MOLESKINE ® LITERARIO Anika Entre Libros Anarchy in the GOP | Cover Story Editor's note: One change was made to this story to remove the name of limited-government activist Sean Paige, who's not a member of any political party, from a short list of "established Republicans." Another was made to clarify that not all liberty groups meet at activists' homes. Sarah Anderson is peculiar. For one thing, she's a Republican. At 22, that makes her a statistical anomaly, even in El Paso County. She spent her formative years reading a series of books that explain the free-market theory to teens. Another thing: Anderson is a born campaigner. This past February, at the meeting of the county GOP's central committee, she was elected party secretary in a decisive victory over party stalwart Holly Williams, wife of County Clerk and Recorder Wayne Williams. "Let's not just say we want youth in the party," she told the crowd. Feisty, ambitious, intelligent and pretty, Anderson's exactly the kind of person that the aging GOP is eager to draw into the fold. Nothing's happened yet.
Libros en EL PAÍS “Muchos miran y pocos compran” Las librerías amplían la Noche del Libro del tradicional foco en la plaza de Callao al resto de barrios madrileños. Los vendedores se lamentan por unas ventas flojas Sant Jordi lancea la crisis La jornada sacó a media Cataluña a las calles y mostró un ligero aumento de ventas. Almudena Grandes y Jonas Jonasson fueron los triunfadores La jornada en imágenes Libros y rosas inundan las calles de Cataluña A usted le gustan las flores (y no lo sabe) Si las mujeres leen más que los hombres, ¿por qué no les regalamos un libro a ellas y una rosa a ellos? Girona, Tarragona y Lleida salen a la calle para celebrar la jornada Los autores locales se abren paso entre los lectores de las capitales de provincia catalanas Siete errores comunes que cometemos en español María Irazusta, autora de un bestiario de desafueros linguísticos, selecciona un puñado de frecuentes patadas al diccionario Y de repente... un libro Dos rosas para la vicepresidenta Radiante Sant Jordi Plorar de riure
VerdHugos Podcast The Chicago School versus the Austrian School - Robert P. Murphy People often ask me, "How are the Austrians different from the Chicago School economists? Aren't you all free-market guys who oppose big-government Keynesians?" In the present article I'll outline some of the main differences. Although it's true that Austrians agree with Chicago economists on many policy issues, nevertheless their approach to economic science can be quite different. It's important to occasionally explain these differences, if only to rebut the common complaint that Austrian economics is simply a religion serving to justify libertarian policy conclusions. Before jumping in, let me give a few obvious disclaimers: I do not speak for all Austrian economists, and in this article I will be discussing modern Austrian followers in the tradition of Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Methodology The Austrians are oddballs among professional economists for their focus on methodological issues in the first place. This is not mere philosophical grandstanding. Booms and Busts
EL CULTURAL. Revista de actualidad cultural Antinomias Libro | Blog profesional de reflexión sobre el sector del libro Noticias - De .com a .loquequieras: el cambio radical de internet Linkillo (cosas mías)