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:COLOURED PENCIL TUTORIAL: by *SilentDeath007 on deviantART {E}vermotion L'ABC DU DESSIN et de la PEINTURE Botanical Illustration I: Basic Drawing Techniques | Horticulture Section Next course: June 2016. Cost: $600. Enrollment limited to 20 students. To be notified of next course, fill out this form. Have you ... ... always wished that you could be more proficient at drawing? About the course This six-week online course for beginners (seven including the introductory week) teaches you how to use plants as the subject of art with easy approaches and many visual examples. A physical distance from other students allows you to express yourself creatively without comparing your work to those around you, fostering confidence and your own individual style, while still providing an opportunity to interact with others online through a discussion forum. Botanical Illustration I: Basic Drawing Techniques is designed for beginning artists of all ages and from all walks of life — from current students, to those who haven't taken a class in a very long time. Topics include: How to observe and approach subjects for drawing. Syllabus: View full syllabus [.pdf]

History - Hologram Holography Resources Holography was discovered in 1947 by Hungarian physicist Dennis Gabor (Hungarian name: Gábor Dénes) (1900–1979), work for which he received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1971. It was made possible by pioneering work in the field of physics by other scientists like Mieczysław Wolfke who resolved technical issues that previously made advancements impossible. The discovery was an unexpected result of research into improving electron microscopes at the British Thomson-Houston Company in Rugby, England, and the company filed a patent in December 1947. (patent GB685286). The first holograms that recorded 3D objects were made in 1962 by Yuri Denisyuk in the Soviet Union and by Emmett Leith and Juris Upatnieks at University of Michigan, USA.

cours de peinture en ligne gratuits sur Internet. Interpréter plutot que copier. Je suppose que, comme moi, lorsque vous regardez les cartes de souhait imprimées à partir de tableaux, vous trouvez cela joli et souvent très coloré. La couleur, c'est tellement beau ! En y regardant de plus près, on voit de la couleur partout. Pas une seule zone grise, complètement blanche ou noire. Voici quelques conseils pour vous aider à interpréter plutôt qu'à copier vos modèles : Pensez à la composition et au cadrage. Voici 3 photos qui m'ont servi de modèles et 3 toiles peintes à l'huile d'après ces mêmes photos. Vous pensez avoir fait une erreur ? René Milone. Forum Best of the Best:Away3d 4.0/Stage3D 2011 Show Reel Submissions , Sr. Member theMightyAtom - 13 September 2011 10:03 AMI’ve just updated all my demos for RC1. And would encourage others to do the same. Yep, pretty much every time I’ve been dreading updating and having to fix loads of stuff, and every time I’ve been astounded and relieved to find that after downloading the latest flashplayer, and the latest version of away3d, it has just compiled and worked straight off. I really like those curtains, I’d love to use them for a project I’m working on… Also, with the watch demo, are you using quaternion calculations to ensure that the the rotation works as you;d expect..

Art drawing lessons online - learn how to draw sketch paint How to Draw FORCE - DrawingForce Québec Geeksmas Shopping | Québec t'aime Nous voici enfin arrivé à notre moment préféré de l’année. La course folle dans les magasins pour trouver le cadeau parfait. Pas trop gros, pas trop cher, pas trop chiant à emballer (bonus si il « fit » dans un sac avec du papier de soie) et surtout, original. Certaines personnes sont faciles à combler. Une chandelle parfumée et un gâteau aux fruits et hop, l’affaire est dans le sac. Par contre, quand vient le temps d’acheter un cadeau à un geek, ouh là que c’est difficile. Heureusement pour vous, chums et blondes de geek de Québec, je vous ai déniché quatre idées cadeau qui sauront plaire à l’ensemble de vos partenaires difficiles à satisfaire. Ex-Illis est un jeu pas comme les autres. Luck est une bande dessinée de Michel Falardeau, un auteur/dessinateur de Québec. Attendu depuis longtemps, ce coffret dvd renferme sur six disques l’intégrale des deux saisons de la série en plus d’extras. « Les morceaux contenus dans beat.session vol.1 sont utilisables et libres de tout droits. Voilà!

Petit cours de dessin - Technique du Crayon de couleur Avant tout, il vous faut au minimum une dizaine de crayons. Pour vos premiers essais, choisissez des crayons classiques et bon marché. Evitez tout de même les crayons en plastique dont la mine est inutilisable. Par la suite, si cette technique vous plaît, vous pourrez acquérir des crayons de meilleure qualité mais aussi plus onéreux. Commencez par les tailler. Pour le papier, vous pouvez travailler aussi bien sur du papier totalement lisse que sur support épais et granuleux. Lorsque nous observons le feuillage d'un arbre, nous sommes tentés de dire que celui-ci est vert. Tout cela pour vous dire quelque soit le motif, vous utiliserez toujours de nombreuses couleurs que vous déposerez par petites touches. En théorie, aucune trace de crayonnage ne doit apparaître.

Beveling - TWC Wiki From TWC Wiki You can find an up to date version of this tutorial at There is information floating around, especially of recent, about never having hard edges (except in certain cases), and instead, bevel everything. The information here is not from my own investigations, but merely what I've heard, checked, and had confirmed. [edit] How Real-Time Rendering Works In order to understand beveling, you have to understand a bit of the 3D pipeline. However, we run into two interesting scenarios; the same vertex may have two (or more) UV coordinates (such as if it lays on a seam), or two (or more) normals (if it has hard normals, separate smoothing groups, etc), even though it is, in your modeling program, the same vertex. With this in mind, let's go back to what I said about vertices as all that matters. [edit] Should I Bevel Everything? Well, no. A vertex is broken or split when it has a hard normal, or new UV coordinate. [edit] What has how much? So, to recap:

How to draw a tree - tree drawing I would like to use one of my own drawing attempts to introduce two of the "tricks" I have learned from others. One of the very convincing tricks is to combine detailed depiction of important areas with unfinished or blank areas. The second one is to illustrate dimensions,proportion and space by the surrounding of the tree. 1.The tree trunk A trunk looks convincing when the viewer sees how the tree grows out of the earth. Also the play of shadows thrown by the foliage can add a lot to a drawing especially when it´s combined with marks that emphasize the three dimensional form of a stem. 2. 3.Proportion and space The other trees in the background right and behind the main trees are simply there to illustrate the general form and the proportions between stem and crown as well as the space that they fill.
