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15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher

15 Characteristics of a 21st-Century Teacher
Recent technological advances have affected many areas of our lives: the way we communicate, collaborate, learn, and, of course, teach. Along with that, those advances necessitated an expansion of our vocabulary, producing definitions such as digital natives, digital immigrants, and, the topic of this post -- "21st-century teacher." As I am writing this post, I am trying to recall if I ever had heard phrases such as "20th-century teacher" or "19th-century teacher." Quick Google search reassures me that there is no such word combination. Obviously, teaching in the 21-century is an altogether different phenomenon; never before could learning be happening the way it is now -- everywhere, all the time, on any possible topic, supporting any possible learning style or preference. Below are 15 characteristics of a 21st-century teacher: 1. As students have access to any information possible, there certainly is no need to "spoon-feed" the knowledge or teach "one-size fits all" content. 2. 3. 4. Related:  Professional Development

The skills needed in the 21st century - New Vision for Education To thrive in today’s innovation-driven economy, workers need a different mix of skills than in the past. In addition to foundational skills like literacy and numeracy, they need competencies like collaboration, creativity and problem-solving, and character qualities like persistence, curiosity and initiative. Changes in the labour market have heightened the need for all individuals, and not just a few, to have these skills. To uncover the skills that meet the needs of a 21st-century marketplace, we conducted a meta-analysis of research about 21st-century skills in primary and secondary education. While all 16 of these skills are important, we have observed little consistency in their definition and measurement.

Everyone’s a Teacher, Everyone’s a Learner Jump In Jump Out - Energisers - playmeo This exercise is almost impossible not to stuff-up - which is the whole point. I promise you, Jump In Jump Out WILL cause your group to laugh out loud. Ask your group to form a circle, holding hands facing the centre, you included. You then explain that you want the group to ..." The aim is for each person (the group) to repeat exactly what you say, at the same time they are copying what you have asked them to “do.” After 20-30 seconds of this first 'introductory' level, re-form the circle, and announce that you now want to move to the next (more interesting) level. This time announce "SAY THE OPPOSITE of what I say, and DO what I say." OK, give it a go. But wait, there's more... try one of the fun variations below.

Les 10 compétences d’un enseignant moderne On parle souvent des compétences des élèves, un sujet de plus en plus dans l’ère du temps. Dans ce cas pourquoi ne pas s’intéresser aussi aux compétences des enseignants ? A l’ère de la pédagogie différenciée et de l’utilisation des TICE en classe, quelles devraient être les compétences indispensables à un enseignant moderne pour mener à bien sa mission. A travers une infographie, le site Edudemic tente d’apporter une réponse. Sketchnote de Marie-Andrée Ouimet 1. Les enseignants sont parfaitement capables de mener des existences solitaires en dehors des heures de classe, avaler leur déjeuner devant la photocopieuse et passer tout leur temps libre, si ils ont la chance d’en avoir, installés à leurs bureaux. 2. Vous ne devez pas seulement vous inscrire dans un processus de classe inversée ou faire usage des terminaux numériques en cours, mais vous devez comprendre comment fonctionne la technologie et quels sont ses apports pour l’apprentissage. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Commentaires

Some ideas on how to become a more effective teacher Published 4 September 2017 Luiz Rose shares some online tool ideas to help teachers take ownership of their professional development and encourage more effective teaching. Teachers have an immense impact on student’s learning. The more effective the teacher, the more students learn and feel engaged and motivated. If you want to become a more effective teacher you should seek for knowledge that will help you show your students how they can learn better, improve your classroom management skills and help you plan lessons more effectively. You can achieve that by either taking a professional development course or learning yourself or both. The first step is to determine each stage you are for each category. Once you have determined your present stage on the framework it is time to determine where you want to get to. In order to help you develop further, Cambridge gives you several recommendations. Another alternative is to take one or more of our online courses.

What Education Technology Could Look Like Over the Next Five Years In a fast-moving field like education technology, it’s worth taking a moment to take stock of new developments, persistent trends and the challenges to effective tech implementation in real classrooms. The NMC Horizon 2015 K-12 report offers a snapshot of where ed tech stands now and where it is likely to go in the next five years, according to 56 education and technology experts from 22 countries. Deeper Learning: The expert panel identified several long-term trends that will greatly influence the adoption of technology in classrooms over the next five years and beyond. They see worldwide educators focusing on “deeper learning” outcomes that try to connect what happens in the classroom to experts and experiences beyond school as an important trend. Teachers at the cutting edge of this work are asking students to use technology to access and synthesize information in the service of finding solutions to multifaceted, complex problems they might encounter in the real world.

