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30 Days of WorldBuilding

30 Days of WorldBuilding
By popular demand, you can now download the Magical WorldBuilder Guide in three easy-to-carry (non-DRM) formats: PDF for printing out at home or reading on a computerePub for use with many fine ereader devicesMOBI for use with Kindles and MobiPocket software.As of 2007, The world-builder exercises are licensed under a Creative Commons license to help you in deciding whether you can translate (yes, with credit back), distribute to your writing group (yes, with credit), sell (not without permission), reprint (yes, for non-commercial purposes), or mirror (yes, with credit back) this useful guide! In October, 2004, I posted 30 days of world-building exercises to the NaNoWriMo discussion forums. These are short, 15-minute exercises that can help you make crucial decisions about your world, and what you want your story to say about it. So, give yourself 7 and a half hours this month-- 15 minutes a day-- to build a world. You'll need some way to track this stuff, by the way.

Générateur de nom, pseudo, personnage... Les meilleurs générateurs en ligne ! Que ce soit pour un pseudo, un personnage de jeu, de roman, pour un animal, ou même pour un enfant, les occasions de trouver un nom sont plus fréquentes qu'on ne le croit. Pour ceux qui sont en manque d'inspiration, voici une liste de générateurs de nom. Si certains sont vraiment farfelus, tous méritent le détour ! [Liste mise à jour en octobre 2014] Dotomator, si vous cherchez un nom de site & startup web 2.0Générateur de nom de personnage fantastique / médievalSur Teva, un générateur de prénom (des idées pour votre futur petit)Trouver un nom, générateur de nom universel (site, société, prénom, pseudo...)Générateur de nom et prénom dans toutes les languesChine Informations propose de traduire votre nom en chinoisRockStarName, pour les amateurs de rockUn générateur de nom de chat, parce que ce n'est pas toujours facile de trouver un nom à son compagnonGangastaName, générateur de nom gangsta Blogadilla propose un créateur de nom de meuble IKEA.

Fantasy Religion Questionaire by TheMusesSong on DeviantArt Magic Magic, Sorcery, And Alchemy Spells and potions, sorcery and divination, here's your place to work your magic . . . on magic! Abilities and Spells Academic Magical Studies Inspired by Terry Pratchett's "Discworld", this is a mostly-serious utility - it creates areas of magical study for mage characters in an academic realm. Magical Equipment Magic Items Generate a variety of magic items, from any kind, specific types, over even character-appropriate! Miscellaneous Magic Phenomena What strange phenomena can cause havok and wonders in your settings? More Resources! 10 Writing "Rules" We Wish More Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors Would Break Kinja is in read-only mode. We are working to restore service. I give a hearty Here Here for #4! There is nothing wrong with telling a story that fits within the covers of a single book. Honestly, I respect a well crafted short story more than a shelf load of volumes that purports to tell a single story. Remember, the whole Trilogy+ got started when the publisher got fed up with the fact Tolkien wouldn't finish. The moment I see something like "Book One of the (insert name of place or magic item and latin number)ogy", I want to put the book down. Flagged

Mythmere's Wondrous Resource for Castles & Crusades (C&C) Logiciels pour écrire un roman Plusieurs mois, j’ai cherché et essayé différents logiciels et utilitaires pour aider à écrire , planifier et structurer un plan d’écriture de roman ainsi que son manuscrit. Bien sûr, le processeur Microsoft Word rempli cette tâche pour la rédaction, mais pour découper le texte, déplacer des blocs et stimuler une hiérarchie de sous-textes ou d’avoir une barre de navigation et d’exploration de texte,Word cafouille et ne se prête pas à ces rigueurs qu’un auteur a besoin pour écrire son roman ou nouvelle. Voilà, je vous présente le fruits de mes recherches et labeurs. Pour autant que certains puissent vous satisfaire, je serais bien content. Vidatech : J’écris un roman et Phraséo J’ai acheté Phraséo l’hiver dernier (une centaine de dollars). J’écris un roman : Phraséo SpaceJock Ywriter 5 C’est le pendant Phraséo GRATUIT. Keynote TreePad

Magical World Builder By, Stephanie Cottrell Bryant <map name="admap78618" id="admap78618"><area href=" shape="rect" coords="0,0,468,60" title="" alt="" target="_blank" /></map><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="width:468px;border-style:none;background-color:#ffffff;"><tr><td><img src=" style="width:468px;height:60px;border-style:none;" usemap="#admap78618" alt="" /></td></tr><tr><td style="background-color:#ffffff;" colspan="1"><center><a style="font-size:10px;color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;line-height:1.2;font-weight:bold;font-family:Tahoma, verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;text-transform: none;letter-spacing:normal;text-shadow:none;white-space:normal;word-spacing:normal;" href=" The Magical World Builder's Guide is a tool for creating a fantasy universe. Fantasy, like all fiction, is a function of the imagination.

Short Stories: 10 Tips for Creative Writers 60 Awesome Search Engines for Serious Writers June 20th, 2010 Finding the information you need as a writer shouldn’t be a chore. Luckily, there are plenty of search engines out there that are designed to help you at any stage of the process, from coming up with great ideas to finding a publisher to get your work into print. Both writers still in college and those on their way to professional success will appreciate this list of useful search applications that are great from making writing a little easier and more efficient. Professional Find other writers, publishers and ways to market your work through these searchable databases and search engines. Writing These helpful tools will help you along in the writing process. Research Try out these tools to get your writing research done in a snap. Google Scholar: With this specialized search engine from Google, you’ll only get reliable, academic results for your searches.WorldCat: If you need a book from the library, try out this tool. Reference Need to look up a quote or a fact? Niche Writers

Dave's Mapper | RPG Map Generator Creative Uses of Magic in Your Fantasy Story Creative Uses of Magic in Your Fantasy Story by Philip Martin Return to Speculative Fiction · Print/Mobile-Friendly Version How can you create an interesting form of magic for your fantasy story? Will magic, in your fiction, be like a tool? Or will you have several forms, as Tolkien did in The Lord of the Rings, where the dark forces use magic like a bulldozer to gain power, while the elves have a wonderful nature that is magic simply because everything they do is "more effortless, more quick, more complete" than the abilities of those around them? In fantasy fiction, magic is the central nervous system. Magic doesn't need to be plausible, but it has to work well. 1. Magic needs to work according to firm rules. Everything should be set in place long in advance. 2. For dramatic impact, as important as the powers of magic are its limitations. In the Harry Potter books, Harry's nemesis, Lord Voldemort, has great powers, but even so, those powers are limited. 3. 4. This should be obvious.

Short Stories: Developing Ideas for Short Fiction How to write a novel: 25 rules 1. Never be in awe of your own style. 2. Writer's block = writer's indecision. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
