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Microwave Potato Chips — Really!

Microwave Potato Chips — Really!
I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kind of gal. I tend to have a sunny demeanor. I try to accentuate the positive even in the most grave of situations. And I’m optimistic that one can do anything one sets one’s mind to — or at the very least get darn close to it. But when I stumbled upon a recipe early last year in Eating Well magazine for making potato chips in the microwave, I balked. I was wrong. As part of the Reheat Anything Generation, I knew full well from experience that foods heated or cooked in the microwave most often turned out soft and limp, not crunchy. So how could thinly sliced potatoes end up crackling crisp? They not only do, but they also possess a purity of flavor — of real, fresh potatoes. Plus, there’s no heating up a vat of oil or turning on a hot oven to make these. The recipe calls for cutting up the potatoes into 1/8-inch slices. Toss with olive oil, and salt. I’m still a glass-half-full gal. Microwave Potato Chips (makes 4 servings, 12-14 chips each)

*Simply Scratch*: Parmesan Garlic Bread: - StumbleUpon Last week was a busy week filled with a field trip to the zoo sandwiched by 3 twelve hour shifts. By Friday I was extremely happy for the weekend to arrive. Although Pat worked late, we still barbecued dinner and relaxed with a few adult beverages after tucking in our girls. Tonight he made a special request… for garlic bread. Here are the ingredients you will need. Start by pressing the three cloves of garlic into a medium bowl. Mince up a shallot so it measures one tablespoon. Add the shallot to the garlic in the medium bowl. Next, mince up the fresh parsley and measure out a tablespoon. Add that to the bowl along with the salt and pepper. Now add the *gasp* two sticks of butter and the two tablespoons {give or take} of freshly grated Parmesan cheese. Mix until combined. And set aside, just for now. Grab your loaf of Italian bread. Using a bread knife, slice lengthwise in half and place on a sheet pan. Remove and slice immediately. Ingredients: 1 loaf of Italian Bread 1 tablespoon Shallots, minced

nugget de brocoli Le brocoli un légume sain souvent difficile à faire avaler aux enfants, comme bientôt j’aurai sans doute le problème, je commence à réfléchir à la bonne façon de faire des recettes ludiques avec plein de choses saines dedans. :) Voilà comment m’est venu l’idée des nuggets de brocoli. Cette recettes est sans gluten, à la fin je trempe les nuggets dans du gomasio, mais pour ceux qui n’ont pas de problème avec le gluten j’ai aussi testé avec du son d’avoine et ce n’est pas mal du tout. Donc au choix pour le final gomasio ou son d’avoine. Recette de nugget de brocoli Recette sans glutenRecette sans laitRecette bio Ingrédients 500 g de pommes de terre1 tête de brocoli300 g de maïs doux en boite1 gousse d’ailsel /poivrefarine de pois chiche2 œufsgomasio huile d’olive Épluchez les pommes de terre, rincez-les et coupez-les en cube. Le conseil de Karen Bon appétit et à très bientôt sur, le blog cuisine bio !

Boiled Peanuts Crockpot Recipe #28397 from CDKitchen ingredients 1 1/2 quart green uncooked peanuts1/2 cup salt2 1/2 quarts water directions Wash peanuts until water runs clear. Put clean peanuts in crockery pot, add salt and water; stir. Cook, covered, on high for 5 to 7 hours. nutrition 276 calories, 24 grams fat, 8 grams carbohydrates, 13 grams protein per 1/2 cup. ratings & reviews Nov 14, 2013 Rebekkah Tastes just like the peanuts I used to buy from a street vendor. Aug 13, 2007 Guest Foodie Yeah, you can only be so hard on a recipe like this. Mar 29, 2006 georgiapeach6684 easy to follow and understand...what was left out was common sense so it didn't need to be put in there!! Feb 19, 2006 wildducktoo charlieb54 has never been through Georga because boiled peanuts are sold everwhere in the country.

