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[Invalid] Markup Validation of Wilfried_Arnaud_htm_css2.html

HTML KickStart HTML Elements & Documentation - Setup Download HTML KickStart Include jQuery and HTML KickStart <script src=" src="js/kickstart.js"></script><!-- KICKSTART --><link rel="stylesheet" href="css/kickstart.css" media="all" /><! Browsers HTML KickStart Tested and working in IE 8+, Safari, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari IOS, Browser and Chrome Android. Notes Don't forget to use an HTML5 Doctype <! Buttons A.button With Icons Colors .orange Styles .pop Tooltips Tooltips are awesome. Hover over the examples on the right to preview. Use: class="tooltip" + title="my tooltip content" Tooltip Positions .tooltip (default) .tooltip-top .tooltip-right .tooltip-left .tooltip-bottom Tooltips with HTML Content .tooltip + data-content="#ID" HTML Content This is more HTML content. Paragraphs Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Blockquote Blockquote Small Inline Styles

28 Online Photo Editing Websites To have Fun With Maybe you want to be on a magazine cover, want your own personalized dollar or maybe just want to change your expression? Now you can do it with just few mouse clicks and in just few seconds. We’ve collected all of the best free photo editing services, which will keep you busy for quite a while and you will receive amazing results – maybe funny, maybe silly – but you’ll get the original photos and few more reasons to smile. Ok, now let’s get started on actual photo editing. These are the tools I have found the most entertaining for myself, again you don’t need any special design or editing skills, just little willingness to play with effects – they’re a great time waster as well! Believe me – I know! BeFunky BeFunky Photo Effects allow everyday people to easily create photographically rich and artistic results from their digital images without the need for any technical knowledge. FunPhotoBox The FunPhotoBox site is a place where you can create funny pictures from your photos. PicArtia Dumpr

A quoi sert le HTML5 ? Que peut-on faire avec ? Quels sont ses limites ? Le HTML5 est le langage de base pour apprendre pour créer des sites internet. Il est simple et se maitrise assez vite. Découvrons pourquoi le HTML5 est incontournable, quels sont ses avantages et quels sont ses limites. Enfin, nous évoquerons les langages complémentaires au HTML5. Ce premier chapitre s’adresse principalement au débutant souhaitant apprendre la création de site internet en HTML5. C’est le chapitre 01 du tutoriel complet : Apprendre le HTML5. I. Le HTML5 est le langage de base pour créer un site internet. Apprendre le HTML5 est une chose, bien le maîtriser en est une autre. Le HTML5 est un langage inspiré du XML et qui repose sur le principe de balises imbriquées. Comme le HTML5 fonctionne sur le principe de balises imbriquées, nous allons encadré notre texte par deux balises : La première pour indiquer le début et la deuxième pour indiquer la fin. Ce qui nous donnera la ligne de code suivant : La ligne de code ci-dessus est très simple à comprendre. II. III. IV.

Listify - Convert Text to li / option Elements What is Listify? Listify is a very simple free service for web developers which allows you to convert raw text to html's 'list' or 'option' elements by choosing various options like delimiter, type of lists and ignoring digits. This is still in Alpha stage and we would love to hear some suggestions for new features that you would like. How will it help? Using listify you can speed up your HTML coding process when you need to include large lists or option elements in your code. How to use it? Using Listify is pretty easy. Copy text from your desired source. Listify! Feedback New Chrome Extension! What are these options? List Type This option enables you to choose what kind of list you want generated. Delimiter A delimiter is a sequence of one or more characters used to specify the boundary between separate, independent regions in the text you want to be converted. Ignore Digits

Company Profile - HootSuite Social Media Management Asóciate con el experto en redes sociales Sea cual sea el problema de tu empresa, trabajaremos juntos para resolverlo. Nuestros expertos te brindan el asesoramiento práctico que necesitas para incorporar rápidamente a tus equipos y tener éxito año tras año, sin importar lo rápido que cambie el panorama de las redes sociales. Forma a tus equipos y ve creando una serie de competencias de referencia en tu empresa con Hootsuite Academy. Con la formación en línea de profesionales cualificados y los programas de certificación de redes sociales reconocidos por el sector, es la manera perfecta de mejorar y mantenerse al día en las redes sociales. Asóciate con el experto en redes sociales Sea cual sea el problema de tu empresa, trabajaremos juntos para resolverlo. Forma a tus equipos y ve creando una serie de competencias de referencia en tu empresa con Hootsuite Academy.

35 Useful Responsive Web Design Tools With the great popularity of tablets and smart-phones, the demand for responsive website design is more serious than ever. Right now, more and more websites are adopting responsive layouts and this trend is expected to become more intense as the percentage of mobile Internet users increase. This development have created tremendous demand for the services of web designers and developers proficient in this highly adaptable system of website layouts. As expected, some pretty useful responsive web design tools have surfaced recently to support the design and development process of responsive websites. You can find valuable layout aid tools, prototyping tools, code generators, and even a collection of inspirational responsive website designs in this article. Advertisement Article Index Responsive Wireframes and starting out templates It is always useful to know the overall direction before you dive into the detailed design. Wireframing Responsive Designs with Mockups Style Tiles Less Framework 4

Top 50 WordPress Plugins for 2011 to Zoom SEO, SMO &amp; Audience Engagement Keeping your website and blog visitors engaged is paramount to success. Check out these 50 WordPress Plugins to zoom your SEO, audience engagement and brand in 2011. I did a couple other posts with my favorite WordPress plugins and decided to update with almost all of the ones I have used in 2010. User experience is key to all websites. Just because I include 50 wordpress plugins on this post doesn’t mean you should go off and install all 50. I included several options for social sharing as it’s important you test and select a social share plugin that best aligns with the needs of your audience. Have fun and be sure to tweet me a link to your site once you finish your refresh! Social Sharing & Engagement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Provides live streaming from your Facebook fan page. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Engagement 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Design and Images Enhancements 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Search Engine Optimization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Developer’s Best Friend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
