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Health Canada - Home Page

Health Canada - Home Page

Radiation Measurement - Environmental and Workplace Health Health Canada Home > Environmental & Workplace Health > Radiation Ionizing radiation is a part of Canada's environment. It can occur as electromagnetic rays (i.e., X-rays and gamma rays) or particles (i.e., alpha and beta particles) and originates from either natural (e.g. from the radioactive decay of natural radioactive substances such as radon gas and its decay products) or artificial sources. Health Canada has several measurement programs in place to protect the health of Canadians by continually monitoring radiation levels nationwide. Stay Connected with Health Canada's Social Media Tools!

Government of Alberta Ministries Alberta government ministry pages list services provided, and information on projects, policies and mandates. Executive Council Aboriginal Relations Promotes social and economic opportunities to enhance the quality of life of Aboriginal people. Agriculture and Rural Development Promotes prosperity through a strong, competitive, sustainable agriculture and food industry. Culture Promotes, develops and preserves Alberta's culture in support of vibrant and inclusive communities. Education Supports the needs of students, parents, teachers and administrators from early childhood through Grade 12. Energy Assures sustained prosperity through the stewardship of energy and mineral resource systems. Environment and Sustainable Resource Development Protects air, land, water and biodiversity to achieve desired environmental outcomes and ensure sustainable resource development. Health Sets policy and direction to lead, achieve and sustain a responsive, integrated and accountable health system. Human Services