Crispy Parmesan Asparagus Sticks Who would have ever thought I would get excited about seeing something green on sale in the grocery store? Not me. But that’s what happened when I walked by these super thin asparagus spears. How often do I find thin asparagus that doesn’t look half dead and is on sale? Rarely. And I sort of like asparagus. The whole upchucking thing usually doesn’t happen until the third of fourth spear. But I figured I could possibly prevent that mess if I coated these in something crispy and cheesy. These were so incredibly easy to make and tasted delicious – kind of like little asparagus “fries.” I also think that these will taste even better with thicker asparagus spears. [print_this] Crispy Parmesan Asparagus Sticks 1 bunch of asparagus (mine had about 30 spears) 2 egg whites 1/4 cup flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour) 1 cup seasoned panko breadcrumbs 1/4 cup parmesan cheese salt and pepper Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Snap off the tough ends of each asparagus spear. [/print_this] Okay.

Chex Party Mix Crockpot Recipe #109868 from CDKitchen recipe at a glance 3 stars 2 reviews time: 2-5 hrsserves/makes: 10recipe id: 109868cook method: crock pot ingredients 1 cup mixed nuts1 cup pretzels1 cup garlic-flavor bite-size bagel chips or regular-size bagel chips, broken into 1-inch pieces3 cups corn Chex cereal3 cups rice Chex cereal3 cups Wheat Chex cereal6 tablespoons margarine or butter2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce3/4 teaspoon garlic powder1 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt1/2 teaspoon onion powder directions Put all the cereal and snack ingredients into your crock pot, then drizzle the butter mixture over the top and toss until well-mixed. Cover and cook on low 3-4 hours. nutrition 411 calories, 19 grams fat, 54 grams carbohydrates, 29 grams protein per serving. ratings & reviews Dec 21, 2013 Michelle Mine ended up burnt on bottom, after 3 hours! CDKitchen Note: If your crock pot burns on low after only three hours, that's not a good thing. Jul 21, 2013 Chels I've made the oven version of this snack mix many times.

Avocado Fries Oh dear. I never should have done this. This may be one of my biggest mistakes all year. Can’t take it back now. So we’re totally enjoying our grilled avocados, but my husband innocently asks “What else can you do with avocados?” And so my daughter tweets this recipe, and I'm laying all the blame on them. Sigh…. At a buck fifty a pop (at least around here), avocados can easily run up quite a tab on the grocery bill. So, consider yourself warned. Avocado Fries Printable RecipeRecipe Adapted from Sunset Magazine Canola oil for frying1/4 cup flour1 tsp kosher salt2 large eggs, beaten to blend 1 1/4 cups panko (Japanese bread crumbs) 2 firm-ripe medium avocados, pitted, peeled, and sliced into 1/2-in. wedges Grated parmesan for serving (optional) 1. 2. 3. 3.

Potatoes maison... - Le blog de Pause gourmande . Salam alaykoum... bonjour Cela fait un petit moment n'est ce pas?? Aujourd'hui je viens avec une petite invention personnel qui fut un pure délice, meilleur que ceux du commerce, ces potatoes maison accompagneront vos petits plat... Cela se prépare très très vite pour un résultat hummm... franchement désormais je les fais chez moi, ils sont meilleur, et mon petit adore secouer le sac plastique durant la préparation Recette: pour quatre personnes: 6 grosses pommes de terre, sel, poivre, paprika, herbes de provences, épices pour poulet (ou pour barbecue) Vous pouvez ajouter tout autre épices afin d'agrémenter encore plus vos pommes de terre 250 g de chapelure un peu d'huile de tournesol (ou d'olive selon goût) (un petit verre) De l'huile pour frire... Préparation: Laver vos pommes de terre sans leur enlever leur peaux!!! Mettre dans un bol, votre huile ainsi que toutes les épices. Bien mélanger... Couper vos pommes de terres en huit (si elles sont petites en quatre); Faites frire... Servrir de suite...
