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Kit básico para utilizar las TIC en el aula

Kit básico para utilizar las TIC en el aula
¿Por dónde empezar? ¿Qué herramientas son imprescindibles en el aula? ¿Qué debo saber sobre TIC para trabajar en mis clases? De tantas aplicaciones como hay ¿cuáles son más eficaces para enseñar? Imagen tomada de ogal con licencia CC. Una de las características del mundo digital, de la Web 2.0, de la red, de la blogosfera... es la rapidez con la que evolucionan. Por ello, y parafraseando el título de Boris Mir en una muy buena entrada "Empezar, kit de supervivencia en la Escuela 2.0" de su blog La mirada pedagógica, nos parece interesante marcar (con toda humildad) un itinerario con el que los que comienzan este camino puedan sentirse cómodos y seguros. Nos atreveríamos a decir que el primer paso es tener una actitud positiva. El segundo paso es tener claro qué queremos hacer en la red, para qué queremos utilizar las TIC en el aula. El tercer paso es escoger la herramienta o la aplicación adecuada. El cuarto paso es crear tu propio entorno personal de aprendizaje (PLE). Valoración media

ButlleTIC " Arxiu " Informe Horizon 2010: edició K12 (primària i secundària) Tancament del servidor Phobos El servidor arribarà a la fi del seu període d'operació el dia 23 de desembre de 2013. El Departament d'Ensenyament ofereix als centres docents i als professionals de l'àmbit educatiu diverses alternatives de gestió i publicació de recursos digitals en línia. Tot seguit enumerem alguns d'aquests serveis, que es poden utilitzar com alternativa als usos més habituals de Phobos: Àgora ( posa a la disposició dels centres un entorn virtual d'aprenentatge Moodle complet, així com una intranet i un gestor de continguts basat en Zikula. XTECBlocs ( ofereix als centres i als professionals amb identificador XTEC la possibilitat de crear blogs basats en WordPress. Es convida els usuaris/àries a traslladar els seus serveis actuals de a la solució que millor s'avingui amb les necessitats del seu centre. NOVETAT!!!

POIETICS EdTechSandyK: How to Decode a Tweet | Squeezing... Why coming to PLE Conference? ← Linda Castañeda Every time we meet for organizing the next PLE Conference, there are some –typical I guess- worries in the air: We are not a “serious conference”, yes we have papers (published in our proceedings), and we published some of them in relevant journals, but we are little, we have not “proper” sessions of presenting, we normally publish every single part of the conference online, so Why people would like to spent its time and money on coming to the conference? Because the main idea of the PLE Conference, is being a REAL opportunity for learning together. The majority of us –academics… ish- are tired of being in big conferences were the only important thing is being on it, having a paper, listening to the keynote and getting the certificate. I’m one of them, please do not misunderstand me, I love to be on conferences :-), I normally like to be there, to have the opportunity of showing my work, listening to other experiences and listening to great speakers speaking about relevant topics.

19 Twitter Videos to Help Teachers and Students Connect via Looking to engage global learners? Want to improve your personal and professional development? Thanks to the power of Youtube playlists, the 19 Twitter videos embedded at the bottom of this post help teachers engage students, while building powerful Personal Learning Networks. Twitter in the classroom inspires even the most reluctant learners to interact, and Twitter hashtags can create amazing ongoing conversations both in and out of the classroom. Like any social network, Twitter can be daunting for beginners, especially students. For a quick look at all 19 videos, click the playlist tab in the upper left corner of the Youtube video below. Share the Twitter videos with friends, colleagues and students and help build a community of digital learners. What you learn about Twitter: Teachers and students are global learners. Are you using Twitter to connect to teachers and learners around the world? The following two tabs change content below. Related November 7, 2014

PLE Conference 2015 Call for Papers | PLE Conference Portal PLE 2015 – the 6th International Conference on Personal Learning Environments – will take place in Galway, Ireland, from July 15th to 17th. The PLE Conference intends to create an engaging, conversational, and innovative meeting space for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas, experiences, and research around PLE related themes. The conference invites contributions in the format of “extended abstracts” or “alternative session proposals”. However, authors of both types of contributions will be asked to communicate their research and ideas within session formats that look to avoid the traditional 15 min presentation. Conference topics Topics include (but are not limited to)… PLE theoretical and reflective frameworksPLE as a key competencePLE in formal learning contextsPLE and Challenging learning contexts:PLE and AnalyticsSocial Learning as the core of PLEFuture Challenges in the PLE context Invited types of contribution Guidelines for the submission of Extended Abstracts Journals

How to Connect With Other Teachers in the Social Age In the 2012 Primary Sources Survey conducted by Scholastic and The Gates Foundation, teacher respondents claimed to spend only about 4% of each day collaborating with colleagues, while 44% of teachers surveyed responded that they would like that collaboration time to increase. Traditionally, the teaching profession has been an isolating one—if you’re not spending every minute at school teaching classes, tutoring during your breaks, or covering someone else’s class, then you’re likely spending that time disciplining, administrating testing, or scrambling to the microwave to reheat leftovers during your 15-minute lunch break. In addition, as state and district mandates swing from one end of the pendulum to the other, teachers are so completely overwhelmed with trying to follow all of the rules that they are left with no time to develop themselves and their practices. Feeling isolated and crunched for time used to mean that teachers weren’t able to collaborate. In Short
