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Le Flâneur (music by The XX)

Le Flâneur (music by The XX)

Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain | Free Online Document On the Grid [Image: 020 by Gerco de Ruijter, 28" x 28", from Baumschule (2008-2010), courtesy of the artist]. Dutch photographer Gerco de Ruijter recently got in touch with an extraordinary series of aerial photographs called Baumschule—some of which, he explains, were taken using a camera mounted on a fishing rod. The series features "32 photographs of tree nurseries and grid forests in the Netherlands." [Image: 010 by Gerco de Ruijter, 28" x 28", from Baumschule (2008-2010), courtesy of the artist]. "How abstract can a landscape become while remaining a landscape?" de Ruijter asked himself. [Image: 014 by Gerco de Ruijter, 28" x 28", from Baumschule (2008-2010), courtesy of the artist]. But this same research—a quest for a kind of inhuman authenticity of the surrounding terrain—eventually brought him to the hyper-artificial landscapes of tree farms and nurseries in the Netherlands. [Image: 005 by Gerco de Ruijter, 28" x 28", from Baumschule (2008-2010), courtesy of the artist].

Vitesse maximale aérobie Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La vitesse maximale aérobie ou VMA, est la vitesse de course sur piste à partir de laquelle une personne consomme le maximum d'oxygène, c'est-à-dire atteint le VO2Max. En deçà de cette limite, la consommation d'oxygène croît avec l'intensité de l'effort et la plupart de l'énergie provient du métabolisme aérobie. La VMA est utilisée en sport, par exemple pour la course à pied. Détermination de la VMA[modifier | modifier le code] À partir de la consommation maximale d'oxygène[modifier | modifier le code] La formule de Léger et Mercier relie la VO2max et la VMA d'un coureur en supposant une technique de course idéale[3] VMA = VO2max / 3,5 À partir d'un test de terrain[modifier | modifier le code] Un certain nombre de tests dit progressifs consistent à soutenir une vitesse croissante par paliers jusqu'à décrochement : la VMA s'estime alors à partir de la vitesse du dernier palier réalisé, après correction éventuelle d'un biais.

Balance A platform floats in a neutral space. Strange men, identical except for the numbers on their back, appearing as though out of some dystopian future, must work in concert to prevent the platform from tipping. The emergence of a strange box, a new development in this closed and sterile space, disrupts the tedium but also the teamwork, as each man wants to individually inspect and enjoy the box—threatening them all as the platform becomes increasingly unbalanced. Directed by German brothers Wolfgang and Christoph Lauenstein, Balance is a remarkable piece of animation that has held up very well through the years. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Short in 1989 , it has been featured in a few animation collections on video, including the now sadly out of print, “The World’s Greatest Animation”, where it headlined alongside another famous film we reviewed on this site, Nick Park’s Creature Comforts. What shines here instead is idea and execution. Add though a context.

Bridges : clementvalla Note: This article was originally published on These artists (…) counter the database, understood as a structure of dehumanized power, with the collection, as a form of idiosyncratic, unsystematic, and human memory. They collect what interests them, whatever they feel can and should be included in a meaning system. I collect Google Earth images. The competing visual inputs I had noticed produced some exceptional imagery, and I began to find more and start a collection. 3D Images like those in Google Earth are generated through a process called texture mapping. Google Earth’s textures however, are not shallow or flat. The Universal Texture is a Google patent for mapping textures onto a 3D model of the entire globe.2 At its core the Universal Texture is just an optimal way to generate a texture map of the earth. No invention has had the importance for and impact on shopping as the escalator. Notes: (1) Quaranta, Domenico, “Collect the WWWorld. close

Sequence Photographs En utilisant une technique permettant de prendre des photographies à la suite d’une série de mouvements ou d’actions, voici ces clichés intéressants permettent de souligner les mouvements du corps. Une utilisation pour mettre en avant les performances sportives.
