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Related:  Beauté, vêtements, grossophobie, body shamingworksheets, games and toolsRéseaux sociauxAdolescent wellbeingComprendre internet et le web

Le marketing du vagin: quand le marché de la beauté s’attaque à l’intime Une publicité de 1968 pour un déodorant intime se demandait si les femmes pouvaient se contenter du seul déodorant pour aisselles. La réponse ne laissait flotter aucune ambiguïté: «Non, une femme honnête ne peut le nier: ce n'est pas sous ses bras que se trouve son plus grave problème.» 44 ans après, cette publicité peut sembler désuète et profondément sexiste. Pourtant, en 2012, jamais le culte de la perfection de la sphère intime n’a atteint un tel degré d’exigence et de sophistication. Plus blancs, plus fermes, plus rosés, plus jeunes, plus parfumés: les sexes féminins sont désormais soumis aux mêmes injonctions que les autres parties du corps plus visibles. Le marché juteux de l’apparence Chris Ventiane, Aude Vincent et Sophie Pietrucci analysent dans Contre les publicités sexistes l’ampleur du marché de la Beauté: «Autrefois une caractéristique de figures lointaines quasi-sacrées (les déesses, la Vierge, les nobles dames), c’est devenu une préoccupation de toutes les populations. 1.

Kinetic Sand Recipe By Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D. Updated October 30, 2016. Kinetic sand is a sand that sticks to itself, so you can form clumps and mold it with your hands. It's also easy to clean up because it sticks to itself. Kinetic sand is an example of a dilatant or non-Newtonian fluid that increases its viscosity under stress. You may be familiar with another non-Newtonian fluid, oobleck. You can buy kinetic sand in stores or online, but it's a simple and fun science project to make this educational toy yourself. Kinetic Sand Materials fine play sand (buy at Amazon)dimethicone [polydimethylsiloxane), CH3[Si(CH3)2O]nSi(CH3)3] (buy at Amazon) Use the finest sand that you can find. continue reading below our video You can experiment with colored sand, but be aware the dyes may not work for the project. Kinetic sand that you buy in the store consists of 98% sand and 2% polydimethylsiloxane (a polymer). Make Kinetic Sand You need to start with dry sand. Homemade Kinetic Sand Using Corn Starch

C’est quoi un "mème"? - Le numérique en questions Extrêmement populaire sur les réseaux sociaux comme Facebook, 9GAG ou Reddit, le mème est un véritable phénomène sur le Web. Difficile de ne pas les remarquer en déroulant son fil d’actualité sur les réseaux sociaux! Un peu comme les caricatures, le mème est une forme de communication humoristique qui capte facilement l’attention et exprime une idée en un coup d’œil. Les mèmes ont plusieurs formes: ils sont généralement constitués d’images (fixes ou animées) et de textes qui font référence à la culture populaire et à l’actualité. Dans cet article, nous parlerons uniquement de la forme la plus populaire du mème, c’est-à-dire celle avec une ou deux phrases et une image. Les mèmes font appel à toutes sortes d’humour, que ce soit de l’humour vulgaire, absurde, politique ou très léger. D’où vient le nom «mème»? À la base, le mot «mème» a un sens beaucoup plus large. Avec les mèmes Internet, la transmission se fait par la communication entre les gens. L’anatomie du mème Les déclinaisons

Newspaper article: child mental health Only 6% of spend on mental health services is directed towards children and adolescents despite strong evidence that 50% of lifetime mental illnesses, excluding dementia, start by the age of 14. There has been a growing public and political awareness of the difficulties children, young people and their families have in accessing the right services, and support to help them to get better. This is after the cross-party health select committee found in November that the mental health system for children and young people (Camhs) was beset by serious, deeply ingrained problems. Unacceptable variations in quality of services, access and waiting times were seen across the country and valuable early help services were found to be dependent on unstable and reducing funding streams. The taskforce’s final report took a “whole system, whole journey, whole life course” approach. Work has begun in earnest on turning the plans drawn up by the taskforce into a reality.

