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13 Useful Math Cheat Sheets

13 Useful Math Cheat Sheets
Posted by Antonio Cangiano in Applied Math, Math Education, Software, Tutorial on September 20th, 2008 | 38 responses Cheat sheets can be very useful and make for great posters around your room. The following is a collection of 13 cheat sheets for several mathematical topics and programs: And since most of us like to show our math pride off when out and about as well, Amazon sells this awesome Math Cheat Sheet T-shirt with formulas on both sides (Also available for Science and Engineering). Sponsor’s message: Looking for online algebra homework solutions?

Error Goblin The DIY Couturier • 21 Tips to Keep Your Shit Together When You're Depressed. A while ago, I penned a fairly angry response to something circulating on the internet – the 21 Habits of Happy People. It pissed me off beyond belief, that there was an inference that if you weren’t Happy, you simply weren’t doing the right things. I’ve had depression for as long as I can remember. So, this Cult of Happy article just set me off. It’s bad enough without people ramming Happy Tips at you through facebook. A friend of mine suggested that I write something from my point of view because, surprisingly, I manage to give an outwards impression of having my shit together. So, here it is. My 21 Tips on Keeping Your Shit Together During Depression 1) Know that you’re not alone. 2) Understand that the Happy People are usually acting out of some genuine (albeit misguided) concern for you, that it’s coming from a good place, even if the advice feels like you’re being blamed for your disease. 3) Enlist the help of a professional. 4) Understand that antidepressants will only do so much.

Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories Terrain tutorial Preface This tutorial is based on my – I have to admit: few – experiences with Unity’s built in terrain engine. I have tried to proof as many of my statements as possible but I can not rule out that it still contains some mistakes. So please feel free to edit and correct any part of this tutorial. Step 1: Resolution settings Some questions that might help to find the right setup What size should the terrain have? This first section is about finding the right setup for creating your terrain – about balancing performance and the level of detail. From the performance’s point of view less is more. Heightmap resolution Note: If you don’t need very high mountains just set the height as low as possible because this will give you more accuracy on the y-axis. Let’s say we will set up a terrain with the dimensions of 1000 x 120 x 1000m. Common resolutions for a heightmap are 257px / 513px or even 1025px. Any calculation or number below depends on dimensions of 1000 x 120 x 1000m. Trail and error

The 10 Skills Modern Teachers Must Have The above image is 8.5×11″ so you can print it out. PDF is available here . There’s been a lot of talk about 21st century learners, 21st century teachers, and connected classrooms. There’s a daily influx of new technology into your inbox and your classroom feels woefully behind the times even if you’re flipping your 1:1 iPad classroom that’s already online and part of a MOOC . What are modern teachers to do with all this jargon and techno-babble being thrown at them all day long? Simple. In my experience, I’ve seen teachers attempt to integrate 30 iPads into their classroom by handing them out and then trying to figure out which apps are worth using. In order to do this, you’ll need skills modern teachers must have. 1) Build Your PLN Whether you call it a ‘personal learning network’ or a ‘professional learning network’ is not important. 2) Establish Real Relationships Whether it’s online or offline, the ability to establish real relationships is critical to any modern teacher. 7) Slow Down

2000-luvun kansalaistaidot: informaatio-, media- ja digitaidot ”Nykyisin siitä ei ole kilpailuetua, että tietää enemmän kuin muut. Maailmaa ei kiinnosta, mitä sinä tiedät. Sitä kiinnostaa, mitä sinä osaat tehdä sillä mitä sinä tiedät.” – Tony Wagner Koulussa ei opita taitoja, joilla on eniten merkitystä markkinapaikalla, sanoo Harvardin koulutusasiantuntija Tony Wagner. Opiskelijat janoavat taitoja, joiden avulla he pärjäisivät töissä, mutta oppivat niitä vain vähän. Wagner näkee, että sisältöosaamista tärkeämpää on kyky innovoida eli ratkaista uusia ongelmia luovasti (markkinoilla). Vain korkean tason tietotyöstä maksetaan Innovaatiojohtaja Scott Mcleod muotoilee asian näin: ”nykyisin matalan tason tietotyöllä (faktojen tietäminen, muistaminen) ei ole enää taloudellista arvoa”. 2010 EU:n laajuisessa tutkimuksessa vain alle kolmasosa 19-29 vuotiaista nuorista koki, että oli saanut koulutuksessa tarpeelliset taidot työmarkkinoilla pärjäämisen kannalta. Digitaidot riittämättömiä Koulutusjärjestelmä kriisissä? Mitä tähän voi sanoa? Digikansalaistaidot

SFTP as a folder on Vista 50+Ways - home Simo Kivelän matematiikkablogi Valokuvaus A Guide to Perfect Portrait Posing and More As an aspiring-to-go-pro photographer or a casual shooter, it's important to understand the basics of portrait photography, whether your posing a spouse, child, friend or a bona fide model. Not only will your images seem more professional and polished, your model will look more attractive. Introduction By taking care in not only how your model is posed, but also paying attention to the background, you will minimize your postprocessing workflow. For example, it is much easier and faster to take a minute or two to clean up and remove the offending clutter, lint, or errant strand of hair before shooting than spending an hour cloning it out in dozens of individual pictures. There are hundreds of different poses, and this tutorial will cover only a few of the common ones along with some suggestions such as the camera angle, composition and poses. Let's start with a quick overview of composition in portrait photography. The Rule of Thirds: know it. Posing "Football Shoulders": Slouching Head tilt

