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TV Adobe After Effects Create motion graphics and visual effects with the industry standard. To view this content, you need the latest version of the Flash Player. Adobe TV uses the Open Source Media Framework (OSMF) to deliver a superior video experience. Please upgrade your Flash Player to version 10.2 to benefit from this technology. Gain unprecedented creative control with new expressive features and visual performance improvements in Adobe Flash Player 10.2. Flash Player is a cross-platform browser plug-in that delivers breakthrough Web experiences to over 99% of Internet users. Featured Episode Adobe After Effects CC Overview Show: Creative Cloud for Video Principal Worldwide Evangelist, Video & Audio Tools Computer Scientist / Digital Artist / Manager - Adobe TV Productions Sr. Featured Created 12 months ago [x] Episodes Adobe After Effects CC Overview A Live 3D Pipeline in After Effects CC brings CINEMA 4D scenes in as layers — without intermediate rendering. What is After Effects CC? 3D printing

Virtual Sets, Virtual Studios and After Effects Templates for green screen video production 45+ Free Lessons In Graphic Design Theory Sep 15 2011 Considering how many designers are self-taught, either in whole or in part, the importance of a solid foundation in graphic design theory is often overlooked. New designers often want to jump right into creating websites, rather than learning the basics of why some designs work and some don’t. But they’re putting themselves at a disadvantage to designers who do have formal training or have taken the time to learn the principles behind good design. Below are more than 45 recent lessons in graphic design theory. Included are general theories, theories about user experience and usability, typographic theory, layout and grid theory, and color theory. General Design Theory The Lost Principles of Design Covers a number of basic graphic design principles, including balance, contrast, emphasis and subordination, directional forces, proportion, scale, repetition and rhythm, and unity, all with illustrations. Want to Know How to Design? Grid and Layout Theory Usability and User Experience

Make vector portraits from photos - Photoshop & Illustrator Tutorial In this tutorial, Eelco van den Berg lets you behind the curtain to see how he creates his incredible vector portraits by turning a photo into a ‘poppy’ vector illustration. You will learn quick and easy Photoshop adjustments that prepare artwork for translation into vector shapes. He shows you how to trace the basic shapes using the main tools in Illustrator, and how to use layers to organise the photos and your new vector artwork. You will discover how to create the feeling of light and shadow, build a simple brush to work with and use the Pen tool for more geometrical shapes. You’ll also discover the possibilities of the Pathfinder tool, and how to draw with the brush to create a looser feel. Step 1 In Photoshop, open photo.jpg from the Download Zone and select Duplicate Layer from the menu in the Layers panel.

Инновации для бизнеса. Модель развития России в XXI столетии. | Кендрик Уайт | В моей последней, еще предновогодней, публикации я на примере одного производителя косметики из Сибири, с которым мы сотрудничали, рассказывал о том, как правильный подход к планированию заимствований и привлечению капитала может помочь в существенном росте капитализации компании. Вкратце обобщим, как все было. Итак… Владелец компании полагал, что, взяв всего лишь банковскую ссуду в размере 5 млн долларов, сможет за пять лет увеличить стоимость своего актива до 200 млн долларов. Выяснилось, что расчеты неверны и ожидания неоправданны, поскольку недостаточно инвестиций в развитие и мало денежных потоков для формирования этих инвестиций. Если бы он принял за основу свой план, все поставленные задачи оказались бы невыполненными. Оценка ситуации четко показала, что при следовании нашим советам стоимость компании вырастет и владелец сможет обеспечить рост стоимости собственных акций фирмы до желаемых 200 млн долларов. Чтобы «рулить» компанией, надо уметь считать

Final Cut King Best of 2010: Illustrator Tutorials Vectips is a site dedicated to Illustrator tutorials, tips, tricks, and resources. It was created by Ryan Putnam of Rype Arts who is now an exclusive vector art contributor to iStockphoto. The site is now operated by his good friend Victor Jansen and his little dog Lou. Learn More We're currently looking for writers that can write articles on topics such as Adobe Illustrator, design and illustration techniques. If you would like to apply, please send us a brief email detailing your experience as well as links to your published material. Learn More Vectips is visited by over 200k beginner and advanced illustrators each month.

Desktop This software has been renamed to Gapminder World Offline Because of technical problems the software on this page is no longer being maintained! Please visit Gapminder World Offline (Beta) instead. Gapminder Desktop With Gapminder Desktop you can show animated statistics from your own laptop! Install With the Gapminder World you will be able to:Use the software without internet accessSave a list of your own favorite graphsUpdate automatically to the latest version Video: “How to use Gapminder Desktop” Installation instructions (Windows, Mac and Linux) 1. 2. If you are having trouble installing Gapminder Desktop using the button above you may try an alternative way.

WordPress Theme Frameworks & Blank WordPress Themes When building WordPress themes there is a lot of repetitive code that needs to be added to every project before you can get on with the task of creating the unique theme. It helps to have a set of files and css styles to use as a base, you can either create this yourself or you can use one of the many theme frameworks that other people have kindly created. These can range from the powerfull, feature-laden frameworks like Carrington or Thematic down to simple blank themes that you can customize to your liking. In this post I will be examining what options are open to modern WordPress theme creators. Theme Frameworks Thematic WordPress Framework Thematic is a free, open-source, highly extensible, search-engine optimized WordPress Theme Framework featuring 13 widget-ready areas, grid-based layout samples, styling for popular plugins, and a whole community behind it. Carrington Theme CMS Platform The Buffet Framework Hybrid Theme Framework Whiteboard Free Theme Framework Ashford CMS Theme Framework

3d Трекинг 3D tracking в программах SynthEyes и Boujou. Всем привет! В этом уроке (три части!) я расскажу о чуде 3д трекинга и о таких программах как SynthEyes и Boujou. Полу-обзорная статья и рассказ о технике трехмерного отслеживания. Первая часть Вторая часть Третья часть Design a graffiti-style screenprint artwork - Classic Photoshop & Illustrator Tutorial Screen-printing gives your designs fantastically rich colour and a quality of image that just isn’t possible with most other techniques – which partly explains why it’s become so hugely popular for designer prints in the past few years. However, creating a screen-printed design isn’t as simple as drawing something and then hitting Print. With screen-printing, your colour palette is limited by the number of inks you can use, which means you need a few tricks up your sleeve if you’re going to create the best images possible. Design studio Waste started making screen-prints with a home-made set-up in their garage, where they produced simple one-colour posters. In this tutorial you’ll learn how to colour up a four-colour design for screen-printing using Photoshop and Illustrator. Even if you’re not going to screen-print your designs, this shows you how to convincingly fake the look. Step 1 Open the file zombie.psd on your cover disc (or from the Zip file opposite) in Photoshop.

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