Monopole des Gafa : le rapport explosif du Congrès américain We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, select basic ads, select personalised ads, measure ad performance, develop and improve products, create a personalised ads profile, create a personalised content profile, select personalised content, measure content performance, apply market research to generate audience insights, select basic ads, create a personalised ads profile, select personalised ads, create a personalised content profile, select personalised content, measure ad performance, measure content performance, apply market research to generate audience insights, develop and improve products. These technologies may process personal data such as IP address and browsing data for ensure security, prevent fraud, and debug, technically deliver ads or content. They may match and combine offline data sources, link different devices, receive and use automatically-sent device characteristics for identification. Contrôlez vos données Contrôlez vos données

Please Stop Telling Me To Love My Curves, Because Body Acceptance Is A Journey, Not An On-Off Switch Earlier this week Demi Lovato posted a super body-positive Instagram selfie captioned, "Learn to lurrrrrvveee yerrrrr currrrrvveees." Lovato has become a body positivity champion in recent years; photos like this one, along with many #NoMakeup photos and images of fitness inspo geared towards encouraging us to love our bodies and ourselves, frequently pop up on her Instagram feed. And neither is the pop star the only celebrity preaching body positivity: Selena Gomez's recent swimsuit photo, Kylie Jenner's weight-gain caption on Instagram, Lena Dunham's refusal to dwell on her size, and Kim Kardashian telling British Cosmopolitan that she loves her cellulite are all examples of body positivity from people in an industry where there is an emphasis on looks, people who have refused to succumb to all the pressures and standards imposed on them, and people who have reclaimed their bodies as their own. My body struggles began, unsurprisingly, around puberty. Images: Mehak Anwar (5)

5 Powerful Cyberbullying Videos For Discussing With Kids Talking about cyberbullying with kids is something parents and teachers will all do at some point. It’s a sad fact of digital life. This is true if your own kids or students are experiencing it or not. The fact is it’s happening, and something must be done. It’s easy to say when the terror and degradation isn’t real for us personally. Breaching the subject of cyberbullying doesn’t have to be hard. No matter what, it’s important that students learn they have a choice. Download the FREE digital citizenship agreements for your classroom Discussing cyberbullying is a real critical thinking opportunity. What do you know about cyberbullying that you didn’t before? Teens React to Bullying (Amanda Todd) The story of Amanda Todd is infamous and beyond tragic. Let’s Fight It Together This is an older one (2008) and very well done. The Cyberbullying Virus This is a good one for introducing the whole concept. The Line If you’re a fan of beat-style poetry, this one is a winner. Stand Up to Cyberbullying

Le dessous des cartes - Géopolitique des réseaux sociaux - Regarder l’émission complète L'ingérence des Gafam dans la dernière campagne électorale a marqué un tournant dans l’histoire des réseaux sociaux, soulignant en quoi ces derniers jouaient désormais un rôle politique. Ce numéro du "Dessous des cartes" analyse les usages et les règlementations des réseaux sociaux en Chine, aux États-Unis et en Europe. Évincé des grands réseaux sociaux depuis l'assaut meurtrier du Capitole en janvier 2021 - au cours duquel certains ont cru voir la démocratie américaine vaciller -, l'ancien président américain Donald Trump a porté plainte contre Facebook, Twitter et Google. Cette ingérence des géants américains du numérique dans une campagne électorale a marqué un tournant dans l'histoire des réseaux sociaux, rappelant en quoi ces derniers jouaient désormais, de fait, un rôle politique.

Opinion: why ignoring mental wellbeing may be detrimental to public health Mental health is a subject that’s long overdue for public health attention. The UK’s chief medical officer, Professor Sally Davies, has given the topic urgency by calling for mental health to be given the same level of esteem as other urgent public health priorities such as obesity. Writing in The Lancet medical journal recently, Professor Davies drew on her most recent annual report to call for better mental health training for all doctors and greater integration of mental and physical health services. One reason for this is that it recognises the vital links between mental and physical health, and the limitations of trying to address one without the other. However on other aspects of this topic, Davies has also come to some surprising conclusions, using arguments that do not stand up to scrutiny and are likely to be detrimental to public mental health. Mental wellbeing concerns the positive end of mental health rather than just the absence of mental illness.

