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Faire des captures d'écrans

Faire des captures d'écrans

Voir sous d'autres navigateurs ColorZilla AddThis Greasemonkey Why IE9 is a Web Designer’s Nightmare Web professionals have been getting pretty excited lately, and it’s no surprise why. The latest spawn of Microsoft’s browser, Internet Explorer 9, has just been released. Many people have been talking about the changes and whether the latest version is a solid step forward, or if it’s too little, too late. In a previous article, Jacob Gube (this site’s founder) had a more positive view of IE9. My Rocky Relationship with IE9 After waking up one morning and checking out my Twitter feed, I spotted a tweet that got me pretty excited: The first release candidate for IE9 had launched! Now, among web designers, I am probably one of the most skeptical of IE — we’ll skip the IE6 jokes for now — but this time around, I had a great beta experience and saw so much good work. I quickly downloaded it and began the installation process. So far, things were turning out better than I’d hoped. If my webcam had been turned on, this is the expression you would have seen. Internet Explorer Is Improving

Mozilla cracks down on slow starting Firefox add-ons Firefox's expandability through add-ons is often cited as a key feature of the browser, but it is also known to be a source of sluggish performance and slow startup times, particularly when running several add-ons simultaneously. Things have notably improved with the release of Firefox 4, but there's still work to be done, and as such Mozilla is starting an initiative to get add-on makers to optimize their programs. According to Mozilla's Justin Scott, Product Manager for Add-Ons, the average Firefox extension increases startup time by about 10%. The actual impact in seconds will depend on the hardware and software a user is running, but the company estimates that installing 10 add-ons will double the amount of time it takes the browser to launch. To that end the company will begin running automated performance tests on the top 100 add-ons and post the results here on a weekly basis.

Ca ressemble en effet au couteau suisse que je cherche, sauf que malheureusement la bestiole n'est pas compatible mac... Il va falloir donc que je continue à bricoler ms capture écran sous 'toshop, non? by bil Sep 3

Cet add-on permet de faire des captures d’écran et de joindre des notes. Il est utile pour les webdesigner souhaitant mettre en avant les caratéristiques principales de site web à des clients. by hayat Jun 10
