions shape things in a way that brings suffering. Like this:
