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Video: Flying Thing Propels Itself By Flipping Inside Out Flying objects can achieve forward thrust in a few ways, but here's a unique new one: Flipping inside out to move forward. Designed by the people who brought us the amazing robot seagull, the SmartInversion flying object can move through the air indefinitely. The object is based on a design envisioned by inventor Paul Schatz. It's a six-sided articulated ring of prisms that attaches to a cube, and when it's unleashed, it can start folding into new geometric shapes. As it turns itself inside out, it moves forward.

Baby Birth Announcements & Baby Photo Announcements by Tiny Prints Your special delivery is finally here and this one has ten chubby toes and a tiny little nose. Now it's time to introduce your brand new bundle of joy to everyone who has been anxiously waiting to hear the good news. And there's no better way to present your precious newborn to friends and relatives than sending a personalized birth announcement from Tiny Prints.

The Event Strategy Jason Cohen has a great post on unfair advantages. One of Cohen’s differentiators — personal authority — is the most useful to first- and second-time entrepreneurs. So the question arises: how do you build strong and scalable personal authority? The 2012 PopSci Invention Awards Skip to main content 6th Annual Invention Awards Every year, the editors of Popular Science put hundreds of home-brew inventions through a rigorous vetting process. Are they genuine innovations? MBAdventure Hell Week has come to Harvard. I’ve heard whisperings of this infamous event ever since my first day on campus, and now that it is here I can confirm that it is, in fact, just as scary as it sounds. Hell Week (or, “recruitment week”, as the HBS administration sugarcoats calls it) is the week that tons of companies come to campus to interview students for summer internships.

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