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MakeAiml - An AIML file creation and auto-generation tool for artificial intelligence ECC-Eliza V4.09 - The Finest in AI RebeccaAIML ThoughtTreasure home page Neural Interfacing Resources - Brain-Computer Cudos to you Peter, here is an article about your recent work along with some great links to other subjects raised in this thread. Source: Georgia Institute Of Technology Date: 2003-07-09 Researchers Use Lab Cultures To Create Robotic 'Semi-living Artist' Working from their university labs in two different corners of the world, U.S. and Australian researchers have created what they call a new class of creative beings, "the semi-living artist" – a picture-drawing robot in Perth, Australia whose movements are controlled by the brain signals of cultured rat cells in Atlanta. Gripping three colored markers positioned above a white canvas, the robotic drawing arm operates based on the neural activity of a few thousand rat neurons placed in a special petri dish that keeps the cells alive. "We're attempting to create an entity that over time will evolve, learn, and express itself through art," said Potter, a professor in the Wallace H.
