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Foreign Language Teaching Methods

Foreign Language Teaching Methods
About the Site Foreign Language Teaching Methods focuses on 12 different aspects of language teaching, each taught by a different expert instructor. The site contains video footage from an actual methods course held at the University of Texas at Austin. This flexible resource is designed to be used by foreign language teachers as a component of a classroom methods course or as a stand-alone course for independent learners. “While I was taking this course, I was already changing what I was doing and I can already see the difference. ” - Verónica, beginning language teacher (Spanish) “I loved having a different teacher [for each module]. - Sarah, beginning language teacher (ESL) “People have so many different creative ideas you can draw from and use for your own class.” - Judith beginning language teacher (German) “The more different languages and different types of approaches we saw, the better understanding of teaching languages I got.” - Elena, beginning language teacher (Russian) Related:  Language teaching

Activités -Réseau Canopé – Direction territoriale académies de Besançon et de Dijon Aller au menu Aller au contenu Accès alphabétique Accès par thèmes Activités Animaux Corps humain Drapeaux École fournitures Famille Fêtes Jouets Lieux Maison outils Métiers Musique Nature Nombres Nourriture Oppositions Personnages Pictogrammes Salutations Sentiments Sports Transports voyages Vêtements Recherche Nouveautés Haut de page Accueil > Clic images > Accès par thèmes > Activités Aller à l’école Aller au cinéma Aller au théâtre Aller se coucher Arroser les plantes Bataille de boules de neige Bibliothèque Boire Camper Chanter Chasse aux œufs de Pâques Chorale Colorier Compter Compter (sur ses doigts) Conduire Construire une maison Courir Crier Cueillir Danser Déjeuner Dessinateur Dessiner Dîner Dîner Discuter Donner à manger à son chat Donner le biberon Dormir Écouter de la musique Écouter quelqu’un Écrire Élection des délégués de classe Équitation Escrime Étendre le linge Être en retard Faire de la luge Faire de la pâtisserie Faire du roller Faire du vélo Faire l’appel Faire la vaisselle Faire le ménage Faire les courses Grimper

100 Language Learning Activities | Better Chinese Blog - Tips on How to Teach Chinese Learning a new language is very rewarding. It can be a challenge at times as well – memorizing lists of vocabulary words or writing Chinese characters over and over can get a little monotonous. To keep kids and even adults engaged and interested, language learning activities should be fun as well as challenging. Here, you will find literally hundreds of free language-learning lessons, games, and activities. Join us and have some fun. Language Lessons & Activities This post is part of the iHomeschool Network’s 100 Things Linkup.

#edchat 10 Activities for Music in the Classroom (that aren’t fill-in-the-blank!) | tales from the salle de classe Bonne rentrée tous et toutes! I simply cannot believe I’m not back in the high school classroom today, greeting all of my new and returning students. I know I’m where I am supposed to be right now but today, I miss those kids, my colleagues, and the energy of high school way more than I thought I would. Even though for many teachers in the United States today is the very first day of classes, what better way to kick off the year than jumping right into Mercredi musique tomorrow?! Music Word Cloud Races: I learned this one from Carrie Toth at a conference a few years ago and it is so much fun! Enjoy! Like this: Like Loading...

New Content Creation Guidelines Flipped Professional Development 7 Steps To Flipped Professional Development by Laura Conley first appeared on Arriving home from San Diego and having just attended the ISTE (International Society of Technology in Education) conference I was scheduled to facilitate an all-day professional development for our district. I was excited to share as much of the conference as possible in a day without overwhelming everyone. From past experience I knew a lot of time was wasted creating accounts and log-ins at the beginning of each professional development which allowed many participants to get off task and off focus from the start. With this in mind, I decided it would be good for everyone to have the information ahead of time so they would know what to expect. I created what looked like a regular agenda with a few noticeable improvements. All of the preparation paid off! 7 Steps To Flipped Professional Development After reflecting on what worked well and what didn’t work as well it was time to get busy. 1. 2.

Teaching Resources <p class="NoScript">Javascript Required! Please enable Javascript, or upgrade to a browser that supports Javascript.</p> Resource Links by Topic AnimalsBioethicsBiotechnology & GeneticsEcology/EnvironmentEducationEvolutionGeneral BiologyHealth & SafetyInstructional Materials & Student Resources Stem Cell ResourcesArticles from The American Biology Teacher Each month, the editor of the ABT selects one article to post online. Sponsored Advertisement 23Share Mailing Address: NABT, P.O.

Effective WL Instructors… Effective WL Instructors… Every teacher wants to be the best they can be for their students. While there are many attributes that can make a great teacher we can also observe some behaviors and routines that are in a great world language teacher’s classroom. It’s good to be reminded of the actions that make a good foreign language teacher. Below you will find some rubrics we have found around the web, but first we’d like to highlight some we believe to be most essential. Units have real world language performance goals and students have opportunities to communicate in real world context.Teacher uses the target language to conduct class (with out English translations). Take a look at the following rubrics. 1. Check out the TELL (Teacher Effectiveness for Language Learning) Project, who has some great rubrics and self-assessments, including this checklist for teachers: We’d like to hear your thoughts. Like this: Like Loading... About spanishplans Spanish Teacher in Chicago.