8 compétences indispensables aux élèves dans le futur Traditionnellement, l’éducation a toujours mis l’accent sur 3 compétences de base : la lecture, l’écriture et l’arithmétique. Cependant avec les profondes mutations que connait notre monde, grâce notamment à la prolifération des innovations technologiques, les enseignants doivent se poser la question de savoir si les compétences qu’ils transmettent à leurs élèves, leur garantissent toutes les chances pour réussir à l’école, dans leur futur travail et dans la vie en général. Quelles sont donc les compétences transversales les plus indispensables aux élèves pour assurer leur réussite ? Il est aujourd’hui légitime de se poser la question et de réfléchir sur le plan transversal plutôt qu’uniquement académique. Et bien qu’il puisse exister de nombreuses propositions, généralement, on identifie 8 compétences comme étant nécessaires pour réussir au 21e siècle. Il est donc utile pour l’école d’aujourd’hui de comprendre ces compétences et de savoir comment les enseigner. Leadership Communication

The Importance of Critical Reflection Tamara Jones is an ESL Instructor at Howard Community College, Columbia, Maryland Last week, I taught a class that was a bit of a train wreck. This semester, every Monday and Wednesday morning, I teach an ESL class of Pre-beginners. I have 14 wonderful students who speak very limited English. They come from all over the world – Iran, China, Syria, El Salvador, Guatemala, Korea and Venezuela – and range in age from 17 to 76. They are truly the most lovely group of students a teacher could ever hope for, and I really enjoy being in the classroom with them. However, teaching this very (very, very) beginning level is somewhat of a new challenge for me. The Worst Wednesday Morning Ever Well, last Wednesday was one gigantic hiccup. I rushed though the instructions and didn’t scaffold the sentence stems the way I should have. There was still 15 minutes left of class time, so I tried to finish the class by showing a video and having the students complete a poorly copied worksheet.

Print web pages, create PDFs In a fast-moving field like education technology, it’s worth taking a moment to take stock of new developments, persistent trends and the challenges to effective tech implementation in real classrooms. The NMC Horizon 2015 K-12 report offers a snapshot of where ed tech stands now and where it is likely to go in the next five years, according to 56 education and technology experts from 22 countries. Deeper Learning: The expert panel identified several long-term trends that will greatly influence the adoption of technology in classrooms over the next five years and beyond. They see worldwide educators focusing on “deeper learning” outcomes that try to connect what happens in the classroom to experts and experiences beyond school as an important trend. Teachers at the cutting edge of this work are asking students to use technology to access and synthesize information in the service of finding solutions to multifaceted, complex problems they might encounter in the real world.

Pour une éducation globale Le 19 septembre, Libération s’associe à la Maison de la danse de Lyon pour «La culture aux citoyens», une journée de débat à l’Université Catholique de Lyon. Andreas Schleicher participera au débat «Une culture qui libère ?». Inscrivez-vous ici. Avant la révolution industrielle, la plupart des gens n’accordaient que peu d’importance à l’éducation et à la technologie. À l’heure de la révolution numérique, la technologie prend une nouvelle fois le pas sur l’éducation, et ceux qui n’acquièrent pas les compétences adéquates sont laissés sur le bord du chemin. Changer notre approche de l'éducation Aujourd’hui, l’apprentissage à l’école est un processus individuel, que vient couronner chaque fin d’année scolaire la reconnaissance de la réussite personnelle de chaque élève. A lire aussiDominique Hervieu : «L’école a trop privilégié la théorie» Andreas Schleicher directeur du département Education de l'OCDE

List of Non-Native Online English Teaching Companies - Good Air Language Last updated on April 2nd, 2018 The List of Non-Native Online English Teaching Companies This is a list of ESL jobs for non native English teachers. If you are a non native English speaker who wants to teach English, get qualified and try one of these companies. Liulishuo is an audio only English teaching platform, they have an app as well. Hoponchat is based in San Francisco and their platform looks interesting. Face Talk is a Chinese English teaching app. Tutoring wants teachers with a university degree (or enrolled) with 2 years of teaching experience. Nicekid teaches Chinese children and teenagers from kindergarten to grade 12 via video class. KK Talkee is another Chinese company that teaches Chinese children. Waijiaoyi is looking for native and non-native English speaking teachers to teach groups of 8-30 students of 5-16 year olds. EtalkABC is a brand new company and they don’t have their website up and running yet. First Future hires both native and non-native English speakers.