Visualizing the Length of the Fine Print, for 14 Popular Apps Decoding Google’s AI Ambitions (and Anxiety) Anyone who’s experimented with ChatGPT can get a sense of the potential of generative AI—even in the technology’s earliest stages. The hype around AI was rising throughout 2022, and has reached a fever pitch today. We’ve seen hype cycles swell around specific technologies before. Blockchain, Metaverse, NFTs, the list goes on. Google—which internally reoriented itself around AI years ago—is at the forefront of this movement, so the recent letter published by Google CEO Sundar Pichai is consequential. After all, billions of people use Google Search to learn about the world, and Alphabet is one of the world’s most valuable, powerful tech companies. OpenAI Has Entered The Chat Artificial intelligence has been chalking up a number of wins in recent months, but it was DALL-E Mini and ChatGPT that really allowed generative AI to burst into the public consciousness. This sets the stage for what we’re seeing today. The AI Race is Heating Up

La France adopte une loi sur la maigreur excessive des mannequins et impose la mention "photo retouchée" SANTÉ - Les députés français ont adopté jeudi 17 décembre une loi visant à lutter contre la maigreur excessive des mannequins, en rendant obligatoire un certificat médical et la mention "photo retouchée" le cas échéant. Le texte adopté stipule que l'activité considérée est conditionnée à la délivrance d'un certificat médical, qui devra attester que "l'état de santé du mannequin, évalué notamment au regard de son indice de masse corporelle, est compatible avec l'exercice de son métier". Toute infraction à cet article est passible de six mois d'emprisonnement et de 75.000 d'euros d’amende. Dans une précédente version, le texte évoquait une mesure soumettant l'activité de mannequin à un indice de masse corporelle (IMC) minimal pour lutter contre la maigreur excessive. Cette proposition n'a pas été retenue pour redonner sa place au médecin du travail et élargir l'examen à d'autres paramètres (morphologie, sexe, âge, histoire alimentaire, recherche d’absence de menstruation...). Contactez-nous

Toolkit Home Welcome to the Contextual Safeguarding Implementation Toolkit. This toolkit tracks and publishes the developments in Hackney’s Contextual Safeguarding system since 2017. The toolkit shares emerging learning, resources and tips with areas that are developing their own Contextual Safeguarding systems. Over time, this Contextual Safeguarding Implementation Toolkit will provide professionals with a roadmap for embedding Contextual Safeguarding in: Referrals and screening Assessment processes Planning and review Support, help and intervention Monitoring and evaluation Policy, strategic engagement, training and commissioning As we work with areas around the country different versions of the toolkit will be developed and created which document how a range of localities (with different demographics, geographies, partnership and operating models) have adopted a Contextual Safeguarding approach.

Face aux polémiques, Facebook suspend un projet d'Instagram pour les enfants - - Sciences-Tech. L'entreprise Facebook a annoncé lundi qu'elle allait "mettre sur pause" son travail sur une version d'Instagram destinée aux moins de 13 ans. Elle entend ainsi apaiser les critiques émises au sujet de l'impact sur la santé mentale des enfants. L'idée de l'entreprise dirigée par Mark Zuckerberg est de construire une version d'Instagram pour les 10-12 ans, différente de celle destinée aux plus âgés, sans publicités et avec des contenus appropriés. Cette version demandait également l'autorisation des parents. En mai dernier, les procureurs généraux de 44 Etats avaient adressé une lettre au fondateur du groupe californien évoquant les recherches montrant une corrélation entre l'utilisation des réseaux sociaux et la "hausse de la détresse psychologique et des comportements suicidaires au sein de la jeunesse". Troubles psychologiques graves "Project Amplify" >> La réaction de Tiziana Belluci, directrice d'Action Innocence, dans le journal de 12h30: Les jeunes mentent sur leur âge

Research: what makes children happy? Children in European countries tend to report higher levels of satisfaction with their friendships while children in African countries tend to be happier with their school lives. These are just some of the findings of the Children’s Worlds study into child well-being, based on interviews with more than 50,000 children aged eight, ten and 12, in 15 countries. The study asked children in representative samples of schools in Algeria, Colombia, Estonia, Ethiopia, Germany, Israel, Nepal, Norway, Poland, Romania, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Turkey and England about key aspects of their lives. Most of the children rated their satisfaction with life as a whole (on a scale from zero to ten) positively, but the percentage of children with very high well-being (ten out of ten) varied from around 78% in Turkey and 77% in Romania and Colombia to around 40% in South Korea. Appearance and self-confidence It also found that children in England scored comparatively low on subjective well-being.

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